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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Actually there have been numerous times defendants have been attacked while doing reenactments especially when it comes to these types of horrible crimes. Each time it happens there are demands the police stop doing these reenactments, at least announcing them in advance.

    Exactly............. now u r seeing the story. Its normal to attack as the Thais feel it is necessary......... However they didn't. Not 1 stone or one person spitting or shouting.......Zilchhhhhh nil. zero

    I am not sure what you are trying to say. The only thing I take away from the is that sometimes people act badly and sometimes they don't along with the fact that taking security precautions often deter people from acting badly. Now doubt there would be a lot of leaders around the world killed if they didn't have the security in place they do to deter people from acting against them, especially emotionally charged individuals who might otherwise not give pause if security was lax.

    You know what I am saying.

    Your excuse for the Safe House and Your claim they would have been attacked. The lack of any response from the locals only goes to reinforce the belief they know otherwise about the 2 tragic deaths of David and Hannah.

    I genuinely don't have a 100% opinion as to if they had zero input to any of the events that day but at each and every turn the case against the B2 being the only people who involved seems to fall away.

  2. Does anyone know why they couldn't use the police station to conduct the interviews and reverted to a "Safe House" and what is a Safe House. Safe from Screams being heard?

    Perhaps it was having major construction carried out at the time??

    Just wondering as we had Ali'G JD GB and JTJ around at the moment and between them I am sure we can get a definitive answer whistling.gif


    Lots of people mad at those responsible for this crime. Not unheard of for locals to swarm a police station when word gets out they have those responsible (why they had them in bullet proof vests and helmets while they reenacted the murders) but then again could have just been a private place where they wanted to possibly use some unconventional methods to get the truth out what they saw as two murdering rapists (animals). Bottom line, doesn't really mean anything to me except the confession "to police" should not hold weight but then again shouldn't in my opinion if they retracted it for any reason. Even if it was recorded, we clearly see a pattern on this thread of not believing video if it goes against what people want to believe. So if they retracted so be it, throw out the confession they gave to the police and let the other evidence including the DNA be used against them.

    LOL...... PMSL.. Unconventional methods hey... what was it then T and scones..

    And despite the vests I didnt see anyone exhibit a single act of violence towards the accused. Thats unlike Thais as u may well know.

    No I would say I just tinkled on your fire and put it out.. lol.. really read what u just said... ayeee god give me strength.

    Actually there have been numerous times defendants have been attacked while doing reenactments especially when it comes to these types of horrible crimes. Each time it happens there are demands the police stop doing these reenactments, at least announcing them in advance.

    Exactly............. now u r seeing the story. Its normal to attack as the Thais feel it is necessary......... However they didn't. Not 1 stone or one person spitting or shouting.......Zilchhhhhh nil. zero

  3. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/761069-hunt-for-killers-of-british-pair-goes-on-after-thai-police-free-myanmar-suspects/

    quote name="dcutman" post="9669333" timestamp="1438003175"]

    Not sure if I ever heard why the suspects in custody now, were detained the next day after the murders, released and then later re-arrested 2 weeks later and charged. These are the same three guys, two of witch are Win and Zaw Right.



    SURAT THANI, Sept 16 -- Three Myanmar labourers were brought in by the Thai authorities for questioning, after witnesses said the three men were seen drinking alcoholic drinks near the crime scene.

  4. Does anyone know why they couldn't use the police station to conduct the interviews and reverted to a "Safe House" and what is a Safe House. Safe from Screams being heard?

    Perhaps it was having major construction carried out at the time??

    Just wondering as we had Ali'G JD GB and JTJ around at the moment and between them I am sure we can get a definitive answer whistling.gif


    Lots of people mad at those responsible for this crime. Not unheard of for locals to swarm a police station when word gets out they have those responsible (why they had them in bullet proof vests and helmets while they reenacted the murders) but then again could have just been a private place where they wanted to possibly use some unconventional methods to get the truth out what they saw as two murdering rapists (animals). Bottom line, doesn't really mean anything to me except the confession "to police" should not hold weight but then again shouldn't in my opinion if they retracted it for any reason. Even if it was recorded, we clearly see a pattern on this thread of not believing video if it goes against what people want to believe. So if they retracted so be it, throw out the confession they gave to the police and let the other evidence including the DNA be used against them.

    LOL...... PMSL.. Unconventional methods hey... what was it then T and scones..

