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Everything posted by smedly

  1. how they earn money can tell a lot about someone - if what they declare doesn't match up with lifestyle and wealth
  2. my thoughts exactly My instinct tells me they are well known to French police Maybe some investigation into the backgrounds of these two especially the source of funding. I do hope the Thai man recovers after what seems to have been a sucker cowardly attack, lets hope they aren't able to pay their way out of this but will we ever find out
  3. they generally are only a risk to themselves, using a mobile device is entirely different and is recognized across the world as one of the top causes of road collisions which is why it is being addressed with severe penalties
  4. very difficult to understand what happened, that was quite an impact
  5. I for sure agree with that, I feel really sorry for them, I actually have a couple of Russian friends who are really decent folks, I also feel for those almost 60,000 Russians who are no longer alive because of one mad idiot called Putin, history has had a few of them, lets not get into the Ukraines who have lost their lives and had their homes destroyed - none of which would have happened if mad dog Putin hadn't sent his military across the border into a sovereign country what this war has shown is the pile of junk the Russian military is and they are not even facing the full military might of the west not even 2% of it, it's just so sad that these lives have been lost, for what ?
  6. the only reason Russia is a so called superpower is because they have nukes ................... it have been shown recently that their conventional military is basically junk and massively overated, are you not embarrassed - I would be as for nukes - go for it - Russia would be wiped from the face of the earth - not a bad thing all considered
  7. another ### for my ignore list - you are so ignorant and clueless it is astounding it has been obvious for months now that the Russian military is an embarrasment and their hardware is junk, pity you are not fighting full on Nato/west - this war would have lasted a few weeks not 7 months - please go sign up and do you your patriotic best in Ukraine - I suspect you don't have the #### to back up your words with foot on the ground - more commonly known as a ####
  8. oh dear, maybe the people of Ukraine have their own thoughts on that, the part you are missing - Ukrane did not invade russia welcome to my ignore list - feel special PS - why not go back to Russia and join the special operation "WAR" I will pay for your ticket - go bomb a few hospitals and schools in Ukraine - show us you are a real man lol, nah didn't think so ................bye
  9. yes the destruction and loss of innocent lives is all quite normal Russia hasn't really sent an invasion force if 100,000 troops into Ukraine a soveregn country and laid waste to 1/4 of the country and peoples homes towns and cities - it is all make believe Thailand has no #### to stand up for what is right - shameful but surprise really
  10. too busy shutting pubs and demanding money to reopen, never seen it this bad, I wish someone would wear a bodycam and take these corrupt ### to task, the big boss in BKK says his police are flawless - what planet is he on
  11. another budget expence - has anyone been keeping count these last 2 years lol never mind count - has anyone been keeping account - nope billions or more have dissapeared down some rat hole of that I am sure are the top line going to declare their wealth earned over these last 2-5 years ..... nope, because they decided they didn't have too - corruption 101 wht the Thai people let them away with this is quite sgaru
  12. his 2yo should not have been anywhere near farming equipment, farms are dangerous places with lots of heavy machinery and poor visability Tragic and careless RIP
  13. I have no words I can say on here what a tragedy - a cowards way out RIP
  14. do they need an engine, it's likely they won't be going anywhere everybody knows why you are buying these, were there's a budget you can fudgit
  15. I would put money on it both these idiots were drunk, just luck they didn't kill anyone The roads in Pattaya a dangerous from 1am onwards with drunks driving, what are the cops doing........nothing
  16. the actual reason the garbage is there is because it was dumped in the sea
  17. how many times do the police go past these obstructions on any given day and do nothing - that just sums it up right there
  18. I don't understand what all the fuss is about If there is a term of office for a PM written somewhere and he is exceeding it then hold an election - simple Granted CV19 might have delayed some stuff for 2 years or so but it is now over Oh and Prayuth - declare your earnings and wealth since you have been in office before you shut the door on your way out
  19. The whole headline in this article is garbage, it could simply have been written as "US Dollar continues to strengthen against all currencies" Ok so now that that is out of the way there is an obvious question that must be asked - Has the US FED-R gone too far over too short a time and is setting up another financial disaster ?.
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