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Everything posted by smedly

  1. maybe I'm missing something - doesn't everyone pay tax when you buy a ticket
  2. anyone got a message for Prayuth and Anutin #### ### - I hope the incoming government changes legislation and forces these ## to declare financial gains over the last 13 years, now that would make for some very interesting reading
  3. meanwhile these corrupt ## fill their pockets with billions and no accountability on their personal finances
  4. really sorry to hear that, one of the most valued contributors to this forum will be sadly missed RIP UJ
  5. and was he drunk ? either way he should be paying hospital bills and compensation for being an idiot
  6. ultimately it is up to the owner to go after this woman for damages, nothing to do with the staff
  7. at the start of this thread the general advise was to wait a few days, look at the mess you created for yourself and still you want to use an agent, why not listen to what you are be told on these forums before creating a massive problem for yourself, I am on my 13th extension and never used an agent once.......go figure
  8. they don't need a LT renting contract - they need your residence to give you a simple proof of address or your Thai DL will also do
  9. no one but your embassy can cancel your passport, if you have the old passport with all the stamps then you do not need a new one, if you have already applied for a new one then inform your embassy that you found the old one, you will need to take it with you when collecting your new one and they will cancel it, the go to immigration and get the stamps transferred the only advice you should be taking right now in from your embassy
  10. cleaver way of getting out of identifying the local cops they bribed, more bulllll shttt. what's the odds of this resulting in prosecution, my guess is - zero
  11. rather vague on identity of the ### that lost his marbles hope this costs this idiot and is deported and banned from Thailand for life
  12. leadacid batteries have a shelf life, this is very likely a 4 year old battery and seems to be the reliability issue, as for the cars age, well 2019 was 4 years ago so it is hardly new, seems to me this stealership took this lady for a ride, I wonder how many km's were on the clock and even then was it reset. why would anyone pay the new price for a 3-4 year old car
  13. you are spot on not enough planning and organisation has gone into the diversion making the whole thing unsafe and dangerous RIP
  14. don't forget May 7th entertainment venues and bars will be shut
  15. why not do it in India, seems rather idiotic to come to a country were gambling is strictly illegal, makes no sense
  16. can you think of anything else Sherlock bills, protitutes, extortion - what about drugs, depression, personal finance, broken heart, suicide, have we covered them all hope he turns up ok
  17. they enrich themselves while the poor get poorer - Thailand waken up, these coup mongers are filthy rich and they have protected themselves from revealing just how much they have ###### over the last 13 years
  18. lets not underestimate this meeting and why it took place, it is unpresidented and sends a very clear message that outside important observers are not happy with the dirty tactics being played out - if you can't beat them get rid of them ....................... let the people decide who they don't want running the country - Anutin (1.5%) Prawit, Chan O cha - take a hint
  19. no need to concern yourself Anutin - what was that recent poll showing for you, 1.5% lol, can you take a hint or does it need to be explained
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