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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. I have numerous times viewed the CCTV video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=160 (Thai PBS report actually starts at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=101) and I just cannot see the issue. Can you explain what is dubious about the door that I am missing.

    What I am getting from the still is that one arrow is highlighting the bottom of the door on the left to show it is open. The other arrow is pointing to the red band in the glass door (which I assume is a safety thing). The red band appears to remain there even though the sliding door seems to be open. Can't see what else the arrows would be highlighting. What that signifies is beyond me.

    Forget the Stills cats and dogs. They took them with a camera off the screen. Which is why u have the lines I guess. its old technology.

    It may well be genuine but on the other hand do not believe its not possible to make another 15 Sept because it isn't. Do you get what I mean. You believe what your eyes tell you. There is nothing to say its was filmed on the 15th Sept.

    Lets put it like this. If they where 100% absolutely 100% then they would have opened the doors to all and everyone and said hey you know what help yourself. Even the prosecutor had to send the case back 3 or 4 times. The Hair Cut. The monk... The and The......Whole bld'y lot of it...

    • Like 1
  2. Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    15th or 16th.?????

    R U Sure..

    or this one

    It would be interesting to see the entire footage of this. Maybe of him coming in the night before as well. But no stills though. I am sure on BU campus, there has to be camera as well.

    He really needs to establish himself that he was in bkk during the time of the murder. Having a footage at still at 9am, means nothing. He needs to produce one clip of him entering. Maybe the police has that footage, but are refusing to show it. Maybe it's missing?

    I think the police sloppy job is showing up here again.

    The Campus don't want any part of it.

    No statements nothing.

    Even the father initially said he had to go back in a hurry.

    Now if this was my son and I wanted to save my sons backside this is what I would do. I not them but I

    Did you see the scruffy looking guy on the reception. what's he make, 350 a day 500...?? lets say 1000 baht a day. Well he's good hey. I would have a word in his pocket. maybe 500,000 words in his pocket.. Whilst he is reading my words I would reset the clock and have my son walk in and out. Play with his freshly cut hair. You know have a stroll.. Press stop and save.. Reset the clock and thanks very mush...

    • Like 1
  3. Another issue:

    Why was he walking in? Why not out he was supposed to be in Lessons.


    Did he just get out of his Taxi and was going to get his bag.?

    Look carefully at the video. Nomsod is entering the door from the lift area. View the video several times from the beginning. It does not demonstrate Nomsod's innocence, but I cannot see anything to suggest the CCTV is obviously tampered with.

    The point is you can turn the date on and off just like your camera.

    You watched a recording not the original.

    The point is we are fed what they want us to believe. People are gullible. Even the UK government only got caught out when the Met Police replied to reprieve. We all sat here thinking Mr Cameron... u r a gr8 guy. Standing up for citizens. Getting things done for the family's. We have all been sitting waiting to see something wonderful from it.

    Nearly forgot

    And are you saying he is walking out or in. Either way where is his bag for Uni.

  4. It would be interesting to hear loonodingle response to this, if we believe the footage and the date stamp is genuine, he could not be on the island, could he ?

    Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    15th or 16th.?????

    R U Sure..

    Did you change that loony.

    16 cannot be correct as the day says Monday.

    Or Monday is not correct as the date is Tuesday.

    The picture above says 15 which matches the day Monday.

    Mon or Tue? which picture?

    The original picture had 15 with Monday. So the second picture 16 has been changed. Although there was a guy a couple of months ago that showed how easy it was to change dates. So either you changed it or it was from his posts. Still nomsod has been discussed until the cows come home. everytime there is focus on mon, the copper, the brother ,Muang, Sean Chris cooper. It is deflected back to nomsod, the phone ???everywhere.

    The point is an 8 year old can change the picture in 10 minutes. Day or Date. On Photoshop....

    Granted the video is a little more difficult.... But they took 9 days... 9 days to produce that. They can film 3 episodes of East enders or 3 complete Thai Movies in that time.

