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Everything posted by smedly

  1. seriously !!! I had a lot of respect for BJ ...................................had
  2. desperate and likely penniless resorting to desperate measures - my advise to this idiot is go home and get your life in order
  3. was this a sexual assault case ? whats with the laughing emoji, do you find this funny ?
  4. Denmark “I was convicted for selling hard drugs, even though it was Weed, which isn’t considered a hard drug. Consequently, my sentence was much harsher than it should have been. I was handed 4.5 years and ended up serving 2.5 years, being released in the summer of 2007,” he recounts. In 1994, at the age of 25, John had invested in his first gym while pursuing his engineering studies. The venture flourished, expanding to include two fitness centers, two nightclubs and a trucking company before his arrest in 2005. says it all really, this guy is a gangster and thought he could do it in Thailand, buying multiple properties here with his drug money from Denmark and renting them out and continuing to to ply his trade selling drugs, no sympathy from me
  5. she may be arrested when she arrives in the UK, not a wise thing to do steal a passport even if it is your husbands.
  6. he has a right to have it repaired to the standard it was before this idiot caused him to crash, I see this all the time, bike riding responsibly leave a gap to the vehicle in front and some idiot behind is determined to fill it, I will also guess that somewhere before this incident the bikes passed the pickup truck and he didn't like it making this a road rage incident
  7. you really are a star, i assume you would have no issues doing the same, that's why we have police for people you but not so in Thailand unfortunately
  8. not the point, he was drunk driving only those that drink and drive will defend this idiot they are a danger to everone - don't care if they wipe themselves out but usually it involves others
  9. Both sides agreed to an undisclosed financial settlement and as a result no further legal action would take place. seriously ?, drunk causing an accident then fleeing the scene, criminal charges should be brought against this idiot no matter what money was exchanged, what sort of message is this sending ? - the wrong one, it's ok to drive while drunk as long as you pay - what if he had killed someone
  10. Thailand is supportive simply because the deep south not so with Russia on Ukraine because although similar it doesn't involve muslims
  11. so all of a sudden these all criminals ? what were they before ? ps - what's the guy top right in the photo doing lol
  12. yes tax foreign pensioners and make it extremely difficult for them to claim it back, extortion is the right word to describe this
  13. attempted murder, good that this nut job is off the streets, just as well he didn't have access to a firearm
  14. so are they going to instruct banks to add tax to all foreign transfers and expect us to claim it back ?, they do not have the facilities to do that, it took me 6 months to claim tax back on bank interest I had earned here on a savings account if they want to tax me then their revenue department can claim it from me if they have evidence my income in not taxed already. That is the usual way personal taxation works.
  15. no mention of the destruction and slaughter of innocent civilians in Ukraine, I wonder why
  16. how does he know they were lost in the car assuming it was his passport lost (which wouldn't fit in a wallet) were they in a bag of some kind ? did he pay for the bolt taxi ? unconvinced
  17. how naive, consider their actions more ?, people who break the law will continue to do it while they can get away with it, it is why we have laws and the police to enforce them, if there are no polce then you may as well have no laws, equally if you have police and they are not enforcing the law - same result, this country considers everything "after the fact" there is no attempt at prevention
  18. or using a phone or speeding or any combination anyone riding a bicycle on these lawless thai roads need their head looked at hope they catch the scum that did this and lock him up for a very long time RIP very sad
  19. this is unworkable my pensions are long term savings time to look for somewhere else to live, they are blowing in the wind with this, are we going to have to leave every 180 days to avoid this - ### them
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