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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    A different, parallel tack.

    Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

    He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

    It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

    Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

    Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

    Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

    If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

    Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

    Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

    Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

    Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

    His promotion, and replacement, was approved and scheduled since before the murders.
    We've come to expect such flaccid reasoning from those who are shielding the Headman's people. And this item has been addressed already, but I'll repeat: If a top brass is just starting an investigation, he's not going to pulled from the job, all of a sudden, by higher ups, unless there's a compelling reason to do so. The main reason: He was barking up the wrong tree (accumulating evidence which implicated the real suspects). A secondary reason: the taxi driver who came forth claiming he was offered Bt.300k to snitch, and also claiming police beat him to comply. When the replacement showed up, all the evidence against the Headman's people was trashed, and the frame-up against the B3 was implemented. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has come forth from Thai officialdom which points to the Headman's people. AleG's assertion is as solid as a piece of tissue in a toilet bowl.

    You are speculating, as usual, making things up as you go. How about you try for once to find the facts instead?

    I Just sent you some Facts AleG in your PM. Cant Post it on Here.

  2. Thai island murder investigation hits a wall of silence With locals unwilling to talk on an island with a powerful hidden underworld, fears grow that the truth behind the brutal murders of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge may never be heard


    Well that is an interesting article. There were 2 stories going around. 1. D and h never left the bar together. 2. D and left the bar together. Both true. They all left choppers bar together and went to ac bar. Then left ac bar separately as they were not seen together after that.

    I thought that H was last seen at 2:58 but this article says

    She was last seen at 12.07.

    Does anybody have a picture with time 2:58 of H last seen. ??

    David left his room to go and get cigarettes and met with Hannah in the AC where she was having some problem there. She left with David. She had a room in the same block along the beach.

  3. Uncle Mon and the other guy in the picture refused to give a DNA test according to an online news source.

    I have an open mind. Just cant get away from the feeling that Sean McAnna knows a lot more.

    Theres plenty of people on that island that know as well. Except they are Thai. They want to stay there so they will not open up.

    Remember there was 3 DNA profiles on Hannah as well. All Asian profiles.

    Aye I have a headache. Anyway going to call the coroner in the morning. I believe the Inquest is adjourned until after the trial is finished. Need to check that out.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What would I feel? That they need to take a better look at the available evidence to see were they went wrong.

    Now, what would you do if they are found guilty based on the evidence?

    I didn't say that at all, if the only way you can understand things is by making things up to suit your prejudices you are as blind as can be.

    So that wasn't you then ?

    Since my post was deleted by moderation, I will have to teach you reading comprehension again.

    I said in reply to what would I feel if the Burmese men are found not guilty:

    "What would I feel? That they need to take a better look at the available evidence to see were they went wrong."

    That means, pay attention, that the police and prosecution made an error in indicting the two Burmese men, it does not mean what you claim I said:

    "As he says if they are proven to be not quilty he would ask the judge to go over the evidence again to find them guilty."

    Can you quote were I said "if they are proven to be not quilty he would ask the judge to go over the evidence again to find them guilty"?

    You can't because you are making it up and putting words in my mouth.


    May i bring this rule to your attention so you know for the future.

    10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy.

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    We've come to expect such flaccid reasoning from those who are shielding the Headman's people. And this item has been addressed already, but I'll repeat: If a top brass is just starting an investigation, he's not going to pulled from the job, all of a sudden, by higher ups, unless there's a compelling reason to do so. The main reason: He was barking up the wrong tree (accumulating evidence which implicated the real suspects). A secondary reason: the taxi driver who came forth claiming he was offered Bt.300k to snitch, and also claiming police beat him to comply. When the replacement showed up, all the evidence against the Headman's people was trashed, and the frame-up against the B3 was implemented. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has come forth from Thai officialdom which points to the Headman's people. AleG's assertion is as solid as a piece of tissue in a toilet bowl.

    You are speculating, as usual, making things up as you go. How about you try for once to find the facts instead?

