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Posts posted by jayinoz

  1. For some who were only here for mainly a holiday- sounds like it turned out. Refund from credit card- meanwhile you already received a 1 Yr ED Visa for free... I know one who did not care and paid for the rent of his Condo for 6 months from his refund by the credit card company. No issues with ED Visa, as the stamp is there and cannot be removed.

    So join a cheaper course and put in down to bad luck. Civil court wise if you overstayed- did not get Visa, out of pocket expenses- Good Luck.

    The waiting list is very long and in reality it is not a lot of money. The court will feel you are being picky and it will simply cause you more stress.

    CMU have needed to accept a bad rep over this and such is life with a back hander society.

    Move on... after you try get as much costs back as possible from CMU- once again good luck. CMU has always been over rated.

    Yet a great library... many better specialist schools for Farangs however.:lol:

  2. U are on fire Orang37- anyway to the other posters Q---- No I have never found a knowledgeable enough Doctor in all Cmai in sports medicine and longevity that I can trully trust. More Farang laymen have knowledge yet not the education. Unfortunate but true.

    Some good Doctors in BKK- if i find one in CMAI- I will let the thread find out... As I am looking.

    Get the test- if 20%+ below in total testo then I advise strength exercise + supplemental help. It a giveme you are under you Peaks from 20-25yo, if you over 40-45yo. As described above... I will keep a look out for a sports QUACK who knows his stuff in CMAI for all of us.

    If others find one the knows the tests I mentioned in detail then please pass on and I will check them out....;)



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  3. Orang37, not sure where Mel Gibson popped up from as I thiink of him as a Racist Pig. He has nothing to do with the supplements mentioned. Although due to some people who take excessive HGH + Testo who go into ROID Rage, often those whom already have an Anger Management issue... In his case I doubt these supplements would be good for his persona in high dosage.

    Yet I think you will agree I can admire whomever I wish and so can you. I simply feel that these superstars are a clear example of aging gracefully with this help. Who cares if Sly S does not wish to leave the 'Stud farm' as you say... that is his choice and good for him at 64yo. ;)

    Anyway I advise that people take the following blood tests below- your specialist should know, if not request it... then see how low your hormones are in relation to Peak levels when u were 20-25yo. Then decide for yourself whether hormone treatment is right for you. I am in my 30s yet I get tested- I feel I do not need as yet due to being only 5-10% down from Peak levels when an athlete in my 20s. Strength exercise helps increase these levels greatly, naturally.

    I do not think these supplements are needed for an active body until your 40s... then boost levels back to your 20s for that extra boost in mental and physical health. Your levels should be 15-20%+ down from their Peak to have any real affect.

    A stigma has only been attached to HGH + Testo due to a few Abusers taking 100s of times the normal dosage thus they get cancers, ROID Rage, etc. You will get great benefits if your levels are low- I saw my father look and feel a decade or 2 younger within weeks. Put the spring back in his step. Yet I also seen the downside in the Athlete field- the abusers and ROID Rage. So maybe not for everyone, if you keep upping your levels.

    Stick to brand names and do not use the cheap chinese knock offs would be my advice. Plus medical supervision, yet many doctors barely have a clue about this except those whom specialize in Longevity or Athlete's. None in CMai that I know of... :o Thus people need all the info they can get to test their medical specialist I believe.

    Here is the blood test recommended...

    Total testosterone

    Free testosterone

    Bio AT






    and Estriadol (E2)


  4. As above poster mentioned the easiest route is through an agent, yet you pay a premium for this service- I guessimate 10-15%pa. If u OK with this then by all mean lookup chiangmaihouse, chiangmailannahouse, etc.

    For my money I think select an area that really appeals to you better than no other- then look for homes to rent in that area...they will be displayed in Thai writing on the gate out front. Then negoitate the best deal u can...

    Agents typically ask for 1-2 months rent per year as their commission. (8-16%pa). Also I advise to never expect to pay a Bond of 2 months rent- as the owner will spend it and u will never see it again.

    2 months rent for Bond is not done in anywhere I know except Thailand... except in the usual event the Landlord supply high value furniture. Otherwise there is no justification for 2 months rent + 1st month in advance. I like to say I will pay 6 months with a very minimal Bond, that will be used up in the last month. The larger you offer up front the better the deal- human nature- particularly Thai.

    Also remember the Baht is very strong right now- so that a good justification to pay less.

    Chok Dee

  5. So as hardcopy publications we have the sources of CityLife and CMai mail left- that a bit sad from all the publications I use to read years ago.

