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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. Some embassies and official consultes are issuing a METV and if wanted a STV is available. You could enter on a single entry tourist visa and then a 30 day extension of the 60 day entry from it. That should be enough time to get married. The after getting married you could apply for a 60 day extension visit your new wife to get enough time to have 400k baht in a Thai bank to apply for a non-o visa and then a one year extension of stay based upon marriage when the 400k baht has been in the bank for 2 months. You should be able to open a Thai bank with a tourist visa entry. After you get married your wife could could be a reference to help with opening a bank account.
  2. A off topic post meant to deflect the topic and replies to it has been removed.
  3. The 40/400k baht insurance is required for a single entry non-o visa based upon retirement. It is 40k baht of outpatient and 400k baht of inpatient coverage. The non-o visa for retirement requires proof of a state pension or 3 months of a bank statements showing at least 10,000 pounds in the account. They would probably accept a Thai bank statement for a Thai bank account showing at least the equivalent in baht of 10k pounds. A single entry non-o visas based upon marriage to a Thai does not require any insurance and only the equivalent of 20k baht in any bank. Both would also require the $50,000 baht of insurance covering covid 19 insurance to enter Thailand.
  4. Since your extension of stay (it is not a visa) expires today when the office is closed you will not have a problem doing it on Monday and there will be no overstay fine if you do it on Monday. After Monday you will fined for every day of overstay.
  5. Read my post again. I was writing about the app not the online reporting site. The problem you have doing online reporting appears to depend upon the system the office you are reporting to now. There has been a discussion about it in the pinned topic for online reporting. I suggest you go back a few pages from the last page and read the posts there I have done.
  6. I think it would be a waste of time and effort going to the embassy. It is still almost locked down and appointments are mandatory for what few services they provide Have you tried emailing them about the COE? I think you will get the COE early next week in plenty of time to board you flight.
  7. If you wanted to go into the Samui sandbox you have to set up flights as direct to Bangkok and then a special connecting flight to Samui. It appears at this time you will need to do the one night quarantine in Bangkok at a AQ or SHA+ hotel and then you could fly on a domestic flight to Samui. I think for flights going into Bangkok and then domestic would be less expensive than the flights direct to Samui.
  8. I suspect it may be standard on the COE. Did you submit a AQ or SHA+ hotel reservation for only one night when you applied for the COE?
  9. Yes No need for a return or onward ticket.
  10. It depends upon the embassy or official consulate approving your Thailand Pass application. Most insurance companies only sell the covid 19 insurance in 30 day increments.
  11. See the edit I did while you were posting. You may need it to be valid for 30 days if entering visa exempt.
  12. The covid 19 insurance only needs to valid from the day you enter Thailand to the day you leave. Edit: But they may want it to valid for the length of stay you get when you enter the country. If entering visa exempt that would be 30 days.
  13. You can get a work permit and work with a non-o visa or extension of stay based upon marriage. Some schools may try to push you to change to a extension based upon teaching.
  14. You only need to the $50,000 covid 19 insurance to enter the country and it has to be valid for the permit to stay you get when entering the country with a re-entry permit.
  15. For the a US passport you mail the application and your passport to the Embassy in Bangkok. Then you get the new and old one back by mail in around 2 weeks.
  16. But if you increase the age to 80 it directs you to the existing TGIA site that still shows the $100k insurance coverage. See: https://www.tipinsure.com/CovidRegional/step_1
  17. As I have written already dozens of times no insurance is required for any non-o extension for marriage or retirement. The new insurance is only for new Non-OA visa applications. And for existing ones and extensions of the permit to stay it will remain at 40/400k baht unit September 1st of next year. Info is here about the insurance. https://longstay.tgia.org/home/guidelineoa
  18. Only a new Non-OA visa issued by a embassy or official Thai consulate requires the $100k insurance. Not sure where you got that completely incorrect information. There is no insurance requirements for a non-o visa based upon marriage.
  19. The owner should do a TM30 report since it is their responsibility to do one.
  20. I assume one is requesting a statement that you intend to cancel your Uk nationality. This from the Uk embassy website. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/926913/Application_pack_-_Thai_Nationality_supporting_letter.pdf The link for the file is shown on this page. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/notarial-and-documentary-services-guide-for-thailand#services-we-provide-in-thailand
  21. Since you are the owner you could complete a TM30 form and submit it when you apply for the extension. Just have your house book and maybe some proof you own it and a copy of them. Download and print both pages. TM30 Form Notification of aliens staying at a residence101.92 kB · 1277 downloads
  22. A recent print out of you Kor Ror 2 marriage registry from a Amphoe is required to apply for a extension based upon marriage. You still need a copy of your marriage certificate (Kor Ror 3) as well.
  23. How early you can request the print out of the Kor Ror 22 depends upon the office you apply at. Within a week should be good at most offices and 1 or 2 may want it done the day before you apply.
  24. I have used Chrome for several online reports without a problem. The app is my prefered method for mine now. And for those having problems with the dreaded message to contact your local office only appears if you make an error when enter the the info. If not within the 90 day report window it gives a message stating that. A new problem for some is that they have done a new extension and it states you are on a overstay at some offices.
  25. But a non-o visa based upon retirement requires 40/400k baht medical insurance valid for 90 days now. Plus it requires showning more money in the bank than a non-o based upon marriage. The equivalent of 20k baht can be shown in the bank for the non-o visa based upon marriage.
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