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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Darkknight666

    Don't have any Boys Darkknight. Mine are all girls. Last time I talked to them they weren't scared about anything. But thanks for asking.

    Yes! I know that when his friend put it in a Plastic Bag and smashed it into little pieces with a Hammer, then threw it in the bushes, for a monetary value it was worthless.

    But being found by the Police it is probably worth it's weight in Gold.

    The Problem is it wasn't Davids phone Goldbuggy.

    In fact the Police confirmed in the trial proceedings they didn't check to see if it was David's phone.

    So its ineligible as a piece of evidence and should now be discounted from this case. End off..

    They phone you are referring to was the one found at the crime scene, the phone that GOLDBUGGY was talking about was the one found behind the room of the men on trial, which they admit they "found" on the day of the murders.

    I am referring to the one that was entered as evidence by the prosecution into the evidence pack as Davids phone

  2. Darkknight666

    Don't have any Boys Darkknight. Mine are all girls. Last time I talked to them they weren't scared about anything. But thanks for asking.

    Yes! I know that when his friend put it in a Plastic Bag and smashed it into little pieces with a Hammer, then threw it in the bushes, for a monetary value it was worthless.

    But being found by the Police it is probably worth it's weight in Gold.

    As far as I know the phone wasn't found in a plastic bag, the photos of it in a bag were after the police took it for evidence.

    and it was fully examined for fingerprints and is in evidence at the court for defence confirmation.....not

    How do you know it was not examined?

    I don't think it has been presented as evidence yet.

    Wrong!!! again.

    The phone issue was raised by the prosecution and under cross examination it was confirmed they hadn't ascertained if it was David's phone. So its ineligible

  3. Darkknight666

    Don't have any Boys Darkknight. Mine are all girls. Last time I talked to them they weren't scared about anything. But thanks for asking.

    Yes! I know that when his friend put it in a Plastic Bag and smashed it into little pieces with a Hammer, then threw it in the bushes, for a monetary value it was worthless.

    But being found by the Police it is probably worth it's weight in Gold.

    The Problem is it wasn't Davids phone Goldbuggy.

    In fact the Police confirmed in the trial proceedings they didn't check to see if it was David's phone.

    So its ineligible as a piece of evidence and should now be discounted from this case. End off..

  4. Newbie here, not full conversant with all the discussions which have occurred, but a few comments:

    1. Looking at the running man video, i can't help think this could be Muang Muang, bigger stature than the others. Did he implicate the other two and was allowed to leave, just a thought.

    2. At the crime scene there is a set of Pink Flip-Flops, i assume these belonged to Hannah, but when you see the videos of the evening she is wearing what appears to be white flat shoes. Of course she may have went back to her hotel and changed.

    Please feel free to shoot me down in flames as i am sure these topics will have been covered already.

    Who's been banned and reappeared as a newbie again?

  5. Hey GB if it was you why would you run to the AC bar and not use your motorbike?

    Well first, is it my motor bike to drive? Considering I am a Migrant Worker do I have a Drivers License to drive it? Can I drive it on the beach as many places don't let you? How far away is it to where it is parked? Do I know how to drive a Motor Bike?

    Well, my honest answer to you is I never drove a Motor Bike before, so no I would not take this motor bike as I don't know how to drive it.

    I am not sure what their answer would be. There was only one driver on CCTV, and if it is the one who was on the beach he would be too drunk to drive.

    You said it was Muang who was seen 5.41on CCTV so why do you now mention drunk people one the beach ? Muang wasn't on the beach at that time.

    Didnt muang muang work in the A/C bar. You also have to remember that they are all m8s they hang around together work together sleep together in same room. I think Muang is to heavy set to be running man.

  6. You stated in an earlier post your under legal drinking age, in your profile you have down the age of 15 years and now your talking about PS4 games, how old are you?

    no idea what you are talking about, what is the link between age and PS4 games, am i missing something....

    Thailandchilli likes to stalk people and dig out personal information to share amongst his group, if you take a look at your profile page I'm sure you'll find they've been "visiting".

    Brilliant I take it then you like to associate with 15 year olds on the forum in an adult discussion

    I did hint at my concerns when he/she was defending McAnna. Age/kids/convictions..

