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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. Moo/Nua Dad Diaw - sun dried and deep fried pork/beef. It's very very good with beer! (cold beer, with ice cubes.....poured by a pretty Thai girl whistling.gif )

    Moo Manaw (Boild pork tenderloin, with garlic/Lime/chilli sauce....also very good as a snack, to accompanion a beer or two.

    Those two are my favorite ones, for snacks...

    What this man says, love these in particular

    I also like Muu Yor, like a luncheon meat type sausage to us farang. They sell small 'tubes' in 7/11 which I sometimes partake in when returning back after a few beers. The 'fresh' stuff is also lovely. They also use it in a 'yum' salad too but I can just eat the thing! tongue.png

  2. I LOVE the train, just like being able to sit down and also be able to move about, toilet is there, no endless stops for food and toilet breaks. I can brush my teeth by the sink. There is tons of food and drinks available at every station and the seats are actually pretty large. Got my own window too

    Love it!

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  3. Possibly to do with the tourist element i don't know, i have not looked in tourist areas here either, in the village they all eat it raw if the meat is minced, if the meat is just sliced then yes they cook it first.

    When it's sliced it's 'Nam Tok" (I think).

    I've seen it raw too, many times especially liver...

    That seems to be the only difference between Laap and Num Dtok

    I am a huge Num Dtok fan as in I really, really like not that I am a huge guy that likes it :/

    You can buy the ready-made Num Dtok/Laap powder in the supermarket for a couple of baht

    Wherever I am in Thailand I always seek out the Isaan food place, it's always there, whether it's a town or even on the islands and they do like someone that orders Isaan food and enjoys it (which is most definitely me!)

  4. I remember crossing at Sungai Kolok in the past but long way back now. We didn't change, filtered out the train, stamped passport and all back on again.

    That's odd, as Sungai Kolok isnt a station, its a terminal. Its the end of the line. There is no railway track across the border to Malaysia from there. You have to pick up a completely different line in Malaysia several kilometers away.

    That's then, not sure we changed trains at the border, specifically remember leaving heavy baggage on the train as we went for stamping and then getting back on. We crossed at Sungai Kolok but maybe not that 'station' then but can't remember which one it was

    Was only going Penang at that time and don't remember switching. On the way back too, similar thing

  5. I am really not sure why everyone jumped all over the OP here.

    I also don't like anyone pouring my beer for me. I do like draft beer but that's not the solution. If I have a large bottle I prefer to pour it myself. Firstly, I don't like to be 'waited on' like that, it's only pouring a beer.

    I don't always like to get my beer right down to the bottom before I top it up. It depends how I feel, how that last swig went down, how much is left in the bottle. Sometimes I may top my beer up quite quickly, sometimes I may prefer it go right down if it's been there a while.

    That's just what I like, I don't expect every server to 'get that' about me, personally. If they do it then cool, not the end of the world but after that first one I tend to do it myself. I also drink at varying speeds (I am complicated wink.png) and I don't want to feel I am waiting for someone to pour my beer either just cause I guzzled it 2 minutes after they may have last glanced in my direction

    If they pour and then put it on the trolly then I think 'damn, in a battle here' biggrin.png and if they don't come when I want to pour then I get it and if they look or come over I just say 'no problem, I will do it' with a smile and all is right with the world again

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  6. Had a wee conversation with the boss tonight over dinner and we were talking about thr difference that tones can make. At the moment everyone is wishing each other "sawadee pee mai" I asked her what difference the tones could make to that and the answers ranged from, Happy new sister, brother or fabric funnily enough, or an un-understandable new brother or sisters fabric, I think. At that point I gave up. Seems also, and I didn't know before, that Pee is said like a combination of P and B together. The mind boggles.

    The thing is, with the context of the conversation you can chuck a bunch of those 'alternative' meanings away in many cases, the context makes it obvious what is being discussed
  7. Taxis may be a public service, but they have every right to decide who to let into their cars and where they want to go, as much as you can decide who to let any salesman into your


    Erm, no, not really.

    These are not private taxis whizzing about deciding if they fancy stopping or not it's their bloody job!

  8. Lonely Beach is far from lonely these days.

    Personally, if you look at 'up the hill' from White Sand, like leaving White Sand but way before Chai Chet there are some places just off the road there (bike would be handy) but they're a lot more isolated and quieter than Lonely Beach

    Lonely Beach you're likely to be putting up with backpackers having 'parties' at the many small bars there, cheap buckets, things like that it's really not that lonely, mate

  9. The cab thing in BKK annoys me. In Dubai we have a system that if there any problems you call the central cab office/municipality and report the driver. Get a reference number, they usually fine them, they text you or call you back to let you know it's been handled.

    I can't be doing with cabbies deciding where and when they will go. I know there is traffic, etc, we have those issues too but don't be a freaking cabbie then. All this 'no meter' stuff too or anytime it bloody rains!

    Need a way to stop them doing it in BKK, maybe fining them too. Here I will just sit in the cab and tell him to take me and that he'll be reported and fined. If they're getting fined they get arsy and you get out but they 'learnt their lesson' biggrin.png so to speak

    It amazes me that the Thais themselves take this so well 'I want to go ... no, ah, ok' as the driver drives away.

    The 'end of shift' thing is the oldest one in the book

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