    Don't believe what you see all the time. And that's what they done. Don't forget it took a further 6 weeks to sort the DNA test as well. Hardly FBI standard. And then they refused the Met Police to take possession of any physical evidence, forensic evidence, exhibits, interviews or statements. and that's confirmed in Writing by the MPS.

    We sent our police to do what?? Jack S..T all smoke and Mirrors the whole lot.

    And that just proved a point.

    • Like 1
  5. It would be interesting to hear loonodingle response to this, if we believe the footage and the date stamp is genuine, he could not be on the island, could he ?

    Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    I have numerous times viewed the CCTV video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=160 (Thai PBS report actually starts at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Z1zEjDj7I#t=101) and I just cannot see the issue. Can you explain what is dubious about the door that I am missing.

    Another issue:

    Why was he walking in? Why not out he was supposed to be in Lessons.


    Did he just get out of his Taxi and was going to get his bag.?

  6. It would be interesting to hear loonodingle response to this, if we believe the footage and the date stamp is genuine, he could not be on the island, could he ?

    Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    15th or 16th.?????

    R U Sure..

    Did you change that loony.

    16 cannot be correct as the day says Monday.

    Or Monday is not correct as the date is Tuesday.

    The picture above says 15 which matches the day Monday.

    Mon or Tue? which picture?

  7. It would be interesting to hear loonodingle response to this, if we believe the footage and the date stamp is genuine, he could not be on the island, could he ?

    Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    15th or 16th.?????

    R U Sure..

    How come? What are the sources of the two identical stills with the same time showing but one says 15th Sept and one says 16th? Truly perplexed now.

    yep you see life is not all what it seems is it.

  8. Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    15th or 16th.?????

    R U Sure..

    or this one


  9. It would be interesting to hear loonodingle response to this, if we believe the footage and the date stamp is genuine, he could not be on the island, could he ?

    Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    15th or 16th.?????

    R U Sure..


  10. It would be interesting to hear loonodingle response to this, if we believe the footage and the date stamp is genuine, he could not be on the island, could he ?

    Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    Photoshop by a monkey.

    By ??? cheesy.gif

  11. @loonodingle

    I may be wrong, but the last statement from the Met about their investigation seemed to suggest that they would not provide information to either the prosecution or defense while there was the possibility of a death sentence.

    I also urge anyone with verifiable information that can help to resolve the case to contact someone who can use it, whether Andy Hall, journalists or defense lawyers.


    I think you have it correct there. The MPS will not provide anything that could be used in the trial. Perhaps they will Adjourn until its over (the Inquest) I had heard that so I called them today and now its just a review and setting a new date. It may turn out that the coroner stipulates that's It will only resume until after the Trial. Unless they get assurances of no death penalty. Which they done in the extradition of

    Lee Aldhouse.

  12. Hannah's inquest postponed? If so, it could be because of Thai officialdom pressure (from on high). Thai brass know that findings from the Brits will contradict some of the Thai cops' findings, and may well advantage the defense. It's conjecture on my part.

    And someone mentioned: what of David's inquest? Good question.

    The postponement is not a surprise, though I hoped it might hear some evidence and then be adjourned. The inquest cannot deliver a verdict until all the evidence is in, and (like it or not) most of the evidence, tainted or not, must come from Thailand.

    I have to ask, but what other evidence are they waiting on? According to the RTP the investigation and evidence is complete as it was submitted for prosecution.

    The evidence and case was allegedly 100% watertight, only to have it adjourned?

    Now we have the inquest onto the cause of death of Hannah adjourned too as the evidence isn't complete ?

    This strikes me as particularly odd as the statement released by tie families also believe the evidence was compelling , so why adjourn the coroners inquest in the UK?

    The coroner does not deem the evidence complete. My guess is that the Thai authorities have not responded to requests to share their findings with the coroner. Remember, the inquest will almost certainly be public, and that means people they want to remain ignorant (such as the defense) will be better informed.

    Best to presume nothing. Wait until the 6th Jan. The crime was committed abroad. they have procedures. When they set the 6th Jan date they would be unaware exactly of how long things would be. A review is common place. It's nothing untoward as its not such a simple case. I wouldn't like to second guess if they would wait until after the trial.