    You're vague as usual, and adding nothing to the discussion, except blanket denials slopped on every sort of well-reasoned contributions. You and the other denialists can't add specifics or details to the discussion, so you digress to defensive tactics while alluding, once in awhile to the seriousness of defamation of character suits. Defamation suits are what people like Thaksin use to try and shut up people who seek to speak the truth.

    You want facts? Here are some facts put forth by Thai officialdom:

    >>> "A Thai person couldn't have done this"

    >>> "attractive farang women should be careful when wearing bikinis..."

    >>> "The hoe was the weapon used to kill David"

    >>> "The wounds on David were from the sharp end of the hoe"

    >>> "We found Hannah's stolen phone behind the Burmeses' dwelling."

    >>> "The two Burmese saw the two farang having sex, which threw them in to a killing and raping rage."

    >>> "There are no scapegoats in this case"

    >>> "If the DNA matches, then the Burmese must be the murderers and the rapists."

    AleG, you can believe 'em all, if you choose.

    And just like that you slither away; when caught talking BS, peddle some other BS as a smoke screen.

    Crikey calm down lads... This isn't a place to have personal slanging matches is it. If you don't have something productive to say then keep quiet. 2 people have been murdered in the most horrendous way.

    All it takes is one person with 1 bit of irrefutable evidence to speak up and it could turn on its head. The carefully built house of cards that is protecting the killers will fall down and they will be exposed.



  6. I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

    What is that alluding to? Is it a threat to Sean - to not speak up if given the chance? It wouldn't have anything to do with trying to shield the Headman's people from trouble, would it?

    NO what it means is Ali G is hoping the Sean will read what he wrote and crap his pants. The fact Sean it in France now has not register with Borat.

    Ali G seems to be the last of the gang of 4 who still believes what he is posting.

    Don't presume to know what I mean, you are wrong every time you try.

    The gist of my post is that Sean McAnna would be in his right to take people defaming him to court, for example, people accusing him of being part of a double murder.

    Court Where??? LOL....

  7. According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.

    I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

    This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

    There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

    Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

    Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.

    Not sure what you mean here, this is a print out of the cctv image , and the paper is curved , I dont think there's much suspicious about this print. Of course if they would release the whole CCTV recording it would have been a lot easier for thaivisa experts to comment about the quality of the video.

    But we know that RTP and security staff in the building already verified it to be original and not tampered with, unless this is a cover up and the Bangkok police was bribed by the headman , right ? .

    The full CCTV was shown to Thai PBS journalists around October 12 (a video showing their investigation is available online). If, repeat if, the CCTV has not been tampered with, Nomsod is almost certainly in the clear.

    Actually he isn't in the clear at all. He had enough time. He has not a single student standing up for him. Not a teacher nobody. And they probably wont. Not straight out. It will come in snippets. Like the piece about Chris Copper drinking with Sean on the night of the 14th. Or the fact that Sean witnessed a confrontation in the AC bar that night and was given police protection when it all kicked off. Just dribs and drabs to the puzzle. Sean's downfall will be when he is off his face one night and he cant help let it out. He is a weak character. A loner and wanderer. No father to look upto. He is a sad excuse for a man. If he wanted to do his Father proud he would stand up like a man go to the police and tell them how it was. He doesn't have to go back to Thailand if he wasn't an accomplice, but he would save 2 lads lives. If he doesn't he will have to carry that for the rest of his days.

  8. According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.


    I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

    This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

    There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

    Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

    Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.

    Not sure what you mean here, this is a print out of the cctv image , and the paper is curved , I dont think there's much suspicious about this print. Of course if they would release the whole CCTV recording it would have been a lot easier for thaivisa experts to comment about the quality of the video.

    But we know that RTP and security staff in the building already verified it to be original and not tampered with, unless this is a cover up and the Bangkok police was bribed by the headman , right ? .


  9. As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

    If this is accurate, Interpol should arrest this guy as an accessory to a double homicide, so please arrest this punk, he holds the key.....