    Also CMai mail used to be x5 thicker, now it a very thin paper- really not worth the 30bt anymore- i think its time is done. As this is not Pattaya with thriving newspapers like Pattaya Gazette and Mail.

    I noticed an Expat flyer that was thin yet interesting... I guess times are changing in Cmai- it is no BKK, Pattaya or Phuket. :ermm:

    Still many of us whom live here like CMai far better than the above- yet we are getting very outnumbered.

    Cheers jay

  6. Wow weeee... the guy simply asked about where to get Testo... now he knows.:blink:

    The option of HGH is a personal choice in longevity and feeling and looking better.

    I am an advocate of those who wish to try be better than they currently are- Mind and body.

    An aging body can be helped by the above- who are we- or government to stop a person from doing this... Most government make it near impossible without the huge bucks of superstars- I highlighted that in Thailand u do not need to be a superstar to gain access.

    As for the celebrities you mentioned- their is obvious jealousy at play- u are jealous of the successful and put many down when you feel u can. Do they listen- NO because u achieved nothing like them, Chok Dee. :lol:

    If you read Sly S life story then u would know he is a far more motivated and ambitious man than u ever were- get over urself...Orang37- obvious jealousy.

  7. Khun Orang37,

    You supply many good pts, my only issue is your reference to WE WE WE- who you speaking for- THE WORLD...

    Many of us (General in sense) admire the Sly S, Claud Van damme's, etc- as they are the best in their field... They are entertainers- sure and some of the biggest names in the world. I doubt they have no brains as they built their empires from nothing. Sly wrote Rocky and starred in it to make his name.

    To a lesser extent Claude has wrote and directed- so just because you have muscles does not mean you are stupid. Many of us hitting the gyms to enhance our bodies will disagree. Mind and body needs to be active always- once one stops then it will slowly die IMO.

    Anyway the rich in fish- I am an advocate....Plus many other points you make are very good. Except implying muscles = dumb.

    Cheers Jay :jap:

  8. I had a blue book with my house in Hang Dong. I just held onto it and gave it to the new owners. I agree, the rules on these changes like the wind.

    Can a Farang get a blue book- I have always been told no chance.

    U mean on your Condo?

    I have a yellow book for the house i live,However i have a company and if i buy a house in company name i can get a blue book. As for the law on blue and yellow books, It like the weather and laws can change by the day. I know a English man who had a land paper in his own name, Beat that!! I tried to do this but no way ummm. However i did buy some property and put in my sons names who are half Thai and English, I was told at the land office i could not do this because my sons are 8 and 11 years old?? I did do this as my lawyer said it can be done and he had to show the land office an updated law book on right to own land.Now my sons own land and if i get divorced my wife cannot ask me to leave and she can never sell any property bought like this and i cannot also. My sons can do when they are of age 20. on one piece of land i put 2 of my sons names on the land papers so the land cannot be sold with both son to agree at the land office at the age of 20 at the same time. if anybody need a good lawyer then e.mail me through my website and i will be happy to give his details and he good and cheap + i know a excellent translator who is excellent and only charges 1.000 per day to help with any problem where a translator is needed.Rob http://www.sausageking1.com/


    Yer Rob I sent a few emails to you over the past 2 weeks on differing queries (Incl. purchases from Sausage King)- with no reply---Whats up buudy. Are u getting the emails from jayinoz............................We cannot PM you as u a sponsor for some crazy reason. Cheers Jay

    Anyway the blue book seems to be allowed if purchased under Co Ltd. My lawyer told me I can put land into the name of my 1yo- who is half THAI- is this FACT.

    The only drawn back I see Rob in the event of divorce- is you must leave when your wife gains custody of your Son's. So the battle over custody of you son's would be long and expensive. Whoever gets the kids- gets the assets. That is the downside of putting in your kids name- yet not an issue when they adults. Yet fall out with one of your kids then look out.... Have I made u felt uneasy yet. Nothing is bullet proof from what I have seen- except living a full and decent life with your wife. Cheers Jay :lol:

  9. Yes the lucky country is no longer lucky for some- the miners are in the lead in this economy. I doubt it will change will the emerging economies wanting all the resources.

    Many SE Asians naturally trying to get to Aussie mining companies for the HUGE pay. As a truck driver gets as much as a good level executive in SME Coy. Now that will damin the mood in Aussie for miners, is if they ship out SE Asians to take their jobs for a fraction of the price. :lol:

    I suspect more Aussies to arrive- whilst US & Eu drop off due to currency issues.