    And despite the vests I didnt see anyone exhibit a single act of violence towards the accused. Thats unlike Thais as u may well know.

    No I would say I just tinkled on your fire and put it out.. lol.. really read what u just said... ayeee god give me strength.

  5. Does anyone know why they couldn't use the police station to conduct the interviews and reverted to a "Safe House" and what is a Safe House. Safe from Screams being heard?

    Perhaps it was having major construction carried out at the time??

    Just wondering as we had Ali'G JD GB and JTJ around at the moment and between them I am sure we can get a definitive answer whistling.gif


  6. I see that the now troll with zero credibility due to his lies (JTJ) is back again with even more imagined truths.

    AT NO POINT did the two accused ( who may well be guilty) say that they had been scalded with boiling water.

    This as a claim made ( and proof shown in photos) by 2 of the football team that were playing in death island.

    If I am wrong, give me the official link, remembering that I have been following this case from day 1 and have a very good memory, as well as links.

    Perhaps we can expand my questioning further to those that think it has been a perfect case:

    1. Headman states that his son went back to Bangkok as he had exams to do. Apart from the classmates who say he did not turn up for them WHY would his father then retract those statements and say his son had not been on the islnd for 2 weeks ( 1 month in another interview that may have been misinterpreted)

    2. Why would his 'inseparable' gf post on her facebook page that she had not seen him for 3 days and could not contact him?

    3. Why would his female relative say he was with her in Bangkok when it was proven she was in Pattaya?.

    4. Why did he go 'missing' for a week almost?

    5. Why would the policeman in charge of the case ( before being abruptly transferred ( WITH NO PREVIOUS NOTICE that can be proved) state quite firmly that he had EVIDENCE that IMPLICATED both the headmans brother and the headmans son?

    6. Why would a chat with them clear that ( as he described) incriminating evidence) their involvement?

    I have more but I think thats enough for now except to quote JTJ's post which said ' dont feed the trolls'. For those not familiar with trollesque I will interpret: 'Oh, sheet, I've been rumbled, I'll exit with an insult.'

    New Poster.

    All this stuff you are making reference to has been dealt with or posted here several times already. To the point people are complaining of seeing this over and over and over again. Starting with the fact that many of us here don't take what is written on Facebook, or other Gossip Columns as the Gospel Truth.

    I only have one question for you.

    Why don't you read up what has been posted here first instead of what you read in the Gossip Columns, and then ask a question? Asking someone to the answer to 6 question which have not been proved by Credible Link, because you did not provide one, is pretty ridiculous don't you think? .

    Hardly think you are the right person to be settings standards here GB. You make it up as you go along and if it doesn't fit you just ignore it.

  7. At the end of the day its the defence teams job to make sure there clients are found not guilty, it's not there job to solve the case.

    I am sure they have in their possession numerous "revelations" which would shock and devastate many large ego's. I don't think Scotland Yard came to Thailand to sit on there <deleted> in Thailand. The Police the Brits sent were the cream of the crop, and I am sure the British Embassy did lots of "work" before the UK Police arrived on Thai shores.

    I am sure the Brits and the Defence know who was involved and by forensics , probably know the names of the perpetrators.

    The RTP are daft, but not stupid, a deal will be done at the right time d\for everyone involved.

    If you think the Brit authorities know who did the crime, then why did they lie to the victims' families?

    I think Brit officials were unaware of the depth of corruption in Thailand, and opted to go along with their RTP silver-tongued minder. I'll be glad to be proved wrong. But until the Brits step up to the plate and do what's right, they will continue to look like easily duped dummies.

    I don't think the Brits lied to the families. I think the Brits told the families to say they were happy with what was going on so as not to give them (the RTP) any chance to find out what they know.

    No time to make up another story.


    Another conspiracy theory?

    Will you ever bring anything of substance to this thread? A plethora of bitching spews from your keyboard on far to regular occasion.

    Here the sum total of the Famous Fives deductions.