    He ran in the direction of to the crime-scene with his guitar in his hand and was welcomed with a stab wound in his right arm by somebody he knew (Mon?) (possible said FO), bled all over his guitar and ran away from the crime-scene to save his own life. It has been pointed out that maybe he was spared because they knew him.

    Sean probably was not sure it was David he saw there, but he posted 12.30pm the same day on David FB: “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you." , followed 30 minutes later by “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking."


    Sean knows who was involved in the crime and can positively identity at least one of the culprits. Of course he would have been killed if he did while still in Koh Tao. So Sean, do you think they might be looking for you after all, wherever you are in the world? Do you sleep well at night? Do you look over your shoulder every now and then? Maybe you should join Interpol's protective witness program before they get you.

    I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

    Hardly think Sean is going back to Thailand. The laws only apply if you are in Thailand. They cannot extradite you for it.

  10. Good to see that you, unlike boomerangutang to name but one, actually went out and look at the facts.

    The only facts I Know is the following

    Crime scene mismanaged

    No chain of custody of the crime scene

    The profile of the suggested motive does not fit the crime

    The statements presented are contradictory

    There was no attention to detail by the rtp

    Persons was cleared off involvement based on dna only

    Who actually knows the facts,

    That's a pretty good summing up.

    The Jist is still Hannah stayed in the AC bar. David went back to his room. He went out to look for her. She was having some problems in the bar (AC will not hand over the tapes) David intervened and they left into the darkness along the beach to their rooms. (They where in the same block i believe) The Thais who lost face raged on and went after them. Killing David and raping Hannah before they killed her to.

    Whoever done this was so incensed at what happened. He may of been incensed with David for taking Hannah out of the bar.

    Who actually knows the facts, ..................... well 2 of them are dead. The others don't want us to find out.

  11. According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.


    I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

    This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

    There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

    Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

    Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.


  12. Was wondering also if the UK coroner or pathologist understood exactly what the police are claiming to be the murder weapon.

    For instance it has been said to be a 'hoe' now there are several types of hoe for instance what I understood to be a hoe and used in the garden before I came to Thailand is a push hoe such as this :

    attachicon.gifpush hoe.jpg

    This implement could have conceivably caused the wounds on David.

    However the Thai version of a hoe, which is not unknown either in the UK or other parts of the world looks like this :

    attachicon.gifthai hoe.jpg

    Which could not have caused David's injuries.

    In the media photos of the hoe there is no blood seen on the blade at all. Only blood on the end of the hoes to which the blade is attached.

    There is defiantly many types of Hoe!!!

    My M8 who just came back from Thailand talked to several. Who told him they cannot speak out. This very strong family.


  13. The Way I read it is they have named Sean. He hasn't volunteered himself. He is just on the name of defence witnesses if the could get him to appear. They have to submit well in advance or they cannot include him later.

    The prosecution had several witnesses denied from their list.

    He is hardly likely to offer himself up after his statements in the press. He couldn't do it. I just watched an interview with him in it on the 16th Sept where he tells the presenter David was always the man Sean wanted to be...

    I just watched an interview with him in it on the 16th Sept where he tells the presenter David was always the man Sean wanted to be...

    Interesting: I have not seen that. Can you provide a link please.


    watch it through and he appears about 35 seconds in.

  14. Why Sean didn't wipe the blood off his guitar: This is my spin on it: I agree with Krenjai's scenario, of Sean hearing commotion, going to inspect, probably with guitar in hand, getting stabbed in arm (likely with same weapon which killed David), and probably being told to get lost and 'you didn't see anything!'

    The blood is most likely Sean's and he kept it on the guitar as a sort-of tribute to David.

    Since he's a Brit subject and Brit experts are supposedly wanting to get to the bottom of this crime, the Brits should make it a priority to intensely interview him. He is a lynchpin in the investigation. I don't expect Thai officials to want to interview him or want him to open his mouth about anything - because it would surely implicate one or more of the Headman's people.

