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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. There's always a member of the farang self-loathing group pops up on here.
  2. When I lived in Tokyo many years ago, you could buy individually wrapped potatoes.
  3. I agree. When you say Pattaya, people think you must live halfway along Walking Street. I live a 20 minute drive towards Sattahip and it's stunning. Lovely countryside with golf courses, the beach is a five minute drive and not a girly bar in sight. The beauty of it is if you do fancy a bit of excitement, the city is just down the road.
  4. Never surprises me, they're incredibly predictable.
  5. Be advised, "A friend of mine", "Someone I know", "A neighbour", "The guy next door" all mean "Me" on TVF.
  6. I thought foreigners weren't allowed to own land? Shouldn't the bi-line therefore read "...........200% surge in luxury condo sales"? Or maybe "Thai wives of foreign buyers etc....."
  7. Never forget that Thaksin was elected, even though it was under the local form of democracy.
  8. Went there twice at the insistence of the missus sixteen years back, since then have resisted all attempts by her to drag me back there. How farang manage to live there in their little jungle clearing surrounded by noisy nosy neighbours is beyond me. Ok for back to nature types I suppose.
  9. You don't have to hear them whinging, from the look on their faces they're all as miserable as sin. You'd think that being on holiday here in paradise with the hot weather, beaches and friendly people, away from war they'd be happy. Wrong! They all look like they have a severe dose of piles.
  10. Many years ago I was pulled over on a motorway slip road when returning to Pattaya from Suvarnabhumi. The copper had no English, but showed me a crumpled bit of paper with 120 kph written on it in pencil. Being that I was only doing about 80 I argued the toss, but he was insistent. I gave in when he stuck his hand in the car and said "200 baht". I know I know, but it had been a long day and I was anxious to be on my way. After that, I downloaded a navy badge from the internet and stuck it on my windscreen. I haven't been stopped again in 16 years.
  11. I said much the same to my missus when she was setting out to vote, much as I had done a couple of times in the past. I felt so sorry for her because in usual Thai fashion, she was naively optimistic. I still can't convince her of the inevitable. Mr P didn't rewrite the constitution and load up the Senate to let a small problem like losing an election get in his way.
  12. "I have no dog in this fight" :):):):):)
  13. Didn't take long when reading through those proposed bills for MFP to lose my approval. Maybe the pro-junta types on here have a point.
  14. Guarantee if you wander down Pattaya Beach Road this evening you'll be falling over them.
  15. Still one or two junta supporters on here I see. Probably received all the benefits of being brought up in a democracy. The Thais should be happy with military rule and thankful that the party they voted for was replaced by some military slite of hand with the help of a whistle blowing idiot.
  16. I admire an optimist and no, I don't believe it. This morning the navy were doing gunnery practice firing in Sathahip area and several military helicopters passed over my house near Ban Amphur. He who must not be named putting his cards on the table I suspect.
  17. I imagine Suthep is standing by with his whistle.
  18. Whether he goes or not is another kettle of fish. Seeing the hopes of these lovely people dashed so often by these military bullies has made me rather cynical.
  19. The people voted for it because it was part of a package. As a supporter of the junta, why are you suddenly interested in the people voting?
  20. He has something up his sleeve and it ain't his shirt cuff.
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