    1. The Royal Thai Police never torture (or condone torture by a 3rd party in a safe house) their suspects.
    2. The RTP conduct proficient crime scene management.
    3. The RTP are proficient in DNA analysis and there facility meet international standards. (in fact they are so good they can give you a result before the sample arrives in BKK)
    4. The RTP learnt from the same text books as the Met Police.
    5. Anyone other than a Thai must be responsible for any tourist murders
    6. If you wear a Bikini and look sexy, well you bring it on yourselves.
    7. The RTP have never used the Burmese as scapegoats... never ever ever
    8. We should always believe the Authority's without question.
    9. The family's have decided the verdict already as they made a statement to the fact.
    10. The trial should have been a single days event to save time as the outcome is already decided.
    11. The RTP never remove an officer and replace him with one that tows the line.
    12. Only 2 young men committed the crime.
    13. If you buy Land M fags then you are guilty
    14. If you are on a beach when a crime is committed you must be guilty

    I am sure there's many more but that gives us all a gist of there thoughts.

    Any further donations are welcome

  8. Just a quick search on the internet resulted in numerous ways the police allegedly tortured these two. Are there more claims?

    interrogators said they would kill them

    The interrogators told them to confess to the crime, and threatened to cut off their limbs, put them in a bag, and dump them in a river if they did not.

    The police also threatened to tie the two boys to a tyre, pour petrol on it, and set it alight.

    he was beaten and threatened with electrocution after refusing to confess

    they had been scalded with boiling water during a police interrogation

    they were forced to confess to the crimes after police punched and slapped them during interrogations.

    They covered our heads with black plastic bags and threatened to stab us with a nail-like object

    withdrawn their confessions claiming police beat it out of them.

    As a side note, the health of the suspects was checked by at least three doctors from different organisations, including the Rights and Liberties Protection Department, who did not detect signs of physical assault.

    "We prosecutors pay more attention to witness statements and evidence (not confessions)," said Thawatchai Siangjaew, director-general of the Office of Public Prosecution Region 8.

    "More importantly, forensic evidence and statements given by medical doctors are treated as the most important elements when we decide whether or not to indictsuspects."

    I think Water Torture, Electric Shock Torture, and Stripping them Naked and taking pictures of them to post on the Internet were some more they came up with. Not sure if anything is left besides Medieval Torture ones?

    Glad to see you to fools get some pleasure out of this event. Karma has a funny way off catching up with people so consider that.

  9. Note the baggy shorts. Last September it was suggested elsewhere that those may be David's shorts.

    I think the rules don't allow me to post a link, so you can Google the headline "KOH TAO MURDERS - DID KILLER STEAL VICTIMS PANTS".

    (Sorry grammar police, it's the professional journalist, not me, who wrote "victims" rather than "victim's").

    By the way, perhaps the news released after the British cops visited Thailand, suggesting that the victims' families had confidence in the BIB, was deliberately intended to lull the BIB into thinking they were doing a good job of fooling everyone. If the Brits had revealed at that time any evidence that could weaken the prosecution's case, then the BIB would have had lots of time to prepare themselves and fabricate "counter-evidence". By releasing the evidence later on during the trial, the defence will, I hope, catch the BIB with their pants down (again). If I remember correctly, that news did not come directly from the families but from a UK government press release.

    Yes I'm not sure about the British cops involvement and how much they observed. I can't believe for one minute that these guys weren't some of the cream and noticed a lot and took in so much more than the RTP realised. The political side of this will have kicked in but why would the Brits have to show there cards yet as the RTP are doing okay on there own without the British having to put a spanner in the works. If they don't have to I'm sure they won't as its not good in so many ways if a country is poking it's nose into another countries legal system. They wouldn't have come out there either and leave themselves wide open at a later date of incompetence . They will be watching and probably from time to time reading even in here to gauge the mood and read between the lines. While some critics will pour scorn on this forum it does give people a chance to air there opinions and get frustrations of there chest and it always should be remembered that not everybody has a equal iq. If you post and read in here there is a lot of very very good points and angles suggested and some of course far fetched but the intelligent persons can read between the lines. I think, in fact sure the Brits are keeping there cards close to there chest and hoping they don't have to deal but I'm sure they have a good hand. You also have to remember there is a court case going on and they will be aware not to compromise any evidence or witness.

    The 3 officers where a Homicide officer from Norfolk Police. A Homicide from the Met police and a forensic officer. One went to Koh Tao a few days earlier on the quiet and the other 2 followed in a helicopter courtesy of the RTP. the 3 officers left together.

  10. You are wrong. Andy wouldn't reveal anything other than to say that significant discrepancies have been found in relation to information gleaned from the UK.

