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Everything posted by Denim

  1. It is a real made up one....clear as the nose on my face.
  2. A girl assimilated me once. We both really enjoyed it but not yet found another girl willing to try.
  3. If I ever found myself in your shoes , looking for work at an advanced age , I know that a prospective employer would ask for recent work history. Since I have none in the UK I would not mention I had been living in Thailand. Too many woke people there will assume you are some kind of sexual predator praying on Asian women. I would say rather that I had been a self employed handyman on one of the Spanish Costas , looking after expats bungalows ( gardening, pool maintenance etc ) and doing ok until Brexit when work dried up and with visa issues you were obliged to leave. Self employed , under the radar , no Spanish tax records. I think this would sound more acceptable. Try asking in care homes for the elderly. Apparently very short staffed.
  4. Cool . Massage parlous have slipped under the radar. " I'll have a slap a tickle and one of those brownies please "
  5. Or fly via Mombasa and pick something up on the way.
  6. " Methinks ' ! By jove, that's a pretty ancient syntactic collocation , what what.
  7. While they are at it how about Lao Khao only for medicinal use. Just as sensible.
  8. Savannakhet in Laos is easiest and there is no financial requirement.
  9. Only seen gangs of college students fighting, never anything else. Having said that , when we lived in Bangkok , one of the wife's friends had her husband locked up after he got drunk and after a heated argument killed the other party.
  10. Great.....I'm up that way in December will take a look. Seriously zilch in this neck of the woods. I'm out on the bike two mornings a week and have kept my eyes open looking for some but so far nothing. As stated , not seriously bothered but thought I might get back into it since last six months have developed arthritis in my fingers which is making playing the guitar difficult.
  11. That might be the case where you live but I have seen none in anyones garden around here and none in the many plant shops ( lower Petchabun ). People not talking about it , seen nobody smoking it , not caught a whiff of anything . Seems to be a complete lack of interest. Having said that , this is a hard drinkers area so maybe they are happy with their Lao Khao ? Who knows. I was thinking of getting some but not seen anything although wife did see somebody on the back of a saling with a small 1 foot plant. Not bothered either way.
  12. I live with a Thai A Gerbil I rescued from an animal shelter. Its not all plain sailing but if you can adapt to the culture it can work. Best advice I can give is never give salted nuts to them. They get hyper. Fresh veg and fruit and you will both both be happy.
  13. Yes , attractive girls are a lot cheaper in Essex.
  14. Moral of the story. If it is something very important , don't be a cheapskate just to save a few baht. Spend a little more and save money.
  15. Er....no.....Nate is a complete and utter moron who appeals to anyone on that wavelength.
  16. Oi....can't you read ? This is a Lotus pond ! ..............The Isuzu Pond is further on .
  17. Eeny meeny miny mo ......darn ....Phua Thai Try again Dip Dip Dogs S**t you are it ! Darn it , Phua Thai again. I wonder if the Democrats will have me ?
  18. Thailand ..............Food to die for Philippines ......... Food to die of
  19. Isn't this exciting !!
  20. Is a very nice bit of fluff. I wonder if she really jumped for those wings.
  21. Yup, sounds like Alopecia . My wife had it a couple of years ago. I was the first one to notice a couple of bald spots at the back of her head. Not easily noticeable as covered by surrounding hair. When I told her and I showed her pictures it freaked her out . Went straight to a doctor recommended by a friend and the doctor gave her some tablets and topical lotion which did the trick. The lotion was RETEN ( which is a generic of Minoxidil ) Doctor also recommended Baby Mild shampoo , as not too many chemicals.
  22. Teach him what the word nemesis means , down on the farm.
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