    On the topic of currency- this Aussie guy was working in Zimbawe doing hel_l knows what- he saved up over 3 million dollars then died. Leaving his Thai wife all the funds- she transferred the funds to Thai baht totalling a whopping 3400bt from over 3 million ZWE $$$. True story- she thought she was rick forever and borrowed big money from the bank based on a money slip that was transferred to her name with ZWE bank. It never mentioned ZWE $ in Bank Manager letters or on the money slip. So everyone presumes USA $- so to the bank. :huh:

  10. Yer I give people advice on where to get pain killers then i am hit with all these Detox in Thailand adverts... Big brother is watching.

    Ask about doctors- you have hospital and plastic surgeon adverts...

    I think the dating ones are regulars and only because we in Thailand is my guess. They presume we after call girls from BKK- We know what U want- they say. I bet.


  11. I have noticed CMai mail getting slimmer by the month. I returning to CMai since 2007, the CMai mail was at least 3 times larger. Surely they getting enough readers- what going on.I found the new Expat handout good yet small.Citylife is very commercial- not much news yet OK for a read.What else have we got- whilst we have the largest community forum in Thailand. We seriously lag behind Phuket, pattaya, BKK when it comes to News and Events newspapers.What other mags and papers are out there? What are the best?TV naturally been my main event for the last few months... then BKK Post...then nation. Sometimes grab CMai mail, pattaya gazette (just for their wild west stories-Lol) and CityLife.

  12. Some very good thoughts above... the Op however simply wished to know what to use to increase his Testo. So I gave a suggestion to take Sustanon... albeit I presumed he would take it under medical supervision and be checked out after taking it to see if his levels are all OK. So I did not think it was irresponsible to guide him to the supplements that have been medically and scientifically proven to work.

    But certainly I think many people are selling 'Snake oil' like products that do nothing to boost your Testo. So I gave a suggestion that is a very popular and scientifically proven Testo booster and take as directed or directed by your doctor. I did not try to sell him anything like some have... just point the way as requested.

    In terms of Human Growth Hormone (Legal in Thailand), there has been a number of studies to prove beyond doubt that it increases muscle mass lost through aging, increases metobolic rate by approx. 500 Cal per day thus you loss fat, not only does it help your waist line but fat stored around organs also, boost in mood, etc. Ultimately a boost to your quality of life and only because of a few abusers is the only reason why it is so restricted in many countries around the world. And that is a shame. Yet it is not restricted in Thailand yet you should be under the supervision of a doctor when taking it. Plus be regualrly checked out.

    Roid rage happens to body builders taking HUGE amounts of the stuff, and usually the person was prone to anger anyway. So all these if's and but's are simply to stop people from having a better quality of life. I have seen many people simply seem to come back to life after taking it. It is shown on the BBC in docos as the fountain of youth, for its youthful benefits in body and mind.

    Under the right supervision- I am an advocate of Testo + HGH for anyone 40+ yo. By the age of 40 you will approx. 20% down on the levels you where as a 20-25yo man. Women use also yet in smaller doses to turn back the hands of time.

    Now the cancer scare off tactic- cancer has struck 'some' extreme body builders, some taking 1000 times the Testo they should. Plus HUGE doses of HGH that are simply toxic. No wonder their body got infested with cancers. No prove linking HGH + Testo boosters have been found under 'NORMAL' usage. Once again the extreme idiots wreck it for the rest of us. The analogy of the Alcoholics making governments around the world stop all people drinking is a good one. Because it is the equivalent- red wine 1-2 glasses per day is meant to be great for your heart, yet 10 glasses will have bad affects on many organs (Including cancer of the liver). Yet Alcohol is not banned. Same with HGH- some countries have banned it because of a tiny percentage of people.

    When Sly Stallion got busted in Aussie he thought it was a joke and commented that this stuff will be available over the counter in 5 years. Yet in some countries it already is- yet he obviously has the top medical and scientific doctors telling him exactually how much to take and when- plus exercise routine, etc for his Quality of life and longevity. he is at nearly 65yo looking far younger than his age in body and mind. The stock of HGH popularity would have skyrocketed after Sly made that comment.

    See a specialist, get a script and live the best quality of life you can and increase your longevity in the process. Yet you still need to pay out a fair bit monthly privately for the medicine, as naturally no government will subsidize you to live a better life. Most countries it $1000 pm and do not allow you to import, at least in Thailand it half reasonable at approx. $300 pm. As it legal under the right medical supervision and you do not need to be wait until you are sick or on death's door. Chok Dee.:jap:

  13. You talking about NEW cars for fixed price, then they still not fixed- competition counts greatly and the sales guys are very competitive in BKK. You will get a better deal on NEW and used (Especially moreso used). As one poster said many scams- old parts in near new car, etc... Watch out I nearly been had a couple of times - lucky I have a trusted machanic. But he only speaks Thai, so as I speak broken Thai still- I still need my girl to translate.