    Looking at him his idea of clean and ours aren't the same. You can see it was also in his strings. perhaps his wound kept opening up? it was fresh after all. Un stitched. Also he was solely focused on his escape?

  15. As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

    If this is accurate, Interpol should arrest this guy as an accessory to a double homicide, so please arrest this punk, he holds the key.....


    He ran in the direction of to the crime-scene with his guitar in his hand and was welcomed with a stab wound in his right arm by somebody he knew (Mon?) (possible said FO), bled all over his guitar and ran away from the crime-scene to save his own life. It has been pointed out that maybe he was spared because they knew him.

    Sean probably was not sure it was David he saw there, but he posted 12.30pm the same day on David FB: “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you." , followed 30 minutes later by “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking."


    Sean knows who was involved in the crime and can positively identity at least one of the culprits. Of course he would have been killed if he did while still in Koh Tao. So Sean, do you think they might be looking for you after all, wherever you are in the world? Do you sleep well at night? Do you look over your shoulder every now and then? Maybe you should join Interpol's protective witness program before they get you.

    Here Here!!!! totally agree. he also posted these. check the times. and he was out in Koh Tao on the evening of the 15th because he was caught in a picture from the Pub Crawl. He looks like he was wearing headphones around his neck. Was he doing DJ work?






    • Like 1
  16. http://friendsinthailand.com/2014/09/23/frenchman-can-id-killers-molestation-witness-in-protective-custody/

    An informed source said the unidentified French national told police he witnessed two Thai man trying to molest Hannah Witheridge, 23, at an entertainment venue.

    He was also believed to have seen David Miller, 24, rescue Witheridge from the advances of the men before they left the venue together on the night before they were found murdered on the beach early on Sept 15, the same source said.

    He provided the police with photos of the two men he took on his phone, the source said.


    Not allowed to mention source of below -

    <<<< Content from Bangkok Post removed >>>>

    I got it a way before removed. There is a conflict in french a Scottish but it's Sean. Perhaps 5th is is why the police are shaking his hand etc as he leaves. He had to been in Jungle after all. He had been in protective custody. As he left the island that's when Mon was arrested wasn't it. That day or the day after.

    Sounds to me like Sean could have had a nice payoff here to remain quiet, how else could he fund his lifestyle and trip to Italy, not playing guitar or singing thats for sure...have you heard his crap.

    The handshake from the local RTP before he went that is captured in a photo says it all.

    In the other thread seeking defense witness. It says there will 2 foreign witnesses. 1 is Chris Ware. 1 is Sean we think.

    It also says they are seeking funding for the defense witnesses to testify in their own country. Defense and prosecution lawyers will perhaps travel to Myanmar and the other country is the EU. That could be only England or England and Italy I suppose. A wonderful thing is the Thai government will fund the prosecution. The team are seeking funds for the defense. It does seem the judge wants to know the truth of this as much as anybody. Sean is called as a witness for the defense. Don't know what that means

    The Way I read it is they have named Sean. He hasn't volunteered himself. He is just on the name of defence witnesses if the could get him to appear. They have to submit well in advance or they cannot include him later.

    The prosecution had several witnesses denied from their list.

    He is hardly likely to offer himself up after his statements in the press. He couldn't do it. I just watched an interview with him in it on the 16th Sept where he tells the presenter David was always the man Sean wanted to be...

  17. http://friendsinthailand.com/2014/09/23/frenchman-can-id-killers-molestation-witness-in-protective-custody/

    An informed source said the unidentified French national told police he witnessed two Thai man trying to molest Hannah Witheridge, 23, at an entertainment venue.

    He was also believed to have seen David Miller, 24, rescue Witheridge from the advances of the men before they left the venue together on the night before they were found murdered on the beach early on Sept 15, the same source said.

    He provided the police with photos of the two men he took on his phone, the source said.


