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Everything posted by wombat

  1. A bullet killed JFK. No one blamed the bullet.
  2. If this is true ....the extent of the cancer eating at America by Americans is way underreported
  3. As it is written in stone... Young Men,the cream of the crop,sent off to die to settle old men's arguments. Nothing changes
  4. Didn't they learn from the English examples of the soldiers who didn't go over the top to face certain death... the officer bloke who stood behind them put one in the head?
  5. No...I am so used to the flip flop I expect it. When there is no flip flop I panic that something is wrong
  6. So just to be clear...if my main squeeze sees me in a vlog youtube with my terac de joure and performs that quaint ritual known as cut cut throw to ducks the abuser will be jailed?
  7. The handbook on how to be PM didn't have a chapter on accepting responsibility for actions. It did mention saying sorry on ???? whilst crying would absolve all sins though
  8. There was movement at the station For the word had got around New signs arrived and being put in place.
  9. With the crop Americans swallow from their politicians they will have no problems
  10. The cream of the crop for the pick of the crop or should that be the pick of the crop for the cream of the crop?
  11. Who's tunnel? Not the tunnel of love ???? that's for sure
  12. Not being able to give the benefit of doubt anymore my conclusion is its all about control and the associated endorphins released from having that power.
  13. The solution is simple. Social media's are the common denominators for all these psychos and their need to have photos online showing off their macho image. Tweak algorithm to recognize guns. Red flag to enforcement who can then go round for a chat and confiscation
  14. The UK has a tried and true system in place...transplant it to here...jobs done ✔
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