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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Colonoscopy at Paolo Kasetsart. Overnight with a bevy of nurses , plus the cleaning lady who gave the enema 10,000 all in with CD of the operation ( 200 baht a copy if anyone interested. PM me )
  2. I don't think they think much at all. Following carnal instincts without consideration of any laws or moral issues. Me me me.
  3. Modest choice of fluffers. I would have two younger ones with more frontage. The microphone has been photoshopped in so it doesn't look like she's reaching for his flies.
  4. Humpty Dumpties great fall is coming soon hopefully.
  5. They had to employ them to hold up the ' We love you uncle rolex ' placards.
  6. Won't do much for tourism then and still no good for border hoppers. Used to be my favorite bounce place because so quiet I could cross and return in about 30 minutes. Then Burma allowed the Chinese to build a lot of casinos and other things on their side and suddenly there were massive queues of Chinese using the crossing which made it take about an hour to cross and return. The Burmese side in particular was total Mayhem.
  7. No suspected prostitutes. All positively confirmed.
  8. If a new variant doesn't come out of those numbers it will be a miracle. Three months from now Thailand could be in deep doo da. Hope not but given that a lot of infected Chinese will be arriving in the next few months seems pretty likely that history will repeat itself.
  9. Did he live in Brussels ?
  10. Brace yourselves. Its rinse and repeat time.
  11. Zelensky quote : Tanks very much.
  12. Proving what we already know , that there are a lot more poor people in the world than rich people.????
  13. Seriously , do you wai the waiter or waitress when they bring the food you ordered to the table ??
  14. A cheerful evening out with GammaGlomulin
  15. I leave her on the side of the plate. All gristle.
  16. No longer a chick. More of a hen. The Meechai clinic used to do safe abortions if not too far advanced. Located in Pattaya somewhere. If the decision has been made then the sooner performed the safer.
  17. Why even bother to search out expats in the provinces ? If you even need an an ' expat ' to talk at , to satisfy your need to express yourself , then you might as well stick to the tourist hotspots. English spoken , food like back home , a night out with the lads in the local pub....why bother going somewhere that doesn't meet your requirements for a good time ?
  18. Considering the number of ex pat tourists that live in Pattaya , it's incredible that many of them can't even pronounce the name of the place despite living there for years. Still manage to rhyme it with .. ' hay '. Talk about assimilating with local culture. Is Pattaya even representative of Thailand ? A bit like an Asian living in Southall or Leicester and claiming they are 100 percent British through and through.
  19. Down in the jungle Living in a tent Better then Phuket No rent !
  20. What I regret about moving to Thailand . https://danaboutthailand.com/what-i-regret-about-moving-to-thailand/ Dan covering all choices. Take your pick.
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