    I wasnt go to bother commenting to the baiting as Bonez has revealed his or her maturity. .. PS4 games. Crikey a new low reached on here.. Hitman lol... really.. Reference to James Bond... someone needs to get real

  7. Actually yes, I got confused, it was Wai not Win that got arrested at the pier in Surat Thani, something you would know if you'd care to be more informed and less opinionated:

    "Wai Phyo at a ferry terminal in Muang district in the Surat Thani province on the mainland."

    LMAO!! cheesy.gif

    You just admit to making an error in your damning post and then tell me to be more informed? What a dumb comment!facepalm.gif

    It is the fact that I do tend to delve into the back story and actually post the relevant bits that pisses you apologists off so much! clap2.gif

    You are in an exceedingly dumb, exceedingly marginalised minority of deluded shills. I understand why you try and come out fighting but you just don't have the ammunition.

    In short, the lot of you continue to bring bananas to gun fights and then wonder why you get roundly smacked each and every time.thumbsup.gif

    You are trying to defend the indefensible and failing at that.gigglem.gif

    I kind of admire the fact that you seem to be trying to rally as a group, albeit unsuccessfully. Wasn't it this time last week when you were all called in to the office and told to raise your games? FAIL!!!!!cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    At this time you're all embarrassing yourselves again.

    edit: I forgot to say thanks! At this point in time I am at 65 likes just for today, no doubt because the majority of the right thinking folks on here also think I am just opinionated and ill-informed! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    In short, you are trolling for "Likes", so much for the righteous cause for "Truth and Justice".

    All that because you can't bring yourself to accept that one of the men was arrested after fleeing; there's denial and there's... well, whatever that thing you did there is.

    Unfortunately just like many Falang who have visa's that run out he was probably making his way to the border hoping to not get caught. Its common and I have done it myself. a day or 2 over stay for example. whilst he had visa problems it surely doesn't make him a killer does it?

    Perhaps in ALi G World it does but not in the real world.

    You know you remind me of that spin doctor who worked for Tony Blair... what was his name... Alastair Campbell I think...Your not a patch on him though but keep trying.

  8. Ali G...................

    Just do this one thing... Name one other person who was on the Island who has fingered the killers. Just one Falang??? Can you??

    And tell me this on what grounds do YOU have not to take seriously his allegations.

    You all discuss this person or that person however that's fine hey as you have a special pass on here is that right. You have don't Jack Sheet. Absolutely jack to assist anyone in this case.

    So you and I are in a different league. I have information I cant put on here you don't. you have nothing. You know nothing about the work done in the UK and Italy. Nothing.

    Let me ask one question, since you have information, plus know the work done in the UK and Italy...

    Please state who the killers are, just name them here and now...don't circumvent the question,

    Erm... Usually I can dig your posts but this looks like bait. If someone to were directly accuse another with no evidence... Well.

    Tread lightly.

    You will not find one of my quotes naming who I think killed them. I wouldn't do that and I don't know. There's a lot other things than who the killers are though without knowing their names. This will be revealed in court not on a forum unless the poster was a daft. We can all talk about scenarios. Like did Hannah tell her friends who she was meeting. You know she left her mobile with her friend for example. or did the Autopsy reveal shrapnel wounds and fragments under X-ray. Did the RTP even bother to X-ray the victims. They are short on budget. Cant even afford to print a picture. Its all supposition but time will tell.

  9. Absolutely relentless.

    First off, looking at someone's FB page is not stalking. People have FB pages so people will look at them. It is in the public domain.

    If loono has been posting threats to said page, then I would agree it is stalking and cyber-bullying.

    Speaking of threats..."You'll only end up hurting yourself with this beheaviour."

    You must be oblivious to loonodingle or the other and others campaign of harassment again Sean McAnna; or you are aware of it and don't see anything wrong with chasing someone around accusing him of being involved in either the murder of his friend or in a supposed cover-up for the "real killers".

    I wonder what Human Rights organizations would think of such beheaviour?

    Ali G...................

    Just do this one thing... Name one other person who was on the Island who has fingered the killers. Just one Falang??? Can you??

    And tell me this on what grounds do YOU have not to take seriously his allegations.

    You all discuss this person or that person however that's fine hey as you have a special pass on here is that right. You have don't Jack Sheet. Absolutely jack to assist anyone in this case.

    So you and I are in a different league. I have information I cant put on here you don't. you have nothing. You know nothing about the work done in the UK and Italy. Nothing.