    Cheers Jay

  14. Bus is good if u can put up with a 9 hr trip then ur flight... bit tough going... However at the other end you need to hire a bus taxi- or pickup depending on how large the goods are.... Then u need to arrange for your plane carrier to take the goods for $20 per kg- expensive IMO.

    If you cannot be bothered, many Export companies will arrange for you or even in PO- u need a BKK address to send to. Far cheaper to send the goods by sea if you can wait 4-6 weeks.

    I did this when moving out of CMai in 2006, I had 10 cubic metres of goods from the Condo. It took 3 weeks to Aussie and I could track it the whole way. I picked up at the Melbourne Port in a Budget rental truck with a friends help. The biggest expensive is the company in your homeland- taking the goods off the ship and storing it for you to pick up (After Customs check, etc). So watch out on the fees at the other end if going by sea. If you decide on more than 80 kg... All up mine was 800kg and near 10 cubic metres. You can get 1 cubic pretty cheap. Chok Dee.

    My 2 cents

  15. Anyone noticed many more Aussies and Canadians around CMai? Nearly everyone I been talking to lately is from there.I guess these resource based countries are not hurting as much as the rest I guess. When truck drivers in Aussie are making 100K US pa then they are doing well.Looking up XE.com I noticed that AUD, CAD are now basically on a par with US. Plus far better than the past against EU.All about the resources I guess...

  16. I would suggest you offer one of the guys here say 3000bt to set it all up for you. As you really just want a simple website.

    Pick domain name then tell them what u want- then u do not need to be bothered going over all the specifics for hours.

    They will select your FREE Host. Supply web template to use or allow you a selection.

    You give them some info to put in the site- photos + home page info + contact info.

    Then they will have ready pretty quickly- well should do for a simple site.

    Who will do this for PG for the above price?

    Chok Dee

  17. Far better prices in BKK and the south. As Farangs moving on, etc... Never seen them in CMai- yet seen adverts and I thought 'Woww u may make a few bucks buying in BKK and selling here'. Yet if there no buyers then...

    Anyway I sent u a couple of emails through ur website, as I cannot PM u TV say.

    Cheers Jay

  18. You sure- as I been once and showed Biz Visa and no go. To me it seemed- if you look like a Farang and smell like one then ur paying up for tourist prices. They laughed at me trying to get Thai price, even when I reside here. My girl laughing with them- I say tell them I live here and here's my Visa and address. Blaa blaa no go... laugh laugh.

    They say- must be Thai- must be Thai- u Farang- u pay Farang price....

  19. After reading this thread I'm wondering now if my home would sell if I put it on the market. We're heading back to Australia for 5 years, after which we may return to CM. We had been thinking to rent out our house while we were away, but we'd definitely sell for the right price.

    We built it on a 1200 m2 plot of land just off Kampangdin Rd right off the moat - definitely not in a moobaan, and on a quiet dead-end soi. It's 3-bed, 2 stories, very private compound with a high wall around, a well maintained tropical style garden with large leafy trees around three sides of the house (we have more garden than house) with two salas, a two-car carpark, and a swimming pool. If we sold it, everything inside comes with the house including all the furniture, electronics, and Yamaha grand piano. We'd price it between 15~20m baht. It's definitely not the usual home you see in these parts!

    Fortunately we don't need to sell it, but we're also not attached to it. So I wonder if there is a market for this kind of home, especially one this close to the city?

    Have you considered someone house sitting ? Finding someone in Aus who would like to spend 5 years here and you live in there house. a fiend has house sat on the Gold Coast and it worked out ok,just had to look after 2 dogs and a small garden. Loads of web sites/forums you can find ,worth looking at,its a growth market. We maybe be doing the same thing next Thai summer.So many houses on the market and more coming >not sur e where the buyers are coming from wit their currencies falling away.

    I feel this would take some time to sell this one- yet it sounds spectular... naturally renting may be a hassle if you want a half decent return. Like in Aussie always the higher the price of your home, the lower the yield you will get. Yes- house swap sounds appropriate. As that price is only a standard Condo or small house near the Aussie capitals these days. Whereas here you have 1200sq.

    If you planning to move in a year- best to put it on now and maybe u will have some luck via retired Farangs or Rich Thai.

    It does seem a waste to let it sit there for 5 years. I guess a home like that wants 40-50K bt pm- possible but put on the market well before you are leaving. Chok Dee.