    We all have to wait. However it was mentioned in a recent piece in the Times a highly respected newspaper that they had seen information that pointed to shrapnel wounds.

    The defence will not publish anything prior to its disclosure in court.

    We all make presumptions you included. Just sit tight and wait and see what's coming .

    Unfortunately "gleaned" does mean substantiated...

    Basil, Hows your Englit 2day any good.


    Unfortunately "gleaned" does mean substantiated..."

    Correct it does mean substantiated I agree.

    Hard fought for information I am sure so the definition is correct according to dictionary

    past tense: gleaned; past participle: gleaned
    1. 1.
      obtain (information) from various sources, often with difficulty.
  11. According to the translator, Maung said he was not present when the murders took place

    took place. He had left his friends at 1am to meet his girlfriend so he did not know about anything that took place afterwards.

    He said Zaw Rin and Win admitted that they had indeed committed the murders and that they confirmed that Maung had left earlier. They said they were drunk and that they bludgeoned the heads of the tourists. The first weapon was a large bottle of wine which was used by Win on David Miller. Then Win used a hoe was used to finish the job.

    Meanwhile, Zaw Rin had taken Hannah some distance away. She resisted and screamed, so he hit her with the same hoe. Win was the first to rape her, the translator said. He said the two did not leave the island immediately because it was difficult to do so with the police keeping a close watch.

    Police yesterday confirmed the mobile phone of Koh Tao murder victim, David Miller, had been retrieved from the accommodation of one of the two Myanmar suspects.

    National police chief Somyot Pumpanmuang said suspect Saw Rim, 21, had intended to take the victims mobile phone for his own use, but he later found the device cannot be used in Thailand, so he smashed and discarded it in his living quarters.

    Pol Col Prachum Ruangthong, superintendent of the Koh Phangan police station, said the device is a black iPhone 4, taken from the shorts pocket of Miller, 24, who was found dead on a Koh Tao beach alongside Hannah Witheridge, 23, on Sept 15.

    The confirmation came as doubts spread on social media as to whether the phone was really taken from the suspects. Some pictures circulated online show a friend of Witheridge brought a mobile phone to Pol Col Prachum during the inquest.

    The men underwent medical checks before and after the inquiry to prove they were not tortured into admitting a crime.

    They seemed in good health, except for pain in their chests [allegedly from their interrogation], added Aung Myo Thant.

    "Two Myanmar suspects have confessed to killing the pair," national police chief Somyot Pumpunmuang told the AFP news service even before the press conference. "DNA test results confirmed that the same DNA was found in the body of the (female)victim."

    With her partner incapacitated, both men then set upon Witheridge, taking turns as raping her while alternately smoking a cigarette. When they were through, Wynsmashed her head

    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September.

    A second witness, Dr. Chasit Yoohad, gave testimony about his examination of the victims' bodies. He said he also performed a medical checkup of the two accused, and found them in good health. He said he asked through a translator if they had committed the crime, and they replied that they had.

    BANGKOK: -- A human rights commissioner said Tuesday the two Myanmar migrant workers arrested on charges of murdering the two British backpackers on Koh Tao admitted to him that they committed the crime as charged.

    The commissioner, Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, and his staff visited the two suspects at a prison on Koh Samui where they are being detained pending prosecution.

    Commenting on the suspicion by netizens in the social media that the two suspects might be just scapegoats, Mr Prinya suggested that the police should disclose more details about the case to clear up the air.

    He said the two told him that they drank both beer and wine before they attacked the two British tourists and he suspected that they might be drunk at the time they committed the crime.

    You, Ali G & Buggy are going to look EXTREMELY stupid when the gunshot evidence comes out in court. Hannah was shot a close range, and that is a matter of FACT that completely debunks all your fallacious drivel.

    However, you will probably say the B2 purchased a gun with their vast fortunes & shot her due to their extreme state of arousal.

    You state that the young women was shot at close range. Where did this come from, how is it that you know it to be factual, yet nothing has ever been reported or are you referring to some newspaper article referring to shrapnel or something. I would have thought that if she was shot one would have seen this in big, bold, black print, whilst the defence team and Andy would have spoken about it, yet nothing. I was wondering where you obtained your information to be so adamant that what you state is factual.

    You are wrong. Andy wouldn't reveal anything other than to say that significant discrepancies have been found in relation to information gleaned from the UK.