    Some notes about why they hold an inquest:

    What happens if the coroner decides to hold an inquest?

    A Coroner must hold an inquest if the cause of death remains unknown, if there is cause for the Coroner to suspect that the deceased died a violent or unnatural death or died in prison. If there has been an autopsy (or post-mortem), the Coroner will normally issue the necessary authority permitting a burial or cremation, so that a funeral can be held, even though the inquest has not been concluded. In such circumstances the death cannot be registered. In order to assist the administration of the estate, an interim certificate of fact of death can be issued by the Coroner. This certificate should be acceptable to banks and financial institutions, unless it is important for them to know the outcome of the inquest (for example, for an insurance settlement). This interim certificate can also be used for benefit claims and National Insurance purposes. After the inquest has been resumed and concluded, the Coroner will notify the Registrar of deaths by issuing an after-inquest certificate so that the death can be registered by the Registrar and a death certificate obtained.

    Taking a body abroad or bringing it back to this country In every case where someone wishes to take a body out of England or Wales (including cases of deaths from natural causes), written notice must be given to the Coroner in whose area the body is located. The Coroner will then consider whether an inquest or post-mortem examination is needed and will notify his/her decision within four days. If a body is being brought into England or Wales, the Coroner in the area to where the body is brought or is to be laid to rest may need to be involved. The Coroner may need to determine the cause of death and will be required to hold an inquest if the death was unnatural, violent, or sudden and of unknown cause. The Coroner will issue a Certificate for Cremation in all cases coming from abroad (including cases of deaths from natural causes) where the body is to be cremated. When death has occurred outside England and Wales and the body is returned to England or Wales, the death is not registered by the Registrar of Births and Deaths when the Coroner has finished investigating or has concluded the inquest. Further information about what to do when a death occurs abroad can be found on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's website, at: www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/when-things-go-wrong/death-abroad

  13. The Problem is the Thai police are adamant they have the correct people. The defence are not and contest it. However for the UK police to offer assistance by interviewing witnesses here. Say for example Sean McAnna that would have to come from the Prosecution side wouldn't it. Not from the B2 Defence.

    The B2 defence should have access to Autopsy/Toxicology reports from the UK if requested as they are classed as interested parties

    I imagine.

    The Inquest is not taking place on the 6th Jan however a review is scheduled and a decision will be made on a future date for the inquest. That's my personal understanding. I also understand that all departments that have to report to the Coroner will have to update her on their progress on the 6th Jan so that she can have a clearer picture where they are upto.

    Personally I, like all of you on here, have nothing to prove or disprove who committed the heinous crime committed on Koh Tao in the early hours of the 15th Sept 2014. What I do have is first hand experiences of dealing with Thai authority's. I have been shaken down for money on numerous occasions. I also had a serious incident where someone tried to murder me. The subsequent charades that followed have left me in no doubt whatsoever that without adequate representation you could very well end up in jail yourself.

    Hannah Witheridge was a speech therapist. She helped people who had problems communicating. Now she doesn't have a voice to speak for herself, she wouldn't want the wrong people to go to their deaths if they where innocent. Her family said “As a family we hope that the right people are found and brought to justice.” well I repeat, that so if anyone is reading this who knows anything. However small it may be then perhaps contact the MPS and let them know.

    As long as the right people are proven to be guilty then Thai or Burmese I would be happy to pull the trigger if they need a volunteer.

    In the mean time Chris Copper off Planet Scuba or the reporter who wrote how Sean McAnna was in protective custody as he witnessed the confrontation could contact Andy Hall in the first instance I am sure he would like to hear from you. All and any information is appreciated.

    Lets not Forget the other victim David Miller an equally sad loss of life.

  14. Aye it's all kicking off again ... A few bottles of Chang and there u go again.

    Why don't we have a thread where we create a time line. One that we can add by agreement specific facts that we can agree on. The dates and locations. A complete wiki of events from the day they arrived with who and where they stayed. Some Google map images etc. Rather than beating each other up with you said he said she said no I didn't lol.