    Not allowed to mention source of below -

    <<<< Content from Bangkok Post removed >>>>

    I got it a way before removed. There is a conflict in french a Scottish but it's Sean. Perhaps 5th is is why the police are shaking his hand etc as he leaves. He had to been in Jungle after all. He had been in protective custody. As he left the island that's when Mon was arrested wasn't it. That day or the day after.

    Sounds to me like Sean could have had a nice payoff here to remain quiet, how else could he fund his lifestyle and trip to Italy, not playing guitar or singing thats for sure...have you heard his crap.

    The handshake from the local RTP before he went that is captured in a photo says it all.

    Hmmmmm......very very likely.... I have been saying he is the weak link. Well he is the link to something isn't he....I sure would like to bump into ...........

  18. http://friendsinthailand.com/2014/09/23/frenchman-can-id-killers-molestation-witness-in-protective-custody/

    An informed source said the unidentified French national told police he witnessed two Thai man trying to molest Hannah Witheridge, 23, at an entertainment venue.

    He was also believed to have seen David Miller, 24, rescue Witheridge from the advances of the men before they left the venue together on the night before they were found murdered on the beach early on Sept 15, the same source said.

    He provided the police with photos of the two men he took on his phone, the source said.


    Not allowed to mention source of below -

    <<<< Content from Bangkok Post removed >>>>

    I got it a way before removed. There is a conflict in french a Scottish but it's Sean. Perhaps 5th is is why the police are shaking his hand etc as he leaves. He had to been in Jungle after all. He had been in protective custody. As he left the island that's when Mon was arrested wasn't it. That day or the day after.

  19. Thanks Thailandchilli

    Ok thanks that's a different story to a Frenchman though. That's about a Scots Man. Obviously Sean.

    I was just speaking to a friend who just came back from there. He said they know on the island. Hannah was in A C bar she had a row with someone who was making advances to her. David came in the bar and there was some confrontation. The pair left the bar. The Guys who they had argued with followed them along the beach and killed them. He said its well known amongst the Thai's. But they will not speak out.

  20. What happened to the Frenchman ?


    Frenchman ‘can ID killers’

    Molestation ‘witness’ in protective custody

    Published: 23 Sep 2014 at 06.14 | Viewed: 5,148 | Comments: 14Online news: Local NewsWriter: Supapong Chaolan

    Police have placed a French tourist in protective custody after learning he might be able to identify the two men police believe were involved in the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao in Surat Thani last week.

    An informed source said the unidentified French national told police he witnessed two Thai man trying to molest Hannah Witheridge, 23, at an entertainment venue.

    He was also believed to have seen David Miller, 24, rescue Witheridge from the advances of the men before they left the venue together on the night before they were found murdered on the beach early on Sept 15, the same source said.

    He provided the police with photos of the two men he took on his phone, the source said.

    Or is this actually Sean ?

    Probably no connection but the national police chief was making big business deals about the same time, this is from the 'BKK Business Brief' which links back to the BKK Post

    Police chief in big Shinawatra deal
    Published: 12/11/2014 at 9:54 AM

    Category: Finance / Investment

    Tag: telecommunications

    Samart Corporation and the national police chief have acquired more than half of handset distributor M-Link Asia Corporation after the stake was offered for sale by the Wongsawat family, which has links to the influential Shinawatra clan.

    The 1.2-billion-baht acquisition of the 50%-plus holding in M-Link marks the gradual exit of both families from their vast business interests in the burgeoning telecommunications industry.

    “An acquisition contract is expected to be signed next month after the recent closing of the deal,” said a source familiar with the agreement.

    Samart, headed by founder and chief executive Watchai Vilailuck, together with the new police chief, Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang, will hold a combined 50%-plus stake in M-Link once the deal is completed…

    Yes this is from a couple of reports in the Bangkok Post on the 23rd Sept, its word for word but in the BP it says Scots man so yes must be Sean. But in this statement Sean is saying he saw much more......good find Robby

    I only posted the first part of that report there is more for anyone who wants to go to that site.

    Can you post the direct link to the Frenchman story. Thx

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