    We all have to wait. However it was mentioned in a recent piece in the Times a highly respected newspaper that they had seen information that pointed to shrapnel wounds.

    The defence will not publish anything prior to its disclosure in court.

    We all make presumptions you included. Just sit tight and wait and see what's coming .

  12. Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ? He is healthy and still lives and study in Bangkok. He got his friends there and I doubt they pay much attention to the gossip on CSI LA , at least I hope not.

    After the latest DNA test was given he has not been much in the thai media , that's true, according to RTP he has been cleared so why would he continue to be desperate to clear his name? And this is Thailand , its not a good idea to openly show a loss of face to anyone if it can be avoided, he already done that twice so why repeat it in front of the thai media ?

    That should be good enough answer to your question.

    If I was Nomsod , in the same situation with my western mindset , I would probably sue anyone and report to facebook to close CSI LA down . For all we know , maybe he or his dad already tried to do that.

    "Where did you get that his life is ruined and that he is depressed from ?"

    Uhmmm.... from you maybe?


    Well I mentioned they were trying to destroy the boys life. I didnt see any reference to that his life is ruined. Anywhay does it matter ?

    LOL... bit of an own goal there Balo.

    Are you sure you Don't work for the RTP.

  13. Miller had two phones, one his regular iPhone (the one allegedly taken by the men on trial) and a cheaper phone that he could actually use while in Thailand since the iPhone was blocked; that's the one found at the beach.

    This has been known for a long time already.

    Explain why he would take out a phone that was blocked. Wouldn't you keep it in your bag.

    wifi still allows access to social media etc but not used for making calls

    Dohhhh... Its been a long day today and very hot fried my brain... anyway it wasn't Davids phone.

  14. I think these links are spy links, meaning if you click them it shows where you are posting from.

    This is an old trick that has been used before by the RTP's people.

    Bery this isn't an IP finder link but many of those Bitly links are. They use another program 1st first then put it through Bitly for a link code.

    If you hover over the link with your pointer then it will show you the destination. This one is the mirror newspaper.

  15. The unknown whereabouts of nom sods dna according to what was said in court as reported in the daily mail is just another example of gross police incompetence.It would seem the police would rather be seen as bumbling idiots rather than criminals. My hunch is that it has been conveniently misplaced for fear that a retest might bring up some unwanted surprises.

    On a side note I read some comments made by Heidi Ana an associate of Andy Hall on Facebook in wich she states that things are going to get worse for the RTP,TAT and prosecution and the case is about to get even more ridiculous. The way things are looking I'm more hopeful that eventually we will find out roughly what happened and the parents can get justice.

    You wont find out what happened IMHO but they will be proved not guilty

    At the end of the case more unanswered questions than when we started. And the Threads will go on and on and on...LOL... Poor old Mods cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  16. Miller had two phones, one his regular iPhone (the one allegedly taken by the men on trial) and a cheaper phone that he could actually use while in Thailand since the iPhone was blocked; that's the one found at the beach.

    This has been known for a long time already.

    First I've heard of a phone being found on the beach, its also not in any crime scene photos, can you provide a link to the "thats the one found on the beach" statement? Because you seem to know more than the RTP He failed to confirm whether the mobile phone and SIM card found on the beach belonged to Mr Miller

    They didn't confirm it as it wasn't Davids Phone

  17. Here's the transcript:

    The Metropolitan Police says there's confusion and inconsistencies in the investigation in Thailand into the murder of 2 British tourists on the island of Koh Tao. Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were killed in September. Scotland Yard, which is observing the Thai enquiry, says there are questions about the strength of the case against the 2 men from Burma charged with murder.

    This was broadcast in late December and seriously counters the families statements

    Perhaps everytime JTJ quotes the families we should throw this back at him!

    Wow I missed that report.

    Top Marks for picking that up.

    Well lets see what Zoe (Reprieve), Andy and the UK lawyers have pulled out of the UK Authorities.


  18. I am surprised that the defense even mentioned they have critical evidence to support their case. If I had the proverbial "ace up my sleeve" I wouldn't let the dealer, house or other players know about it. I would keep mum and play my cards when the time is right.

    Seems strange (given the schedule of the trial) that the defense would give the prosecution a gift like that. Unless of course, as a matter of procedure,they have to. I am unfamiliar with Thai legal\criminal procedure in terms of things like discovery etc. So I don't want to talk out of me arse. Just sharing an observation.

