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Everything posted by smedly

  1. <<<<Removed post edited out>>>> Chan (O) Cha, Prawit, charnvirakul, wongsuwan, 22yo driving a Landrover smells of extreme HiSo or high ranking government
  2. rubbish, your argument might make sense on a motorway were slow driving is a Hazzard, this is a city street were speed limits exist, driving slowly and carefully within speed limits would drastically reduce accidents, that is a fact
  3. really, sorry to disagree, slow is fine, the problem occures when you have lunatics driving at high speed, if everyone took their time and was careful then you wouldn't have accidents like this - who do you blame
  4. I still don't get it, maybe they were using phones registered to the hotel to take bookings, which is why they set up base in the closed hotel to carry out this fraud, sounds like perhaps an employee of the hotel was involved
  5. well there's a spanner in the works right there with a clear message - go home
  6. so they are now introducing another level of Hotel - first it was SHA +, now it is SHA + extra !!!!!!! The simple solution is that anyone that tests positive stays in the hotel room that they booked which will be SHA + and if they fall ill and need medical treatment then transfer them to a hospital, this introduction of SHA + extra is a way of extracting more money there is no other reason for it This Omicron is so transmissable that there is very little possibility of avoiding it while doing holiday things, in fact the testing seems almost designed to make sure tourists get it through community spread, they test before leaving home country and while on the journey they are mixing with a huge number of people - then test on arrival which is all but useless - then allow them to go out and mix in the community - these 7 days from home country to mixing in the local community are huge exposure risks of catching omicron, if you look at Phuket detected cases there are over 1000 per week that they clasify as "from abroad" - these are exactly those people who have travelled here as I described above and tested positive on day 5 People who decide to travel to Thailand for a 3 week holiday need their heads looked at, with omicron the chances of them getting infected and being banged up for 14 days is extremely high, if it happens to them they only have themselves to blame.
  7. I think it is clear that omicron cannot be surpressed, we got a lucky break with it being milder as seen in the west - omicron needs a different approach, you cannot stop it
  8. and what happens to these so called "184 from abroad" ? There must be well over 1000 reported like this in this category in Phuket every week, are they all forced into quarantine
  9. it has alway been amiss due to lack of testing although it is becoming clear that actual numbers of infection rates are less important with omicron, those needing high level treatment are the focus and it is clear in countries that measure everything that high level treatment and fatalities are not trending higher, for now it all looks good going forward
  10. laws have to make sense, there should be no need to touch a phone when driving - calls only hands free with integrated BT, surfing Facebook or messaging is very obviously problematic
  11. this is a serious crime as recognized in developed countries and is the primary cause of many serious accidents and fatalities on the roads, it is right up there with DUI, then you have speeding and reckless driving, behind it all is lack of proper law enforcement
  12. totally agree - well said seems he did nothing wrong by killing someone on a crossing
  13. Yes indeed, I had a feeling something was up with that score - it should be a lot higher (worse) The scale of corruption here is shocking with laws and a constitution written to hide it, anyone that doesn't see it is a fool
  14. EMERGENCY BUDGETS OVER THE LAST 2 years HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF baht where has it all gone were there's a budget you can fudget
  15. Prawit - this has been your responsibility for years - you have failed, why are you still in office
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