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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Long way to go yet. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2022/01/07/india-man-multiple-covid-vaccines-health/9134163002/
  2. In 2029 to be precise. Complicated ongoing investigation.
  3. Not sure who I dislike more, Harry or Piers.
  4. "Both refused to pay any compensation claiming they had no money and that they had to rush to get to the airport. "After an argument with the police on duty all four tourists left. Great police work.
  5. Might be better is you submitted it in Thai. Whoever you submit it to might not have the necessary language skills to judge if it has any merit.
  6. Is it written in Thai or English ?
  7. I think Dan wants to leave. He's just building a case for it. When he first arrived all his flatulance on Thailand was fragrant. Now every puff is about something bad smelling here.
  8. No option for all of them or anywhere ?
  9. Bought three cars from tents. All the sellers were honest and helpful and had no serious problems with the cars. Before buying I always talk to the seller. I have left some tents because it was clear that the seller was obviously shining it on. Never had a dealer quote me a special foreigner price but I suppose it might happen if you can't speak Thai and look like you just got off the banana boat. Before buying did a lot of research using one2car etc to get a ball park figure of the correct price for the year. Then penned in 6 or 7 cars and spent a day looking at each one. Went for the best of the bunch. If you are worried the dealer might charge you more than a Thai just download the cars profile from one2car which gives the asking price so no need to ask how much.
  10. Were these paints emulsions and did you add tap water to thin them out ? I never add water to a paint in its container otherwise the bacteria in the tap water ruins it no matter if its well sealed. Decant into another container first , then thin out, preferably with bottled water or from a kettle.
  11. Would have been better if this novel had started : " Once upon a time ......" And ended with : " And we all lived happy ever after " The drivel in-between could be passed over. Really , if Dan wants to go just go. No big deal. It's a free country. Nobody will judge him if the shine of the place has faded for him. No need to justify anything. Suits some not others. Simple as that. I will never leave. I plan to die here because I prefer it here. It's not always perfect but where is ? I live in a rural area and love it. Would never live in Pattaya. Other people would hate it here. Too Thai. Nobody is right or wrong. Choose a place according to what you like. Really not so complicated and no need for all the hand wringing.
  12. I couldn't wait for the 19th . I'd just keeping playing every shot into the rough then go in there with her to help find my balls. My handicap would suffer a bit , end up around 140.
  13. He's turned against so many now it can only end with him disappearing into his own sphincter.
  14. Singing : Torremolinos , Torremelinos ................ Just to get in the mood.
  15. Another look at the offer after rejection
  16. Hire a good lawyer and try arbitration with their union. Might work, they hate litigation.
  17. A As Sherman said : . You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. Pretty well sums it up. Unfortunately , many of the ordinary confederate soldiers did not feel they were fighting for slavery ( regardless of the fact that they were ). They thought they were fighting for their country and their loyalties were stronger for their country than the union. Just as , in The European Union we have heads of state , those states being the countries that make up the union. Does the average German , Frenchman etc feel stronger loyalty to his own country or the European Union ? Such was the mindset prevailing then. Country/State first ..........union second. It is a real tragedy that although the slaves were emancipated as a result of the war , their lives saw no great improvement due to the fact that many of the Southern leaders were pardoned ,then reentered politics and enacted the Black Codes : https://www.britannica.com/topic/black-code A black man walked in fear of his life at this time. He was more hated as a free man than he had been as a slave : “If there was any period of time where white animus toward blacks was omnipresent, particularly in the South, it was certainly during the time of Reconstruction,” Derryn Moten, a historian at Alabama State University, tells the Montgomery Advertiser. “That was the dawning of African Americans’ new freedom. … [But it] was also the time period when the Klan and other terror groups came into fruition.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nearly-2000-black-americans-were-lynched-during-reconstruction-180975120/#:~:text=Nearly 2%2C000 Black Americans Were Lynched During Reconstruction,-A new report&text=Just over a year after,voting rights for black residents.
  18. Plus the expats. Positively foaming at the mouth with joy.
  19. Nice bum on 270. Might take up golf without needing any clubs other than the putter I was born with.
  20. Just like round one , history repeating itself. First the denials and upbeat forecasts followed by what we have already seen. If they were really concerned about the money the Chinese are going to generate, they should consider how much money the country will lose again following the inevitable increase in covid cases. As usual , grab the money and run and the devil take the hindmost . What could possibly go wrong ?
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