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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. At the condo complex where I once lived I reckon over half the condos were rented. Also, a lot of the owned condos were used as weekend retreats by the Thai tourists making it difficult to find a parking spot on Saturday and Sunday. Condo parking spaces ought to be for people who own the units and live there continuously. Difficult to enforce though.
  2. “If you know London, there is so much knife crime and robbery. You don’t feel safe walking the streets and it is not getting any better. Here in Thailand, people will leave their keys and bags on their bikes. You don’t have to look behind you when you’re walking home at night and women will walk at night alone.” ....and we all know why that is, don't we!?
  3. I've run across the Swiss three times since I arrived here. The condo where I used to stay had a Swiss family, man wife and child, all were as mad as hatters and used to cause pandemonium around the condo. Even the little girl who was about three. Then the village I moved to had a Swiss guy married to a Thai, who every time he had a couple of beers, wanted to fight the world. He ended up in a road accident in which he killed a man and his wife on a motorbike and sidecar. At the house where I live now, I heard a commotion on the track outside. On investigating I saw a Swiss guy who lives across the way running alongside a builder's truck shouting threats and obscenities and kicking the side of the truck! The same guy used to drive like someone possessed, leaving a huge cloud of dust behind him which of course all settled across my property. He had several ups and downs with neighbours, but has now left. Now these two recent reports. Are they trying to take top spot from us Brits?
  4. They do and they show utmost disrespect for the country in more ways than one, with protests every few days and appearances in the media decrying our country and it's history. I think there should be severe penalties for disrespecting someone's flag, it's an insult to the people of that nation and the penalty should be deportation at least.
  5. Thailand can join the west who've also let in too many troublemakers. Once it happens, it's almost impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.
  6. Deport him! Too many people offering violence in countries that have been kind enough to let them stay and getting away with a slap on the wrist, sometimes not even that. If it were up to me, I'd give him a jail sentence and then deport him. Lefty solutions like holding a candlelit vigil outside his house, group singing "Cum Ba Yah", having a protest march or handing out leaflets would be water off a duck's back to thick skinned bolshy types like this guy.
  7. So the choice is move back to UK, get free medical treatment if I'm prepared to wait a long time, but can't afford a decent day to day standard of living, or stay here, self insure because medical insurance is beyond my means (80 yoa) but have a decent standard of living. From what I see of the UK on the news, it isn't the same place that I left 17 years back and looks like it is only going to get worse. If I end up begging on the street, at least I've got the weather for it here. theIf I finish up begging on the street, at least the weather's better here.
  8. Also if you're a Brit, there are several boxes. Make sure you click the right one, I was once rejected and it was because I made the wrong choice.
  9. The first one worked for me when I did my 90 day last week.
  10. Our first washing machine here gave us lots of problems and I had to make several trips to their spares shop. Since we got rid of that, we've used Electrolux which has been trouble-free.
  11. About 17 years back just after I'd arrived here, I was drugged on Beach Rd Jomtien. I mistakenly let a local "lady" who I'd not long met buy me a bottle of beer from a 7 eleven which she handed me opened. Yes I know, she saw me coming, but I was already well oiled and she was a bit of a babe. Better men than me have fallen for this trick. Anyway, she must have been stood behind me earlier when I'd made a withdrawal from an atm, because my account was a couple of hundred pounds lighter when I checked the next day. One of those lessons in life that costs you, but in my case was cheap in the long run.
  12. Or the place near my house that sometimes plays loud bass-heavy music from 4am to 8am. What's the mentality of a head banger that does that?
  13. I assume that by making such a definitive statement you went to his building to check.
  14. When I was in the British Army many years ago, the greatest nicest thing you could say about anybody was "You can say anything to him and he doesn't get offended". They were always the most popular people in the unit. The ones you didn't want in your unit were those who bristled at even the suggestion of an insult, the ones who caused you to walk on eggshells. One of those in your barrack room and all the joy and comradeship drained from the troop. Seems like that sort of woke behaviour is happening and being encouraged all over the west now.
  15. They already have draconian defamation laws here which must just about cover anything derogatory said or written about the country.
  16. Everyone here has those blacked out windscreens which make it virtually impossible to see cyclists and pedestrians at night. I refuse to drive my daughter's car after dark for precisely this reason and no matter what lectures I give her to get it changed, she refuses. Even during the day I feel like my vision's impaired, it feels like driving at dusk.
  17. Big C in Pattaya Klang has an excellent bakery.
  18. A couple of years back, a very friendly, heavily pregnant tabby cat wandered into our garden and didn't want to leave, so we adopted her. She eventually had six beautiful kittens that we kept in the kitchen until they were old enough to keep under the house, which is on columns. One evening the mother went out and didn't come back, which was strange as she was still feeding her youngsters and seemed like a brilliant mum. One morning a few weeks later, I went to do some gardening outside the front of my property for about 30 minutes leaving the kittens playing under the house as I'd done many times before. On returning, they'd all vanished. My wife and I scoured the property and the local area for days, but could find no trace of them. There was no blood or fur laying around, everything looked normal. My theory is that someone passing the back gate saw them and drove them away in their car, because they were all cuties and very friendly. We'll never know.
  19. He's thinking "Dinner".
  20. "The same kind of idiots who say guns don't kill people...." They don't! I guarantee if you buy one today and lock it in your safe, it'll be there indefinitely without causing you any harm whatever. Using your reasoning, the same could be said about a broom handle. Bring a pitbull back to your home and the same can't be said.
  21. Ditto the UK with the Channel rabble.
  22. Except for the local eejits who stand beside the roads in and out of Pattaya who manage to spin it out for two weeks as things stand. I'm sure they'll give it a good go. They're there from morning until night so none of them can have jobs anyway. How come they don't get bored???
  23. Good luck if you're thinking of getting a letter of residence from Jomtien Immigration to open a bank account. Last time I tried they told me that they only issued them for driving licences. In the end I had to buy accident insurance from the bank before they'd issue me an account.
  24. You'd think they'd be ecstatic to be here in the sun away from the hellhole that is Russia, however, every single Russian I see looks like they've just trod on a dog turd.
  25. I've stopped buying that brand after the ridiculous recent price rises. I have to shop around now for the couple of cheaper brands of scotch still available. .
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