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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Probably the same as your country handles meth...nothing to sfa. Portugal is the only country that has a working solution.
  2. the nearest motor bike taxi is my guess
  3. he wasn't on weed....stoners get mellow and sleep on weed
  4. on his tombstone will be written... 'see, I told you I was sick'
  5. I agree..ive had the same scenario
  6. over 2000 years of info on weed and this question is asked FMD! dont feed the troll
  7. Why are men telling women what they can do with their body?
  8. @ 5 AM? having breakfast silly 😱
  9. er...how did the money get to them for it to be flown out?
  10. deport and a life ban on this heathen
  11. lets not quibble over incidentals
  12. Seems a reasonable joint venture...the Chinese have a craft in orbit round the moon in preparation for building a base. It's great that Thailand is in there with a winner.
  13. im guessing it would be safe to say both drivers are Thai?
  14. Great group.
  15. Religiously on their way to the cholera carts at wat chai for noodles?
  16. I'd have that statement bronzed.
  17. this blokes career has been up and down like panty on soi6
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