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Everything posted by smedly

  1. I wouldn't be getting exited just yet - allowing tourists to travel unrestricted is entirely different than removing restrictions in country - don't forget the constantly used Phrase "New Normal" they kept using at every opportunity for the last 2 years - it is sinister and has an agenda This government is determined to hold on to power at any cost - lets see where this coes over the next 8 weeks One thing is clear from the article - Thailand relies heavily on tourism, more than most people on here believe - I always said it accounted for 25% plus of direct or indirect GDP - seems they are starting to realise that now and need the money
  2. That is a lot of data and is the sort of key data that western countries publish openly and frequently and is readily available One very key omission from the data is which vaccine people had received when they reference first two doses - something I believe they would not want the public to know
  3. why not use Bolt and standarise taxi services across all of Thailand - of course I know the answer - Bolt uses the official charging tarrifs set by the Thai authorities
  4. so he is effectively saying he is not able to drive on a wet road and if the road hadn't been wet he would not have crashed I guess you'd better get someone else to drive when it rains idiot
  5. unless they are intending to fill medical facilities with people who don't need to be there this is all nonsense as we have seen in other countries
  6. who is telling you this but more important - how much of it do you believe covid deaths have tripled - you know that triple 1 is 3, was it delta or omicron - vaccinated y/n and with what - age - general health status ?, yes people still dying but a question that is now being asked on a regular basis - did the person die of covid or with covid you have your opinion on things and I respect that and yes SEA is lagging a bit behind the west which IMO gives them a heads up as to what is coming
  7. the point being made is about - how many Thais have had 2x doses of sinovac - very likely the vast majority, does that matter - no idea the critical factor with omicron is how many people are dying and how many people need to be in hospital as a direct result of catching omicron, data shows that the only huge spike was detected cases - no other data followed that trend, in fact the opposite, that is why western countries are removing restrictions, you don't shut a country down because a few people have a runny nose
  8. you mentioned Hong Kong - not going to add anything further I watch accurate data every day from countries that actually report it, may I suggest you do likewise, omicron is no longer about detection numbers - in order for Thailand to keep its emergency decree in place they will say whatever fits their agenda
  9. This is what happens when you have uneducated people running the country, they will cover their failures with draconian rules and restrictions because that is all they are capable of, this is rather concerning but equally no surprise - want to know what "New Normal" means - it has little to do with covid - it is all to do with power and control and holding on to power as their pockets and ego's fill up
  10. Jesus christ, yet another pile of uneducated nonsense never mind madatory masks - how about mandatory IQ tests
  11. I might not have agreed with your comments 8 months ago but I certainly do now - it is time to move on This pathetic administration are running out of reasons to justify restrictions as the whole world moves on from this pandemic - Thailand needs to get with the program and fast We have had ENOUGH
  12. This virus is now only a risk to people who are already severely ill - those who are unvaccinated and perhaps the most important and might be critical to Thailand Those that have been vaccinated with a vaccine that just doesn't work welll I said months ago as minds were focussed on vaccines etc - that those in Thailand that got the Chinese vaccines might at some point have to be considered as unvaccinated - maybe there is hidden data that is not being disclosed to the public that indicates that those currently having problems with covid are either unvaccinated or have been vaccinated with sinovac (the latter which must account for a huge number of doses administered in Thailand) and I am not talking about booster single doses, of course the Thai government would never admit to this as it would be seen as yet another failure
  13. his skin is a better color ?, hmmm - did like a beer or 3, very skilled musician and played with some very famous people at the BF, many great nights spent in there - legend get well Lam
  14. you mean don't tell the truth or you will be silenced Thank god people here can get access to foreign press and data and see for themselves exactly what is going on with covid outside Thailand all IMO of course 555
  15. yes Thailand is No1 in the world "YOU CLAIM" .........................by what measure ? The Thai people are very angry they are not as stupid as you might like to think, this circus continues in Thailand while countries across the world are dumping restrictions - it is not going unnoticed Hell hath no fury like a Thai people scorned - we have had enough of this ##
  16. why Anutin explain why - you made a statement a few days ago stating Thailand was No1 in the world dealing with covid and yet other countries are dumping restrictions and Thailand is increasing them - that in my opinion is an abject failure - the rest of the world is moving on - why is Thailand going backwards ???????
  17. percentages and growth figures might look very well on paper and might fool a lot of people but not all my growth has doubled from last month - now that might mean something if you were 6ft tall revenue increased 1% from this time last year - well fine if it hadn't declined 50% the past 2 years
  18. is this data actually related to covid - I suppose if they say it is it mush be ....... right I wonder if you looked at 2019 how many people across all of Thailand would be on ventilators - I suspect it would look pretty much the same, like I said above - they can make it look whatever way they want
  19. they can make data look however they want, they have an agenda and people including doctors will report exactly what they are told those that don't will get a visit for some adjustment agenda IMO is to maintain power and control and keep the emergency powers in place for as long as possible Thailand needs money - tourism revenue, commerce, factories etc so the will keep a 2 tiered system in place, one that keeps revenue flows going and another that gives them what they need to maintain power, akk this going on while the rest of the world are moving on and removing restrictions ..........................................omicron has pretty much ended this pandemic but Thailand refuses to recognise that on one level but the country is functioning normally on the other
  20. it is not helpful to treat part of Thailand differently, it is about time the government and the CCSA took a bold step for the whole country and dumped restrictions and ended their destructive emergency decree, it is now very obvious the direction of omicron and how other countries are now dealing with it - time to move on and get things back to normal (not new normal) - normal, we have had over two years of this - time to end it and not just in Phuket
  21. how would you know sonce the absolute max number of daily tests ever done here was about 80k and besides that have you been looking a foreign news again omicron spreads there is nothing can be done to stop it - next prediction yoiu make should be "Thailand to scrap all restrictions" and emerfency powers to end - just like every country is now doing
  22. there is a big difference between shutting down the press and making a legal challenge if you don't know the difference then you are are part for the problem everyone in a free society should be reasonably able to voice a free opinion within certain parameters but generally it is called free speech
  23. Lets not forget that Thai media operate under a threat of prosecution if they challenge the official line or deviate - there is no free press here
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