    Maybe to get them in (more of) a panic, wondering what the "ace up the sleeve" is, and possibly forcing their hand? They have certainly not given the prosecution a "gift" in any shape or form! After the latest revelations about what should have been done by the RTP and wasn't, who knows what further surprises are in store?

    Have a look at this:- http://www.dailymail...ve-outcome.html

    Yes lots of interesting points in that article, they did have a reporter there as the previous article they wrote 2 days before that was also mentioning their difficulties in getting a translator.

    Again from that article another missing piece of evidence from the crime scene:

    What’s more, Colonel Chiewpreecha did not know the whereabouts of a green towel that was found on Hannnah’s body, and claimed that it was not relevant as he believed it was placed on Hannah’s body after it had been discovered.

    Here's the green towel in question

    The Alllegation is that this picture proves a gun shot as theres an explosion of tissue and bone that's travelled outwards following the exit of the slug from the bullet. This is normal and expected in gunshot wounds.

  19. Very well then either someone move the clothes before he arrived (the tide was coming in), he was confused or the statement mistranslated. None of that would explain why the DNA from the two men on trial would end up inside the rape victim, which is the main piece of evidence.

    see my response, below .....

    That the scene of the crime was not taken care up to exacting standards is beyond dispute, but keeping in mind that this happened on a small island with only 5 policemen and no history of such crimes being committed, coupled with the location of the crime scene, on the edge of the water with a tide rising (plus the TiT factor) that not all ts were crossed and is dotted is not just unsurprising it would be surprising if it haven't had happened.

    As I mentioned in my previous post the key evidence is DNA taken from inside the victim, that DNA typing was used for weeks before the men on trial were arrested so the notion that a compromised crime scene would somehow yield a DNA match is very far fetched.

    Additionally,i f the phone allegedly taken from Miller, which they admit they "found" on the night of the murder is validated, IMHO, that's it for those men, they did it; there's no reasonable explanation on how both things would had come to be without them being the perpetrators.

    "Additionally, if the phone allegedly taken from Miller," Sorry AleG, the "David's Phone" thing is looking less and less plausible, as each day goes by. The Daily Mail is saying as much (that it can't be shown to be David's), taken from the DM's reporter who was in court. You may recall, I said David's phone was reported to have been found ON THE BEACH the day of the murders. That's proving to be true. Plus, how do you know for sure who's phone it is? If you lost your phone, would the person finding it know it was yours? How? Do you have your name taped to the outside of it? If it's functional, I guess an inspector (more canny than any Thai inspector) could call some numbers and ask who's shown to be calling.

    As for DNA. All we and the defense and judges have to go by, at this time, is just THE WORD OF THAI TOP BRASS. That's all. Thus far, no DNA has been re-examined (that we know of), the Brits haven't disclosed anything that we know of. The general public have to rely 100% on the honesty of top police brass - the same brass who have proven, over and over, that they lie. They have an agenda to shield the H's people. All their actions, including obscuring/delaying DNA re-testing, is pointed in that direction.

    Not wanting to be argumentative, and just want to ask a question, but don't all mobile phones have serial numbers on the inside? I know mine does.

    Even if this is damaged they must be able to put it together if they have all the pieces. If it was smashed in a plastic bag and thrown away that way then I would think they do. Match that to the Bill of Sale, which most people keep for warranty work and I would think you would have a match.

    From what I read, and not saying my Media Report was better or worst then yours, they said they did not want to divulge this missing mobile phone information to the press right away as they suspected the killer(s) may still have David's Mobile Phone with them. Then it was reported by mistake or otherwise that it was Hannah's Mobile Phone they found. Which really threw a Monkey Wrench in the whole report. So who knows?

    They didn't follow the phone IMEI Number up probably because they knew it wasn't davids phone Why obtain information if it doesn't help your case. better to just say that's davids phone. Then we all believe it.

  20. I am surprised that the defense even mentioned they have critical evidence to support their case. If I had the proverbial "ace up my sleeve" I wouldn't let the dealer, house or other players know about it. I would keep mum and play my cards when the time is right.

    Seems strange (given the schedule of the trial) that the defense would give the prosecution a gift like that. Unless of course, as a matter of procedure,they have to. I am unfamiliar with Thai legal\criminal procedure in terms of things like discovery etc. So I don't want to talk out of me arse. Just sharing an observation.

