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Everything posted by smedly

  1. enough is enough, time to move on it is wearing very thin now, omicron gave us an opportunity to get back to normal
  2. 555, sounds one of those scams "I can get you Thai driving license for Bt15k" lol con artists everywhere
  3. if anything close to that looks like happening there will be violence on the streets like never seen before, the whole political system will be dismantled no matter what happens - then we will see the true feelings of all the Thai people - big changes are coming and it will be painful
  4. can him and his mates (Anutin and Prawit) not take a hint
  5. something is imploding and being laid bare in this country in the west there are protections to cover this stuff I will wager that owners of these companies have a considerable personal wealth that will not be impacted a bit like people paying for life membership of a gym and getting 6 months use out of it
  6. anyone notice that all these reports about vaccines and boosters are avoiding the primary vaccine used in Thailand (sinovac) that probably accounts for 80% of vaccines administered - I wonder why that is
  7. Catching foreign tourists with covid is a big earner which is why they put so much effort into it with multiple tests and also allow them to go out and mingle for 5 days just to make sure they have the best chance to get infected
  8. scooters can do 120kph, hit a bus (or any vehicle for that matter) or even a pole at anything over 50kph and your chance of survival is limited, there are a lot of motorbikes on Thai roads and a lot of lunatic driving with cars etc - who is most likely to come off worst RIP
  9. I refer to data regarding hospital admissions and serious illness, there are many factors to consider, in all situations the unvaccinated are considerably worse off especially those considered "at risk" note - I am not disagreeing to what you posted
  10. also I see the same effort to edit out (cover) the left lower leg in that photo as if the person is wearing a grey sock up to the knee - I will bet there is very identifiable tattoo right there. Thailand right now has very few people passing through airports - and yet these two just walked right in there through an airport and strolled onto a plane unchallenged - yeah right
  11. and some people just post for the sake of posting feeling they have to say something even though
  12. no it won't you cannot stop the spread of omicron if the people have been vaccinated with at least 2 doses of an effective vaccine they will be protected from serious illness and needing medical care
  13. it appears from the article that police have already identified those involved including certain people that wear uniforms .................................integrety of Thai police comes under scrutiny again what did the Thai police Chief say several weeks ago about his officers Who are the real criminals in this country is a serious question that needs answered
  14. I see people of every age not wearing masks I think the rules are daft, public transport - yes, public places like malls shop offices - yes wide open air ventilated places - stupid restaurants bars etc impossible, those that go to these places know the risks but when they come out and onto public transport then mask on - other passengers don't need exposed to the risk they just put themselves in
  15. These delivery drivers ride like lunatics I have noticed - pretty sure I am not the only one to have observed this
  16. do you actually read anything beyond this forum, try expanding a little and see what is going on in the rest of the world and what exactly is a monger
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