  15. Hannah's Inquest is adjourned.

    They are having a review of the evidence (as they haven't finished compiling it) on the 6th now and will set a further date.

    Courtesy of Norwich Coroners Office.

    Wow, not such an open and shut case. Three months to compile information. Could this be in relations to the report from the observers? Maybe they are taking many things in to consideration. Or maybe trying to see if the scenario the rtp is stating can even happened.

    What exactly will the inquest do for the case?

    Many things. Could show if there was dna collected. Could show how many samples. Could show hannah was shot. Might even possibly show if she (bless her soul) was invaded before or after death. It Could support the rtp theory or blow it out of the park.

    More damning would be David's inquest. Have not heard about that.

    Maybe it will be adjourned until after the trial?

    I don't know if that's the intention. Anyway its ay 9.50am 6th Jan in Norwich for interested people. its A public hearing.

  16. At the reconstruction they didn't use a hoe, they used a dust pan, are you going to claim that the police story is that they actually used a dust pan for the murder based on that? rolleyes.gif

    The only people clinging to they say the hoe was used on both victims are conspiracy theorists like yourself.

    "Police now believe that two weapons were used to bludgeon the Britons to death on Koh Tao’s main beach in the early hours of Sept 15."

    "Officers were also understood to be searching areas of forest on the east side of the island. A police diver was seen searching an area of coast near the murder scene for a metal object thought to have been used as a second murder weapon."

    "Police divers today scrapped the sea floor in their hunt for the weapon used to bludgeon Brit David Miller..."

    Now do the usual thing, were you ignore that you are factually wrong and try to change the subject to something else.

    There was trace of David's DNA on the Hoe.

    The Roti seller said they B2 had used a bottle on Davids head.

    Are you able to give a link re trace of David's blood on hoe please.

    It was in a Bangkok post piece which u cannot post on here I believe?

    There was also 3 DNA taken from Hannah after he murder none was from David.

  17. For post #2408 above, what's source?

    As for your question ("do you agree with RTP that David was killed by the hoe? yes or no?"), show me first that is the scenario the prosecution is presenting at the trial.

    Why am I not surprised you can't answer the question? The prosecution and RTP, has shown in the reenactment that the hoe was used to kill David (I agree, the blunt end may have been used to smash his head), but the RTP has made no explanation of the shallow push-blade cuts to his neck and other parts of his upper body. By inference and by demonstration, the RTP (and therefore the prosecution) can't explain the blade wounds in a reasonable way. Indeed, they don't even acknowledge they're inflicted by a sharp blade.

    AleG can't address it either, in any detail, because he's fixated on discounting anything which counters the official nonsense emitted by Thai officials. I'm just showing that bit of evidence as one, of dozens, of things which Thai officialdom is WRONG about. I find no glee in pointing out how wrong and inept Thai officials are. However, such things need to be showcased, in order to get closer to the truth of what happened that night - toward nailing the real murderers and rapists. Everything Thai officials have said and done since the replacement head cop was instated by Bkk, has pointed at framing the B2, and shielding people connected to the Headman. Few people, who follow this case, believe otherwise. Even most Thai officials don't believe their own contrived scenario, but they're duty-bound to back it, unless they want to be out of a job, or worse.

    At the reconstruction they didn't use a hoe, they used a dust pan, are you going to claim that the police story is that they actually used a dust pan for the murder based on that? rolleyes.gif

    The only people clinging to they say the hoe was used on both victims are conspiracy theorists like yourself.

    "Police now believe that two weapons were used to bludgeon the Britons to death on Koh Tao’s main beach in the early hours of Sept 15."

    "Officers were also understood to be searching areas of forest on the east side of the island. A police diver was seen searching an area of coast near the murder scene for a metal object thought to have been used as a second murder weapon."

    "Police divers today scrapped the sea floor in their hunt for the weapon used to bludgeon Brit David Miller..."

    Now do the usual thing, were you ignore that you are factually wrong and try to change the subject to something else.

    There was trace of David's DNA on the Hoe.

    The Roti seller said they B2 had used a bottle on Davids head.

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