    Let me ask one question, since you have information, plus know the work done in the UK and Italy...

    Please state who the killers are, just name them here and now...don't circumvent the question,

    Not sure where you get the quote "I know who the killers are"

    I also told AleG "You know nothing about the work done in the UK and Italy. Nothing."

    All will be revealed in court not on a forum. You must be simple to think anything else really!!! Think about it......... Here you have to tell me everything you know on this forum because i said so..

    PMSL... Don't get above your station.

    I was very specific in my response to AleG. Read it properly in context.

  10. And as a footnote. Your buddy who wasn't there apparently and wasn't involved in the murders was busy running around the Island Like a demented chicken with his head cut off and yet the ' murderers ' after committing such a gruesome crime and splattered with blood and goodness knows what went quietly to bed and to sleep and no doubt dream. Yes that all sounds likely doesn't it. After all they had work next day and perish the thought that a little battering and killing of people would get in the way of that. No guys, smell the coffee.! Hardened criminals with a life of crime and murder couldn't do that !! But crack on with your version if you like because there's only 3 of you believing it.

    Only a professional hitman would just go about his business the next day hey!!!

    Anyone else would do a runner. Lay low.. get their head down. Perhaps change their appearance a bit. Haircut and a shave maybe. Get their lawyer on the phone. Get onto daddy to pull strings? Just a fictional presumption. But you get my drift.

    What do killers really do after the event?

  11. Whereas stalking and cyber-bullying remains the same.

    You'll only end up hurting yourself with this beheaviour.

    Absolutely relentless.

    First off, looking at someone's FB page is not stalking. People have FB pages so people will look at them. It is in the public domain.

    If loono has been posting threats to said page, then I would agree it is stalking and cyber-bullying.

    Speaking of threats..."You'll only end up hurting yourself with this beheaviour."

    You must be oblivious to loonodingle or the other and others campaign of harassment again Sean McAnna; or you are aware of it and don't see anything wrong with chasing someone around accusing him of being involved in either the murder of his friend or in a supposed cover-up for the "real killers".

    I wonder what Human Rights organizations would think of such beheaviour?

    Guilty as charged. If there is such a "campaign of harrassment," I am indeed oblivious to it. Or perhaps there isn't one. Maybe just people on a public forum sharing their opinions. Seems pretty benign to me.

    I think it is time to look in the mirror and really see who is sensationalizing things, "chasing" people down (on this thread), engaging in cyber-bullying, making accusations and (thinly veiled) threats.

    As to your claim that Mr. McAnna's (aka Sean DiLupo, Sean Albain) human rights have been violated, bring it up with the relevant authorities if you feel so strongly about it.

    If and when you present your case to a human rights commission, don't forget to mention the human rights of the children that Mr. McAnna accessed images of being abused.


    Agreed. Why don't you contact this newspaper and tell them how concerned you are for Sean. Sorry mate I am not in your club: Excuses for your buddy's etc: See details below


  12. Does it really Matter???

    Boy, Man, Young Man, Kid... Its just a personal phrase that's totally irrelevant to the case of David and Hannah. It will no have bearing in court proceedings.

    What will have a bearing though is the things you aren't focusing on and that's the evidence that's coming up.

    Sean McAnna has reinvented himself by the way.

    attachicon.gifNew McAnna.jpg

    Whereas stalking and cyber-bullying remains the same.

    You'll only end up hurting yourself with this beheaviour.

    Absolutely relentless.

    First off, looking at someone's FB page is not stalking. People have FB pages so people will look at them. It is in the public domain.

    If loono has been posting threats to said page, then I would agree it is stalking and cyber-bullying.

    Speaking of threats..."You'll only end up hurting yourself with this beheaviour."

    You must be oblivious to loonodingle or the other and others campaign of harassment again Sean McAnna; or you are aware of it and don't see anything wrong with chasing someone around accusing him of being involved in either the murder of his friend or in a supposed cover-up for the "real killers".

    I wonder what Human Rights organizations would think of such beheaviour?

    Ali G...................

    Just do this one thing... Name one other person who was on the Island who has fingered the killers. Just one Falang??? Can you??

    And tell me this on what grounds do YOU have not to take seriously his allegations.

