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Everything posted by smedly

  1. Thai nightclubs in Pattaya have been rammed with hundreds of people until 4am for months - way back from when everything was supposed to close at 11pm
  2. has he come to Thailand for advice on crowd / population control maybe Gotabaya, Prayut, Anutin and Prawit can all exit Thailand together when the ## hits the fan here I heard Dubai or Montenegro is nice this time of year
  3. I sort of feel sorry for them, they opened a business and thought it was ok - they are not fire expersts - they are not experts at anything, that is why it is important to have government experts make sure that their building conforms to regulations and standards - so who do I blame - the expert authorities that were supposed to do their job and didn't - the blame for this is with them and only them
  4. buy the useless subs - cream off the budget while the people starve Time the Thai people reaslise that these budgets come from them in taxes - IT IS THEIR MONEY that these people are enriching themselves off we have seen it laid bare in Russia ...........................it is exactly what goes on here - government budgets finding ways into pockets - billions and billions and billions of the Thai peoples money just disappearing, count up all the emerncy budgets over these last 2 years - where did that money go ???????? I think everyone knows on here exactly where it went
  5. from talking to Thai friends - the tree most hated people in Thaiand are Prayuth Prawit Anutin ...........................who elected them in this Thai style demacracy which it isn't .............democracy people go out and vote and end up with people they did not vote for running the show - even Russia is closer to proper democracy than Thailand - in Russian they just dispose of the opposition ................ same here but Putin actually gets elected by (stupid people)
  6. a huge number of members and visitors if they don't get their email notification system working IMO the site is now broken and the solution doesn't seem to be a priority after going on now for almost 10 days This site cannot function properly without notifications - surely someone must realise that
  7. here stands the man resonsible for road safety improvements these last 10 years why is he still in office - who voted for him ?
  8. I would put money on that this company still has too many at the top on big salaries that basically contribute nothing - exactly the problem that has not been fixed - who piad to bail them out ?
  9. well we have universities in Thailand were they should getting educated on stuff like standards but instead they all fighting and shooting each other in running battles on the streets - what a country
  10. always after the fact when people are dead "RIP" - this is not the first time this has happened in Thailand, it is ok having standards but you must spend money enforcing them, the Cops seem to have plenty of time visiting venues like this to ### money, how about enforcing standards instead of stuffing money in your pockets who in the government is responsible for this ??, I know Prawit is responsible for road safety - what a stellar job he is doing...........not
  11. when is it going to be fixed if you are toying with the idea of doing away with notifications in order to get more website traffic that would be an error, I have visited the web forum a lot less since the notifications have ceased.......................get it sorted out please - this should not be going on for over 7 days unless it is intentional I have stayed silent on this issue up until now it needs to be fixed as a matter of urgency - 7 days now
  12. when is it going to be fixed if you are toying with the idea of doing away with notifications in order to get more website traffic that would be an error, I have visited the web forum a lot less since the notifications have ceased.......................get it sorted out please - this should not be going on for over 7 days unless it is intentional
  13. wow I didn't see that coming, so we now have the military officially running the show, sounds to me very like a silent coup d'etat has taken place meanwhile
  14. total nonsense but people should always make best efforts to safely get out of the way
  15. this is get ridiculous, horrific we now have 2 confirmed cases in the whole country what next ? meanwhile how many died on the roads this last week
  16. strange that most of the people I observe not washing their hands are actually foreigners especially men
  17. the people have endured almost 3 years of this ## covid is over move on, we cannot live like this forever in Thailand this no longer about covid it is about control, the public are not part of your military Mr Prayuth, they don't Salut or stand to attention
  18. MP has been around for decades ............... suddenly it's an issue
  19. how about getting the waste off your own streets - it is a disgrace how dirty the place is - as I said before, clean countries have a team of thousands cross town and cities working overnite cleaning the place up ................... oh but that would be too expensive so just leave the place a dirty hole
  20. I find these declarations hilarious here's one tht is just as stupid ......I expect 200mbt to appear in my bank account tomorrow Thailand the land of dreams when is that emergency decree ending ?????? Prayusts ultimate power lol
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