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Everything posted by smedly

  1. Are they still requesting people return 3 months after 12 month extension to show bank balance, I recieved no intruction to do so
  2. pre covid this would not have been newsworthy why is now
  3. I know I go on about this but who elected him, why is he an MP Thailand lets on it is a demacracy but it is far from it, people go out and vote ......for what, the coup makers are still in power All Thai people need to get together - not red or yellow ....together, and get rid of these corrupt greedy power mongers for good, the whole thing is shameful waken up Thai people
  4. exactly, in reality they are the unelected who remain in power running the country election or otherwise. what they have done is quite cleaver, well not so cleaver considering the Thai people that I know don't want them there (I would assume that sentiment is widesread throughout the entire country) but have no way to remove them for now short of total all out civil war. How we got here - have a coupe'dtat hold elections - stay in power by fooling the people into think thinking we were elected (which they weren't) coupe makers still in power remove all rules requiring us to declare wealth/earnings while in office multiple huge budgets that we can fudge over 8+ years (coivid came at the right time) fill our boots no mechanism to remove us change the constitution so we can appoint ourselves again if there was another bogus election were the people don't actually vote for us directly, Thai style fudge democracy. remove any possible apposition by jailing them (they got that one from Putin) if it looks like we could lose fudged election ..................... another coupe'Dtat cycle continues fill our boots how the Thai people put up with this is beyond comprehension
  5. changes nothing, they just just moved the seating around, Thai people don't get a say who is in the driving seat or passenger seat - they are both in the same appointed undemocratic vehicle
  6. and who # # # elected him ???? democracy - these # bring shame on the very idea, rotten to the core Are the Thai people really this stupid, oh but but we get to vote in an election, what they haven't quite realized is that they did not elect the people who are in charge The court ruling should have triggered an immediate election, just a pity an election will make no difference
  7. in the UK each MP must be elected by the people before they can serve im Parliament - they must win their seat in a local election (contituency) against others who can be representing a party or standing as an individual, if they do not win they cannot serve in government ir in cabinet, it seems in Thailand as long as you are a member of a winning party you can then be appointed to any roll the party wishes even if you did not win a seat as an individual voted for by the public .................................. that is not democracy
  8. the public did not elect him in either roll, exactly what is wrong with so called Thai democracy, these people are appointed as members of a party but not individually elected by the people, it's a fudge of alliances and deals and you end up with people who were never directly elected by the public put into top jobs
  9. revoke their visa and/or permission to stay, they are adding nothing of any value to Thailand/Pattaya...............deport them
  10. this why I cut my own hair or it is now OMG
  11. there is a positive lol I can imagine the prelim negotiation - do you swallow ? yes I swallow everything how much ? all
  12. welcome to the world of business I assume the real complaint here is that they would not co-operate with your price fixing collective
  13. was that more important to you than a drunk behind the wheel since you never mentioned it. I hope they all fully recover too and the drunk driver goes in the slammer - gets deported and pays a hefty fine and compensation, drunk drivers are killers
  14. most civilized countries (if not all) have binned all covid emergency legislation months ago, what is wrong with Thailand Mr Prayuth - maybe it is you and your top team, the people don't support you and you know it,that is the only reason for this emergency decree - nothing else
  15. they have busted a ring - multiple rings kabadi kabadi - ring busters
  16. don't do it just yet, throw a few more billion emergcy budgets out there or shou;d I say "in there" it really is a shame that those in power these last 8 years have exempted themselves from declaring their income and wealth, that fact alone would make my blood boil, I wish the people would waken up and realize what these greedy ## are doing
  17. how about the boat captain who was in charge of everything going on on his boat, he is 100% responsible for all activities on his boat, he is the guide
  18. over the last couple of weeks they have been out painting road markings around Pattaya which is great if they would use a quality product fit for purpose - they are fading already, use the cheapest ## possible which turns out to be a complete waste of money
  19. well it's got sweet ## to do with the Thai voting public, if they actually had a say in the matter - Thai democracy 101, this scumbag and his mates would be in jail if the people actually had a say
  20. surely the captain of this boat should have informed the people on this fishing trip what the laws are, he is responsible for what goes on on his boat
  21. Like I have said many times - Thai clubs in Pattaya have been open until 4am and beyond since April, clubs on walking street are already open until 4am such a huge drama when it is already happening
  22. tragic there has been a lot of talk about building control and standards in Thailand after this negligent mess (it cannot be labelled an accident) - it is pure negligence both from the owner but more so the authorities who are ulitimately responsible for letting this business operate without proper safety assessment Also in developed countries businesses like this must have insurance but of course they will not get insurance unless the building has all the safety certificates that allow it to operate, IMO the local authorities and ultimately the Thai government share most of the blame - the owners bypassed the system because they could IMO all businesses like this must have liability insurance and to get that they must pass all building control requirements and safety The lady in the OP should not be paying a penny, it is the responsibilty of Government and local authorities to ensure the safety of everyone and when they fail they should pay
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