    You all discuss this person or that person however that's fine hey as you have a special pass on here is that right. You have don't Jack Sheet. Absolutely jack to assist anyone in this case.

    So you and I are in a different league. I have information I cant put on here you don't. you have nothing. You know nothing about the work done in the UK and Italy. Nothing.

  13. To me, calling someone a Boy when he is 22 Years Old is the part I think is Bizarre.

    So enlighten us, what is the official age when a boy becomes a man, or is it people just refer to these individuals as boys because of their youthful appearance.

    Yet AleG (or was it JTJ?) refers to Nomsod as a "kid". He is about the same age as the B2 is he not?

    Does it really Matter???

    Boy, Man, Young Man, Kid... Its just a personal phrase that's totally irrelevant to the case of David and Hannah. It will no have bearing in court proceedings.

    What will have a bearing though is the things you aren't focusing on and that's the evidence that's coming up.

    Sean McAnna has reinvented himself by the way.


  14. This Human Rights Commissioner,Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, is an internal appointee and his appointment was met with a lot of skepticism as he had no experience in Human Rights and, by definition would be biased towards the government that appointed him.

    "the former charter drafter Prinya was a businessman and former vice president of Nakhon Ratchasima Province Industrial Federation. He has no solid record of human rights work".

    Just the kind of chap you'd want to send in to hear some scapegoats "confess". Ask yourselves who the translator was between the B2 and the non-Burmese speaking commissioner. Roti anyone? wink.png

    The Police don't give a jot about the NHRC anyway. They never turned up despite repeated requests I believe.


    Yesterday the police ignored a summons to the National Human Rights Commission to answer questions with regards to the alleged torture of the two migrant workers who have been charged for the murders of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao last month.

    Thai prosecutors have also said the 300 page dossier presented to them by police had holes in it and further evidence was required.

    The National Human Rights Commission has also decided to send a team to Koh Tao to examine the crime scene, The Nation newspaper reported today.

    Thai police have come under intense criticism locally and internationally for the way they have handled the case since the bodies of the two Britons were found on Koh Tao's Sairee Beach on the morning of September 15.

    They failed to seal off the crime scene and issued a number of conflicting statements before announcing that the two Burmese men had been arrested.

    But the bar workers claimed later that their 'confessions' had been forced from them under duress. They said the bruises on their bodies proved they had been beaten by police.

    Detectives denied this and said DNA evidence matching samples from the body of Miss Witheridge and the two men was evidence of their guilt.

    Prosecutors, however, said the evidence was still not strong enough to take the men to court and they have asked police to re-submit their file on the case after adding evidence that was required to make it watertight.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2789761/lawyers-call-british-experts-examine-dna-thai-backpacker-murders-burmese-bar-workers-retract-confessions.html#ixzz3hYqYdn96

    or try this


  15. What I cant seem to get my head around is how you could murder in a horrific way 2 people and then go to bed. I am sure there would have instances in the world somewhere however its not the normal response is it?

    You also cant tell me that they wouldn't have sustained injury's. Nail marks, scratches or bruises from the fight. I am sure David and Hannah would have given them a fight back. So it doesn't make sense to my logical way of thinking. No marks and straight off to bed. Go to work in the morning and all's well.

    But hey what do I know.

  16. Third Burmese said he did not witness murder

    A third Burmese man, Maung Maung, who is being held in custody as a witness to a case involving the murder of two British tourists on the Thai island of Koh Tao, said he did not witness the killing.

    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant and MAT representative Kyaw Thaung both confirmed to DVB that Maung Maung had told the embassy team that he had witnessed Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun in bed sleeping when he returned to the room at 5am and that nothing seemed suspicious.

    According to Kyaw Thaung: “Maung Maung said he woke them up and asked them, ‘Where is the guitar?’ at which point one of the pair indicated it was in AC Bar [where the British couple, Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, had been drinking with friends the night before]. Maung Maung said he then went to AC Bar to look for the guitar and his sandals, ‘because they were expensive – 350 baht’, he said.




  17. Again it's worth pointing out that they also confessed at least three other times to other people, the doctor that examined them, a Human Rights Commission representative and of course the police.

    Evidently the police have not changed their stance, the doctor presented that confession when questioned as a witness in court, and the HRC has not, to the best of my knowledge, came out to say they believe their confession to be false.

