I didn't really pay much attention to the bands and exact numbers but was around the numbers I mentioned, the 450k might have been 480k not sure but definitely asked the question showing bands - I just ticked a few boxes and closed it, took about 20secs
because of the specific details it was specifically for Thailand, although I am a UK citizen my wise account is registered in Thailand, it looked very like a tax declaration including source of funds (pension - savings etc) and how much transfered per year with specific bands 0-250k 250k-450k etc, never had to do this before
A request was made from "wise" to confirm some details for regulatory confirmation, this looks like a direct request from the revenue dept in Thailand asking for source of money and the amount transferred per year (in specific bands)
I agree with your point but is still no excuse, current climate of anti farang they are making a point of highlighting everything they can about foreigners behaving badly - rather foolish, all Thais are model citizens right ?, not according to the news I read daily on here
drunk driving kills and all caught should be severly punished equally
fine example of a sexual predator using his position to take advantage of naive young girls, he should be banned from teaching and removed from society. seems a common occurrence in thailand were people use their positions of power to exploit, happens in the west but not on the same scale as thailand
it is the actions of goverment and ministries of said government that are under scrutiny not Thaksin himself, this is complete ##, of course they have a right to question as they represent the interests of the people and should hold the government to account - that is why they are there