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Everything posted by smedly

  1. ask the people - simple from many Thais that I know the general feeling is they want you gone 3 years ago along with all your unelected cronies - who exactly voted for you ??????????????????????
  2. The problem with Thai politics is that parties win elections not individuals, so anyone who is in a party that gets the most votes can be a DPM even though that individual was not actually elected by the people, it is not proper democracy
  3. more likely an inside job
  4. and of course the many street vendors - where do they source their product ?, of course it is all highly regulated by authorities - standards are well maintained here,
  5. they are illegal no matter what you put in them
  6. hookah burners are illegal just like e-cigaretts besides that - this constant onslaught on entertainment venues is harming tourism, people are getting very angry with the authorities here - it needs to stop now
  7. did they check his finances for being unusually wealthy before retiring him, being a public prosecutor I am sure he is beyond reproach
  8. where there episodes of uncontrled laughter at these venues I remember (years ago) causing myself an injury because I laughed so much while smoking weed - oh and my 2 fav albums while in the throws - Pink Floyd the Wall and Fleetwood Mac - Rumours - the latter being my all time fav - the wall coming a close 2nd
  9. Police threating tourists = with srrest, welcom to new Thailand, - shooting themselves in the foot as usual - I know of 6 people who came here for a holiday 3x times a year who will not be back until they sort this ### out Thailand right now is not a great place to visit
  10. well done - so many drunk divers off the roads I was in a pub at 2:20 and finishing off a beer I had bought - already paid my bill - I asked them W## they thought they were doing, why are you harrasing me - I paid my bill already .............no answer - just a blank look, I did finish my beer sitting outside - what are they trying to achieve with this stupidity - at a time when tourism is the number one objective and yet they are trating tourists like this .............it really is stupidity beyond comprehension - stupid is what stupid does - talk about shooting themselves in the foot - the mind really does boggel whn it comes to Thailand - stupid beyond belief PS - I finished my beer outside on the street an proceeded to drink for another 2 hrs ............................. tourism Thailand - welcome to Chinathai
  11. ...................Knife-wielding suspect claimed he needed money for his sick mom..................... Get a ### job you lazy ###
  12. absolute rubbish, it will free up police to actually go after drunk drivers instead of running around ent venues harrassing people - the only thing that will reduce drunk driving is the police doing their ### job
  13. I was out last night and 2am comes very quickly, sitting in a busy pub at 1:45am and everyone was told to leave, every customer (tourist) in the place was very angry - a holiday night out came to an abrupt end just when it was beginning - this is total ## If Thailand wants tourists they are going to have to get this country back to normal (pre Covid) and fast, friend of mine who came here for a holiday over the last 6 months will not be returning until they get this sorted out.
  14. lets be clear - the driver of the white pickup went through a red light, it matters not a jot the location of this traffic light YOU STOP ON RED period
  15. like I said in another thread - drunk drivers are only caught after an accident.........................too late then
  16. behind closed doors means with customers inside and shutters down, you cannot stop people drink driving by limiting opening hours by 2 hours
  17. wow - glad you have no say in the matter
  18. so what, we need to get back to normal in this country as it was pre-covid, I have been here a long time I know exactly how it was as I have said many times on these forums - there is no such a thing as "New Normal" as things are it is encouraging police abuse and corruption - their time would be better spent protecting people from prolific drunk drivers who are only caught after they have an accident and either killed or seriously injured themselves or an innocent member of the public
  19. it doesn't stop people drinking - it increases flexibility especially enetertainment venues in tourist locations which are right now being constantly harrassed by police who's time would be better spent policing the roads for drunks driving and killing people. stupid nonesense as usual from this crowd who don't think of anything else but their own ego's all this is doing is pushing people to drinking behind closed doors and hiding - hardly satisfactory is it
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