    Their story changed the moment the defense lawyers started to build a case, from telling people that they did it and providing details on it to "we were too drunk to remember anything", on three bottles of beer and one bottle of wine split between three men... and the third man didn't seem to have any problem recalling events from that night. To me it sounds like a cop-out.

    C'mon Ali G. The doctor was a local Koh Tao doctor I believe and they had the same interpreter to speak to the other people who has been fingered as part of the torture dished out.

    Try having a bag over your head and asphyxiated and see how keen you are to change your story.


  18. I have never said the police were not abusive to them ... unlike you though I do consider their admission to their own representatives relevant especially when the police were not there and they showed no fear of the police by saying they were abused. Further I find it relevant to the fact they changed their story. To not consider their free admission to embassy officials, lawyers and rights workers is to bury ones head in the sand and clearly shows a lack of being honest about the facts in this case. At the very minimum their credibility needs to be questioned but I personal believe combined with the others facts, you choose to ignore or discount, their admission is a clear indication of their guilt.

    LMAO!! cheesy.gif

    JTJ questioning someone else's credibility!! Ironic or what?giggle.gif

    JTJ, you keep forgetting that it is the same two lawyers that are alleged to have said that the B2 confessed the crime to them in an open meeting who later (within a couple of days) very publicly declared their innocence!!!

    I would think that the latter statements hold more weight, don't they?

    Early on you claimed to have no vested interest in this case, but pretty much all the dribble and claptrap, old posts and misrepresentations, blatant misdirection and nonsense you have come up with since, clearly have more give a truer picture fo your role than your earliest nonsensical claims statements.






    One of the biggest problems in this case is the translations.

    For example they may have said yes we admitted to do the crime.

    However this was in the context of their confession made under duress.

    It goes to be replicated and twisted each time its reported until you get to totally unrepresentative quotes from the original statement.

    Just a thought to add to the Mix. You know how it is one paper will take a slant on a story to fit their political agenda. the UK papers do exactly the same. Spinning as they say. You also have to remember that in the recent years the news has had to tow a certain line in many instances or risk being shut down. You will note the Thai TV channels aren't present at the court 3 5 or 7 I read somewhere. well there you go again hey. Propaganda and distortion all to repair a crack in the tourist industry coffers that lets money seep away to other destinations on the back of what seemed a shambolic investigation.

    The $$$$$ has been a major factor in the trials speed and that's been confirmed by the Police.

    In the UK they will shut down major motorways in the event of 1 death until a thorough investigation has been forensically carried out. In Thailand they drag you to the side of the road and start blowing their whistles and wave you through. We have all seen it. Well the ones on here who have actually spent time in Thailand. Serious time and not 2 weeks with Hayes and Jarvis.

  19. 8-10-2557-10-45-11-wpcf_728x413.jpg

    In a meeting with their embassy representatives, lawyer and right works the two defendants stated police threatened & abused while also admitting they did in fact kill the two but stated the were drunk and didn't mean to kill them. They of course have now changed their story and replaced their lawyer who was at this meeting out side of police presence.

    That's just your version. Just wait and see what is revealed.

    Finally a common sense observation. I will do like you.

    On the face it really does make sense until you review the posts of the person you are responding and the outlandish unfounded speculative accusation he has made about who the killers are while ignoring things like the above that already happened and has been reported by numerous sources, includes quotes of the people involved and is not contradicted anywhere in the press or by the people involved and ONLY THEN replies with some bizarre notion he is going to wait and see about it (about a thing that has already happened). Not to mention he didn't wait and actually went on to try to discredit the "facts" I posted because the picture I used appears on numerous sites on the internet over a period of time.

    You are off your face on something I think... find me one post where I have named anyone as the killer.. just one


    secondly you used a picture that was branded with a particular newspapers logo. That was used for a particular story and have attributed a story line from a different organisation to the piece.

    It doesn't matter what you have to say anyway.

    Wait till trial commences some ones going to p155 on your party my friend...PMSL. .. lol...

  20. AleG, if you think the investigation should terminate once scapegoats suspects are put in prison with not bail, then we don't agree. I think the investigation should be on-going. In countries like the US, France and UK, where investigative sciences are miles ahead of Thailand's, investigators sometimes even dust-off crime files that are years old, in order to see whether all avenues were investigated thoroughly, and whether the right people are incarcerated. Granted, it couldn't happen in Thailand, but there's hope that Thai investigators will learn how to do their jobs in at least a semi-professional capacity - .....in the future perhaps?

