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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Wow ....it's Constitution Day today !!! This is the day when all the people , especially the military , demonstrate their proud respect for the countries constitutions ( all 20 of them ) by having a day off.
  2. Same in Petchabun. Immigration then big shop. So fast I sometimes pass myself entering the building on the way out.
  3. I'd be content with a few stocking fillers
  4. Where you get to pull a cracker
  5. Or master the handbrake turn.
  6. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Time to superglue his shirt to his back. Seen this happen many times and the end result is someone who ends up bitter and twisted against all things Thai.
  7. Very sad but at least they went together.
  8. I always thought the HondA Prelude was a nice looking coupe. A bit long in the tooth but get a good one and might be future classic.
  9. Well...been a long night but eventually dawn comes. Drag out that last beer then hit the sack early morning. Up with the sunset then rinse and repeat.
  10. Denim


    Rangsit. Everything you could want providing you are fluent in Thai language.
  11. I'm retired. No set routine. Bit of home or car/motorcycle maintenance, gardening , chat to pinay webcam girls , play guitar , bake bread and cakes , a lot of reading ,try to beat chess computer when drunk. Whatever I feel like basically.
  12. Bury them then re start with a second eleven.
  13. Actual account of the two missing trucks begins at 44.30 for those interested. The inference is that this is probably not an isolated occurrence .
  14. What I actually think is that for all their wealth , Boss and his family are none too bright. Had he not made himself a fugitive from the law and faced the music he would likely have received a suspended sentence and had to pay a large amount of compensation to the victims family. Finished. The road he has taken has surely been more expensive and has not kept the monkey off his back.
  15. Of course . Do you think a billionaire should be treated the same as a farmer ? The law is the law and should be applied to everyone regardless of wealth. Sadly not the case here. The foreign press is not doing the hounding here. It is the Thai press.
  16. The Daily News tried to call the school director but repeatedly wang the wong number and were unsuccessful.
  17. So....they rehired him for a day to sack him ? Pathetic . Like giving out a death sentence to a dead body. They are all as bad as each other. Birds of a feather flock together. The frightening thing to consider is that everyone involved has had the best possible education , probably studied abroad , and has a university degree. Yet instead of being the top cream of society they are just a bunch of money grubbing scumbags. And they have the effrontary to look down their noses at an honest farmer from the Northeast. If these low life bottom feeder types can tear up countless constitutions then resetting the charges to zero should be easy peasy. Certainly would be if it was a member of the Shinawatra clan.
  18. What many people do is break the journey somewhere. Khon Kaen for example , which has a bit of nightlife. Make a mini holiday of it and check out other cities in Thailand. Unless you have work to rush back to no point in exhausting yourself. There is a good night market in Suv where you can drink cheap wine , have a meal and people watch . It's only for a night .
  19. This whole thing could have worked out so differently. Pharmacies around the world singing: ' Yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today.
  20. Stop right there. You nailed it. No need to go further.
  21. Her boyfriend ' Perky ' was waiting outside the prison gates to drive her away from a throng of reporters.
  22. No. Just a punch in the teeth should clarify things for the curious.
  23. To be fair , I never heard an ex pat say the weather was nice here. Maybe tourists think it is but if you live here you see it for what it is. Never used to be this bad. In the old days the cool season was actually cold even in Bangkok. Jacket needed at night time. In the villages hoar frost and icy puddles in the morning. Nearest you can get to that these days is a frosty whore in Pattaya.
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