    Theres nothing the RTP can do about the UK findings. They are coming out regardless. The RTP have no say on this. I guess its bubbled out, especially as News papers Like the Times mentioning the possibility of Gun Shot to Hannah. Someone has fed them that haven't they. No other UK news has mentioned it as far as I have seen.

    Anyway I am sat on the edge of my chair waiting with baited breath.

  21. Why do they keep adjourning this trial for weeks at a time? Why not continue the case, until all the evidence has been presented as in no breaks ?

    Is it purely to give the RTP more time to get their shit together, and the outcome is already decided?

    You would have thought that the prosecution would have been keen to have this wrapped up as quickly as possible?

    Is the Prosecution now reeling at their own witnesses candidness over their statements, like DNA is finished, and no budget for storing photos?

    What a total waste of time and money this trial is.

    One theory why the trial was broken into pieces is that it would be very expensive for the media to cover the trial. Many trips back and forth to Koh Samui was probably designed (and probably successfully) to deter many media organizations from sending reporters to cover the trial.

    There are many reasons for courts to be adjourned, happens all the time back home. I'd say the theory expressed is total hyperbole, they have more important tasks to worry about then postponing a matter to prevent reporters from covering the hearing. I am certain that if certain parties did not want coverage, then a few phone calls would see to that, not going to the expense of having adjournments.

    For instance, witnesses may not be available, defence team may need time to evaluate certain evidence given and to prepare for cross examination. Prosecution and defence may be waiting on the re-testing of certain evidence. Judges may well be involved in other cases, and have certain sitting days logged. The list is endless however, I doubt very much that the one theory referred to would be found any where in the list..

    It was to fit the diaries of the judges and lawyer's. Because of the long trial its not normal. Its a good thi g anyway for the defence. They are funded as well and have no concerns.

  22. Why do they keep adjourning this trial for weeks at a time? Why not continue the case, until all the evidence has been presented as in no breaks ?

    Is it purely to give the RTP more time to get their shit together, and the outcome is already decided?

    You would have thought that the prosecution would have been keen to have this wrapped up as quickly as possible?

    Is the Prosecution now reeling at their own witnesses candidness over their statements, like DNA is finished, and no budget for storing photos?

    What a total waste of time and money this trial is.

    The Reason was the time needed and the lawyers and judges had previous commitments so they have had to stagger it. Yes the prosecution would have loved to have it wrapped I think as well however its not been possible. This was an explanation given by Natalie one of the team of Defence lawyers

  23. Virtually everybody has a mobile phone, surely looking at phone activity my hold some clues.

    I bet the perpetrators made a call to at least one person after the murder...

    How many boat owners got a call in the early hours? and then their phone signal was registered within two or three hours on the mainland or Samui?

    surely there must be software/systems available to detect from the phone companies records any phone that was on the island at the time Hannah and David was seen alive and appeared on the mainland or Samui before the first ferries.


    No one in power wants to look M8. Not at the CCTV not at anything that wouldn't support their theory.

    Sit back and wait for the next round. You will see some revelations coming that will shake the RTP to the core

    I wish we could hear the revelations but I honestly don't think it will happen. The defence is Thai and they have already had reported confrontation with the RTP and prosecutors outside the court room. They know if they go to far, they are putting themselves at serious risk. And by serious I mean the ultimate sacrifice!

    Face is number one in Thailand, and when it comes to the Prime Minister and the Chief of Police face simply won't be allowed to be lost. Both these "gentlemen" have stated their reputations on the RTP case, do you think it will be publicly shown to have been incorrect? NOT A CHANCE.

    Tragic, disgusting but true, after all this is Thailand!

    Oh I think u under estimate the efforts that have gone into this in the UK. Reprieve and Lawyers inc a QC. Pressure on the police for details. They have worked quietly behind the scenes.

    The Forensic expert who is on contract to the Uk Military and the UN and has worked on forensic work in Kosovo as well as leading the forensic department for county police forces has also been to Koh Tao. He will be making an appearance.

    I don't think they are to concerned about the Mafia and lets face it Andy Hall and the lead lawyer don't give a flying F"*K about the Mafia. In fact Andy thrives on it.

    The gloves have already come off in the way they made the RTP look like fools and its only warming up.

    A months break gives time to re-examine comments and evidence submitted so far. I think its played into the defences hands.

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