    Show one instance, any at all, where police, after handing over who they think are the only culprits of a crime, continue to investigate looking for, not just other accomplices, but alternative culprits while a trial is underway and no verdict has been reached.

    I don't expect you to provide any example, or recognize, in view of that, that your argument is absurd.

    Why does it have to be police who investigate? Maybe there are others who want to know the truth, like private investigators, lawyers, lay-people etc.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innocence_Project - here is your example of seeking alternative "culprits"

    There has been several private Investigators I can vouch for that.

  21. http://www.irrawaddy.org/burma/offering-little-insight-koh-tao-witnesses-released-lawyer.html

    Offering Little Insight, Koh Tao ‘Witnesses’ Released: Lawyer

    CHIANG MAI, Thailand — Three Burmese witnesses in the double murder case on Thailand’s Koh Tao island have been released by authorities after giving testimony before a judge at a provincial court in Koh Samui on Tuesday.


    Maung Maung, a primary witness who is a close friend of the accused, told The Irrawaddy that he did not know anything about the crime. He is from a village in Arakan State’s Rathedaung Township and worked at the bar where the murder victims were last seen alive on Koh Tao, a popular diving island in southern Thailand’s Surat Thani province.

    “I have only wanted to go back home since the day I was arrested,” said Maung Maung. “I know they [the accused] are not involved in the murder case.”

  22. 8-10-2557-10-45-11-wpcf_728x413.jpg

    In a meeting with their embassy representatives, lawyer and right works the two defendants stated police threatened & abused while also admitting they did in fact kill the two but stated the were drunk and didn't mean to kill them. They of course have now changed their story and replaced their lawyer who was at this meeting out side of police presence.

    Ohhhh John u stoop to some low depths don't you.

    You have taken this photo from a piece that says they did not confess until beaten etc.....

    Dirty tricks that..


    CHIANG MAI, Thailand — Two Burmese migrants currently being detained on Thailand’s Koh Samui were allegedly beaten and threatened by Thai police and an interpreter under interrogation for the murders of two British tourists last month, according to a Burmese lawyer who spoke with the accused.

    The two migrants from Burma’s Arakan State, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, are suspected of murdering Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on Koh Tao in Thailand’s Surat Thani province on Sept. 15.

    Aung Myo Thant, a Burmese lawyer who is part of a legal team sent by the Burmese Embassy in Bangkok to represent the accused, told The Irrawaddy that Win Zaw Htun was assaulted and threatened after refusing to confess to the murders during a police interrogation.

  23. 8-10-2557-10-45-11-wpcf_728x413.jpg

    In a meeting with their embassy representatives, lawyer and right works the two defendants stated police threatened & abused while also admitting they did in fact kill the two but stated the were drunk and didn't mean to kill them. They of course have now changed their story and replaced their lawyer who was at this meeting out side of police presence.

    That's just your version. Just wait and see what is revealed.

    No this is actual fact and comes from those at the meeting, including their lawyer publicly stating this and they have in fact changed their story and have in fact replaced the lawyer their embassy provided them.

    John it all depends which day of the week you quote from hey. I can do the same!!


    Koh Tao Suspects Innocent: Govt Investigation Team

    RANGOON — A team formed by the Burmese government to investigate the Koh Tao case has announced that it is confident the two Burmese nationals accused of the double murder are innocent of the crime.

    Three members of a special support team operating out of the Burmese Embassy in Thailand told a press conference on Thursday that Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, would be exonerated of the September murder of British tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller in Koh Tao, but it will take time, money and effort for the truth to be fully revealed.

    “However the Thai judiciary decides on the case, it is our belief that these two kids did not commit the crime,” said Htoo Chit, a spokesman for the investigation. “According to what we know and eyewitness information we have gathered, we believe they are innocent.”


  24. 8-10-2557-10-45-11-wpcf_728x413.jpg

    In a meeting with their embassy representatives, lawyer and right works the two defendants stated police threatened & abused while also admitting they did in fact kill the two but stated the were drunk and didn't mean to kill them. They of course have now changed their story and replaced their lawyer who was at this meeting out side of police presence.

    Funny that GB you make a statement and then remove it.

    Perhaps you have an insecure mind.

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