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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. I think all will agree that it's diabolical the way the UK treats it's expat pensioners. Many of us ex servicemen and are still paying UK tax, which they of course don't demand a signed and witnessed life certificate for because the festering thieves take it from source.
  2. Strange that. I'm a foreigner and have been living in the Pattaya area for over sixteen years and I'm very happy and don't feel in any danger at all. In fact, during my time here I've read of farang going missing all over Thailand. This guy bought a large house just recently which I can see from my place. Hope they find him safe and well, but I fear the worst.
  3. Not having a go at you, I'm sure you have no ambitions about your autobiography reaching the best sellers list, but your post just triggered a memory. A guy I once knew who worked in publishing told me that most of the manuscripts they receive are biographical and just get returned to sender without being read. They were only interested in novels (which they could usually assess after reading the first few pages), unless they received a biography from some known person.
  4. Regardless of this guy's character, hypocrisy comes to mind on behalf of the Thais. They'd have something to complain about if it was like the UK, they allow them to go into schools to lecture children dressed like that.
  5. It's the nearest thing they have to a "disagree" button. If others are like me, they use it to dislike the post but don't always have the time or inclination to type a reply.
  6. Things that work for me: 1. Eat healthy food. 2 Get plenty of exercise, long walks, bike rides etc. 3. Don't drink alcohol before 8pm. 4. Set some projects. 5. Start a hobby. 6. Don't spend too much time on the web, especially forums (guaranteed to depress).
  7. It would've been impossible to fall from the balcony of the condo which I owned in Jomtien many years ago, you'd have had to have climbed over it purposely to fall. I'm 6'. Knowing my weakness for getting a little bit wiffled, I wouldn't have bought one with a low balcony.
  8. Except that you have to queue for ages to be served if visiting in person.
  9. She's an addict and needs professional help, but only if she herself chooses. You have a big problem, I feel for you. My missus is addicted to her cellphone, but that is harmless in comparison, stops her bothering me and doesn't cost me money.
  10. There's also the fact that the more elderly of us almost without exception have at least one pre-existing condition, which even if we can find a company to insure us, makes it prohibitively expensive. I've been here 16 years and self insure, that means I'd have paid out about 1.6 million baht for a small local op to remove a growth on my eye costing 8000 baht and to have my ears syringed 2000 baht. I used to have accident insurance with my bank until they refused to renew the policy when I turned 65. I'm fit (jog every other day), eat the right food and I'm the correct weight for my age and height. I reckon that's better insurance than being with a company that isn't guaranteed to pay out.
  11. Although I'm a Brit, I think like the Ambassador said, the US is more interested in seeing the democratic process followed in a country than taking sides with any party. I think you'll find that all the countries the US has interfered in have at the time been undemocratic, totalitarian states.
  12. Can't you just go through the motions of praying? Being agnostic, it's not as though you'd believe you were commiting a sin by doing so.
  13. If you condemn violence, you must condemn it on all sides. Don't forget, the present govt came into power on the threat of violence ie great huge tanks standing by to take to the streets. Also the violence committed by Suthep's rabble during his mass protests, don't think I've seen you object to that yet. Saying that, I'm still concerned about Pita's alleged share ownership and why he didn't get rid before the election, if true.
  14. Did my Krungsri a few days ago at Central Festival. Tried the same venue for my Bangkok Bank, but because I needed to update passport number, they sent me to my original branch. I don't know if they'd have done the photo if it wasn't for that. Anyway, my branch on the darkside did it. SCB at Central said that I didn't need it doing yet.
  15. I was the same until told that I had to have the photo ID for withdrawals of more than 50K. When I went to the bank and presented my book and passport for processing, it was of course spotted and I had to go to the branch where I opened the account and have the book updated to the new passport number. before the new photo ID process.
  16. My four banks in Pattaya and my doctor always refuse to sign. Last time I used the police station on Beach Rd next to Central Mal. Cost 200 baht but completely problem free. They know exactly what's needed.
  17. Correct. I paid BB 6000 baht for insurance several years ago and never renewed it.
  18. Not exactly to the topic but.... Yesterday, I spent half the day visiting my three banks in Central Mall Pattaya, all for the same purpose of reporting my new passport number and getting my photo taken for this new ID thing the banks are insisting on. SCB and Krungri in and out in ten minutes. Bangkok Bank, 45 minute wait only to be told that I couldn't report new passport number there, I had to do it at the branch. The place was packed and the whole system, supposed to be computerised seemed to be generating reams of paperwork. Over to the branch on the Dark Side, packed out, waited an hour to be seen and after more masses of paperwork and photo taken, finally escaped. Good job I use internet banking and these visits are seldom needed. I use BB only for bringing in my UK pension because it registers Wise transfers as International.
  19. "Two very powerful forces are about to collide" ....and the winner will be the one with the tanks as usual.
  20. My trigger point is 13 stones (82.5 kg) and I hit that on boxing day last. I threw away my old analogue scales, who's dial I could barely read and bought myself a good digital machine. this I've placed in a prominent place in my lounge so I can't avoid it. I swore to get down to 11 stones (70 kg) in two months, which I easily achieved by: Drinking whisky with soda instead of sugary mixers (I don't drink beer, ever). Eating high fibre cerial for breakfast with almond milk. Eating lots of fish, boiled vegetables and fruit. Cut out butter on my toast and sandwiches. Bought the missus an air fryer so very little oil consumed. With the help of a sensitive front tooth, cut out all food and drink containing more than a small amount of sugar. Cut out low fat desserts (tend to load up with sugar to compensate) and diet drinks and yoghurt which somehow make my weight increase, also aggravate my dodgy tooth (Believe it's the acid). Stopped having my late evening bag of crisps. Drink lots of water instead of coffee, becomes normal after a few days and the more you drink the thinner you get. A good walk, bike ride or swim every couple of days, but I've being doing this for years anyway. More or less sticking to the above do's and don'ts and my weight has more or less levelled out at around 71 kg. I hardly ever feel hungry. Works for me but probably not for everybody. The thing I mainly put the weight loss to is having the digital scales somewhere where you're almost tripping over them and being able to read the display easily whilst standing.
  21. When cutting the grass I always put my collar up and fasten the top button to help it stay up. Purely to keep the sun off my neck. Wouldn't think to do it when I was out, it'd look a bit daft on a 79 year old.
  22. Being noisy in any neighbourhood is a bad thing, but in a condo it's inexcusable. Only incredibly dense, unfeeling types with no common sense would make a racket enough to disturb their fellow residents. Unfortunately, there are too many of them in Thailand where the condo walls, floors and ceilings have no soundproofing. I notice lately that there are a lot of reports of people fighting, even committing manslaughter over noise. It doesn't surprise me because I've sometimes been tempted towards violence myself. Spams are particularly noisy and I dread being sat near to them in a bar or restaurant. They shout during normal conversation even when sitting next to each other, so I'm not surprised by this post.
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