  20. Why buy? With 5 million baht invested in a term deposit for 5 years in a bank in Australia you could earn over 7% interest per annum. That's 350,000 or nearly 30,000 baht/month. You could rent a nice place with that and still have your money safe. Bloody hel_l, you could almost LIVE in Chiang Mai for that.

    100% agree- Online Saver in Aussie making 7%- done and done.... safe and secure.... instant access anytime- it is brilliant.

    Rent- well depending on the area it sounds like and whether u get a good deal or not is MAX 4% yield. You should get around 3%...

    Money to spare on actually living.

    Try out renting for 12 months and then make your choice I suggest.

    Anyway you have a lot of options from many different perspectives now.

    I do not believe the Maejo rates of near 20K pm, for a 4 mil place- as it over 5% yield---you are being seriously DONE. I think some people did not look around hard enough.

    I always hear many have paid far too much and been suckered in by an agent or whatever.

    Why do you think these Agents really only advertise for Farangs? Go drive around and see the little signs on the gate- there is a SHOCKING number for rent and sale.

    As I said however with a sale the owner cannot sell for less than they owe the bank- better deal to be had on a rental... Over supply.

    Supply far outweighs demand- thus around 3% yield, if not less.

    My 2 cents.

  21. I had 50 odd domains yet the pain in the butt is renewing each year.

    I had offers to buy some via enquires yet who knows how to transfer to another person's name.

    Plus the buyer or agent wants you to transfer in their name before payment- yer right. I down to about 20 now, simply let 30 or 40 domains lapse on payment.

    Anyone sell a domain and how did you do it?

    Also in regards to hosting u should find out your limit, I have unlimited domains, subs, etc for $70AUD pa. They have a great Console and you can put friends, family, customers, whomevers website on your Host system.

    Max is 100 Gb- but that is huge and many 100s of websites. Look at bandwidth as well for speed of access to your sites. If you have crappy speed, most people wait 10 secs then give up.

    Anyway sounds like a few good Farang web guys. As i sick and tired of trying to communicate my ideas to the Thai guys. Then they coming back with something completely different then want to charge more than agreed.

    Yet for your TGF- if her site as one poster mentioned then they would have no issues- probably more simplistic also.

    Make your Host company Farang and your Web guys IMO.

    My 2 cents:jap:

    Cheers jay

  22. Hi,

    I'm sure you'd prefer to deal with a Thai company who can consult and give you advice as part of the project. You can check out my partner's company here : in addition to multimedia, they also do website design


    Another poor recommendation. Better don't deal with a Thai company, or totally poor quality or too pretentious, the good ones are very rare, and enough foreign web designers here.

    Me too I do complete web design at a budget price starting 6.000b/ready in a week/no templates/no 90's design !

    Sure you can get them for 3.000 if you choose a Thai, but you don't want to know what you get.

    I agree the above recommendations are no good- plus I tried for a long time to get half decent web guys in CMai. The major problem is communication- you waste so much time trying to explain to them your needs (Even with a good interpreter) that it drives you insane. Then when they think it complete- it totally wrong- I had many disputes with supposed Web guys here over payment also. They quote say 2000bt- they do a crap job and you need it fixed by someone else and they want 4000bt for the extra time trying to understand ur needs.

    In IT in CMai I believe it easier to find inexpensive Farang who are Pros, yet charge you hobby rates. Still more than a quote from Thai guys but they never do the job correctly.

    Thai and Farangs do not mix in creating good websites- if you want rock bottom u can alway try India. Yet comms issues again- I always liked the tuskersbar.com site- yet it was produced by a UK guy. Most of the good biz sites in CMai are produced by Farang- I am afraid to say. Whilst it would be great to have a fully functional and upgradable site with ECommerce for 2000bt. It simply is not possible in my experience.

    Personally I would prefer to deal with a local- for a reasonable cost- not Farang cost, as we not live in Farangland. But good cheap prices for a Pro. Several Web masters and designers live in CMai- as it a job u can do from anywhere u wish in the world--- that has a good internet connection.

    City limits seems to know his stuff- do not stuff around with Thai Web companies is my recommendation. Tried with 3 sites with 3 different Thai Web companies and all crap.:bah:

    Maybe others had better experiences. Cheers jay

  23. Remember you only have 3 months to dispute a non service claim (From the date you paid) and gain your refund- if paid by credit card.

    My mate put his dispute in and they state he will have the funds for him within 2 weeks. As they heard of this issue. So he happy- getting 30K back and got the 1 yr ED Visa. All ends well for him.;)

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