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Everything posted by smedly

  1. seems it would be in the public interest to do so, the police serve the public
  2. they seem to have switched from plastic bags to string I don't believe any of this either - the claimed CCTV footage will show nothing
  3. only goes to prove they make up stupid rules for stupid reasons
  4. says the self appointed members spokesperson you know there are adults here - right ?
  5. he pretty much hung himself with what amounts to a shoelace apparently personally I don't believe this ##
  6. I never understood the ban - there are more important things to be dealing with
  7. who wants to come here and be subjected to this sort of abuse, these people were actually detained for doing absolutly nothing wrong
  8. not the point I was making and if you live in Pattaya your life does not go on normally for a whole 7 days - it is severely compromised and forces quite a number of people to either leave the city or not go out, 1-2 days could be tolerable but not 7 days - why did you even comment
  9. died of or died with clearly this person was compromised making the report pointless how many people die of flu RIP
  10. I can't imagine ................... yes manually rubbing your hemorrhoids constantly with bogroll is going to improve things, ever thought of dealing with the real problem - your ### hemorrhoids
  11. do you wear a mask and rubber gloves - dear oh dear have you ever gone outside ? do you know what the most germ ridden things are in your home or everywhere for that matter - do some research, BTW the keyboard you are typing on very likely has more bacteria than anything in your bathroom your foreplay must be a real adventure lol
  12. they are not allowed in the west because of the risk of back flow into the water system - in most countries water is safe to drink from the tap - not so in Thailand I am not sure what the real risk is in terms of backflow - I am sure it is very small to zero - a non return valve would solve the issue anyway
  13. covid is over Anutin - and so are you................. 1.5% popularity lol - how impressive - I hope you can take a hint and ##### ### Is this recent covid focus an attempt to cancel/delay the elections - it is only going on in Thailand - wouldn't surprise me
  14. there is a solution - another constitution change (which I support) and put it to the people in a referendum - wipe out the senate and restore democracy - as it is right now these #### rs still hold the power no matter the result of an election - that is just not how it works
  15. I think you are right but I don't think the Thai people are as divided as they were before - IMO they will not tolerate another coup I also hope that those that take over will fully investsigate the current mob for serious corruption and lock them all up had to laugh at Anutin who actually thought he was popular with the people, just shows how out of touch and delusional this fool is, Anutin bye bye - what was the last poll ................. 1.5% support lol
  16. why would there be outside interfence - what was the point of this announcement ? they were murdered - do your job and find out who did it motive - money or an ex boyfriend is a good place to start
  17. should we have a poll of how many people wish it had continued for another 7 days or how many people and businesses are glad to see the back of it and get back to normal Yes Thais are fully entitled to celebrate their new year every year - but not this nonsense going on for 7 days 3rd poll question - is 7 days far too long and should it be restrcted to 2 days
  18. what ? the current online system is working fine, the actual need is questionable has anyone heard about a fee of B100 being introduced for 90 day reports, I suspect the person telling me this is rather confused
  19. meeting the finacial requirements ............................ was that a joke an agent and a backhander renders such requirement redundant
  20. a good start would be forcing those that have been in charge these last 13 years to disclose their earnings while in office and where the money came from, all police and army high ranks can do the same being able to hide it does not inspire confidence does it ? - one of the first things Prayut did when he took office - remove the need for finacial disclosure - that is a red flag right there
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