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Everything posted by smedly

  1. and lets remeber who has been resposible for road safety these last 8 years Mr Prawit - what a great job he has done ...............................not
  2. This fee matters not a jot, what is important is the Thai authorities remember excatly what it was for and stop bitching about unpaid emergency hospital rip offs, it is a huge ammount of money when measured against its supposed purpose, most tourists that get injured here - it is generally not their fault - Thailand is a dangerous place and with poor enforcement of standards including safety - many foreigners become victims caught up in those dangers - whether it is in transport/roads or building safety .........................not their fault
  3. feeling guilty ? if you really want to make a difference then expose the huge corruption that you are fully aware of ............................. life threatening I know - just do it
  4. how about abuse of power self enriching and corruption Thailand right now follows a very similar path to Russia - a huge amount of people unusually rich - source of their huge earinggs hidden and uninvestigted, maybe not as obvious but if someone was tasked to look at it - just as corrupt if not worse
  5. what a pile of garbled con words that say absolutely nothing, the first part almost describes Thailand backing Russias invasion and the second part leans towards Thaind backing the international response total hogwash
  6. was this stuff that he actually paid for and fitted like aircon units etc I noticed something similar taking place on a building near BigC in Pattaya-the building was not unlike this one, over several weeks all aircon units were removed and likely other stuff too
  7. this could have been an accumulating bill over the 4 days, bars will do that if they know the customer well enough, speculation on my part but would make more sense
  8. who voted for this snoring ## Time for the Thai prople to get a proper say on who they want to run the country, and UDD isn't it either ..................... vote for for people that you want in office oh yeah not possible without huge reform and ousting the ruling elite who for some strange reason always end up running things no matter what ............democracy Thai style ----------- yes go vote but the same people will be running things - the people you didn't vote for ..................what a joke
  9. if this was intentional (possible road rage or ongoing feud) this idiot could be facing a murder and attempted murder charges
  10. drunk driving is widespread and is a huge problem here, until the police start doing their job it will continue, of course they don't want too because they do it too
  11. a bit late, the locals knew about his continuous drunk driving, if he had been taken off the road sooner a life might have saved, seems nobody had a problem up until now. RIP
  12. no mention of drunk driving or mobile device use
  13. what magical scheme will they come up with next to reduce the numbers further, there has to be something that excels beyond anything they have done up to now.....can they out do themselves in blatant stupidly ?, tall order but I bet they succeed
  14. Should the Thai government ban mobile use for motorcyclists no, only if in hand just like any other vehicle
  15. major city with no forward planning for capacity, if only they could do it all over again..........................to late all the roads and city streets should have been at least x2 the width - Bangkok has become a horrible place to drive even on a motorbike, it didn't need to be that way if there was a bit of sensible thought and planning from the start, but no - they know best............seems they don't
  16. lets take a trip around Pattaya and work out percentages of who is here and spending ................ Malaysian might be crossing the border more than Indian, but if you look at a snapshot of actual people in the country who are out spending money and have been here for a while ................. my observations say that it is mostly western tourists that have arrived and stayed for months that are out and about and supporting the local tourist numbers by quite a margin lets look at it another way, if every westerner left Thailand tomorrow ............. how would that look ? airport arrivals do not paint the real picture ................. just saying
  17. Anutin - you are such a hero The Thai people love you.............................. you believe me
  18. how about taking care of the homeless and starving Time Thailand had a welfare system - instead of the top greedy corrupt #### enriching themselves at will, what about the Thai people that you are robbing blind while you enrich yourselves, really makes me angry I hope soon 70m people will say enough is enough and do something about it it is funny that Thailand rates sort of high on the world corruption scale - but it is obvious it is way higher than can be measured
  19. as usual the current government well behind the curve, they are widely on sale everywhere and masses are doing it, so you carry on with your ban - nobody else is lol
  20. Tip of a huge iceberg - lets get all the top ministers in government to declare their assets and especially "increase" in wealth over the last 3 years, now that would be an interesting read, Also, how about tracing where exacly the money Prayad accumulated actually came from - another interesting read Top ministers - PM's and deputies don't have to declare because they have nothing to hide ...... right SO DECLARE THEN what are you hiding
  21. agree with your comments but does not answer my specific question have they stopped requesting this ? or did they forget to give me the paper
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