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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Nope , only the one in Trafalgar Square , standing on Virginia soil. https://www.military.com/history/george-washington-statue-london-british-soil.html
  2. No swerve. You quoted me and I explained what you misunderstood. My post was not about their popularity but about their marketability., which will diminish.
  3. It's a money thing. They behave as they do to generate cash. Nothing to do with ' opposing royalty ' Most of their income is generated stateside with netflix deals etc. When that market bores of their antics that source of income will also dry up. By then they will just be a Mr and Mrs.
  4. A tool yes , a sharp tool .....no Anyway , no need for him to step out of the lime light. The light will be turned off when America has had enough.
  5. Don't say that. It means that most of the expat community in Pattaya will shortly be going into Real Estate.
  6. Be a lot of Chinese students joining those Russians soon.
  7. Not anymore it doesn't. Passing the buck in advance. Someones knocking at the door , Someones ringng the bell , Do us a favor , don't open the door and let them in.
  8. It seems China has restricted the movements of it's own citizens for a long time and only gave up the zero covid policy after huge demonstrations threatened to get out of control. BUT ............ they now appear peeved because other countries are proposing to implement restrictions against Chinese travelers . https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11594391/China-admits-Covid-deaths-huge-70-Shanghais-25m-residents-infected.html So .....don't expect too much in the way of restrictions from Thailand. Beware the giant panda next door. Talk about what goes around comes around.
  9. I would think that quite a few of the Chinese arrivals will take a leaf out of the Russians book and try to stay longer than a short holiday . In their position I would probably do the same.
  10. http://www.thai-language.com/ref/abbreviations
  11. Talk about Hobson's choice ????
  12. Younger. 65 and married 15 years. Still best of friends and true soul mates. Actually been together 20 years. No complaints. 2nd time lucky.
  13. Beware of human beings !! ( oh and grizzly bears )
  14. Just drop the wat and the name fits.
  15. It's a cultural thing : " Stop ogling my bibi or I am slapping you about the face "
  16. Which he is getting used to by now. I didn't think that was possible in Pattaya ? I've learnt something.
  17. Which is fair enough within China but to allow international travel by hordes of desperate to travel Chinese is extremely irresponsible , inconsiderate and downright dangerous.
  18. Yes. It's all about pass the parcel. He forgot to pass it on a little lighter as is the unwritten law.
  19. It does seem a bit rum that with covid now surging there amongst their vast population , they are opening the floodgates and allowing international travel. Any short term benefit to Thai tourism could well be biting its derriere in a few monthe time.
  20. Did they have to pay double occupancy rates ?
  21. Traumatic. He's as white as a sheet .
  22. Oh dear , how sad , never mind.
  23. You are joking aren't you ? Have you never heard of the 13 colonies ??? These colonies wanted independence from England because they had to pay taxes to the crown but had no voice in Parliament https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_taxation_without_representation#:~:text="No taxation without representation" is,American colonists for Great Britain. As such , Washington was regarded as a traitor by the English : https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/yes-george-washington-was-a-traitor/2016/01/29/9e527058-c46d-11e5-b933-31c93021392a_story.html
  24. Your link was merely an opinion piece. Nothing more. No ' proof ' of anything at all . If Lee was a traitor for leaving the Union then surely , by the same logic George Washington was also a traitor for turning on the Crown and seeking independence from England.
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