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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Hi Glenmohr

    I don't believe we will ever know the final sequence of events at the time the deceased were tragically taken away, this is for the authorities to piece together. I do hope David was a hero until the end, that's the picture i will embed in my mind.

    The current situation is that the two Myanmar boys are in prison based on evidence the police have presented as part of their initial prosecution case, that a fact we have to realise, rightly or wrongly.

    "Boys"? At what age in your country can a man legally get married, drink (baring Arabic and some other Countries), and join the Armed Forces to fight and possible die for his country. Age 40?


    antonyms: man
    • a person's son.
      "she put her little boy to bed"
    • a male child or young man who does a specified job.
      "a delivery boy"
    • 2.
      a man, especially a young or relatively young one.
      "I was the new boy at the office"

    Based on your post, I assume you are just a boy wai2.gifwink.png

    Ha Ha, Yeah I wish. 20 odd years in Thailand. 2 Thai wives and a tribe of kids....LOL..

  2. 8-10-2557-10-45-11-wpcf_728x413.jpg

    In a meeting with their embassy representatives, lawyer and right works the two defendants stated police threatened & abused while also admitting they did in fact kill the two but stated the were drunk and didn't mean to kill them. They of course have now changed their story and replaced their lawyer who was at this meeting out side of police presence.

    That's just your version. Just wait and see what is revealed.

    No that is what people at the meeting, including their lawyer publicly stated and they have in fact changed their story and have in fact replaced the lawyer their embassy provided them.

    Well you wasn't there and u only believe what you read in the Thai press.

    Lets see what the remainder of the trial brings and then you may view it all in a different light

  3. Hi Glenmohr

    I don't believe we will ever know the final sequence of events at the time the deceased were tragically taken away, this is for the authorities to piece together. I do hope David was a hero until the end, that's the picture i will embed in my mind.

    The current situation is that the two Myanmar boys are in prison based on evidence the police have presented as part of their initial prosecution case, that a fact we have to realise, rightly or wrongly.

    "Boys"? At what age in your country can a man legally get married, drink (baring Arabic and some other Countries), and join the Armed Forces to fight and possible die for his country. Age 40?


    antonyms: man
    • a person's son.
      "she put her little boy to bed"
    • a male child or young man who does a specified job.
      "a delivery boy"
    • 2.
      a man, especially a young or relatively young one.
      "I was the new boy at the office"
  4. Bonez, you make the good point that no one has come forward etc.. Just a thought, David Miller came forward and he died for that. Wonder if some people having observed that have decided life beats death. Seems logical

    Hi Glenmohr

    I don't believe we will ever know the final sequence of events at the time the deceased were tragically taken away, this is for the authorities to piece together. I do hope David was a hero until the end, that's the picture i will embed in my mind.

    The current situation is that the two Myanmar boys are in prison based on evidence the police have presented as part of their initial prosecution case, that a fact we have to realise, rightly or wrongly.

    "Boys"? At what age in your country can a man legally get married, drink (baring Arabic and some other Countries), and join the Armed Forces to fight and possible die for his country. Age 40?

    Picking holes in his choice of words hardly furthers the debate.

    Just wait for the disclosures that are coming and then rethink your position

  5. 8-10-2557-10-45-11-wpcf_728x413.jpg

    In a meeting with their embassy representatives, lawyer and right works the two defendants stated police threatened & abused while also admitting they did in fact kill the two but stated the were drunk and didn't mean to kill them. They of course have now changed their story and replaced their lawyer who was at this meeting out side of police presence.

    That's just your version. Just wait and see what is revealed.

  6. Is " they kid" you refer to young Nomsod, JTJ?

    I stand corrected if you prove me wrong but I read somewhere that " they kid" was in BKK on the 13th and again on the 15th. Is there any evidence that " They kid' was in BKK on 14th which was very close to the date and time of the murders. I understand that until more video can be doctored there is no current evidence of him being in BKK on 14th.

    My motive in coming to this forum is to try and promote the old fashioned idea of justice. Please remind us what your motive is, I seem to have forgotten. What is your relationship with the Head man's family?

    Actually that's a very very good point you mention. Was he on the moon on the 14th. He must have been somewhere and there must have been some record or such on where he was

    It is reported by Media he was in BKK on all three days. I am sure his phone records and witnesses can verify this easily, which they do not have to prove to you.

    Police in any country do not drag a Man's Name through the mud when he is innocent. Even when he is guilty for that matter. The only ones who do that are the Grand Conspiracy People on Social Media.

    Wouldn't it be funny if one of the Girls had a picture of him on their mobile phone taken while they partied Hey.. With Hannah

  7. Here is one instance after 10 seconds on google

    Arrest made in connection to homicide investigation - FOX10 News ...


    One week after Davis' death, police say they arrested Demarcus Perdue "in connection with this homicide." Mobile Police say they are continuing to investigate ...

    Here's a case much closer to home:

    What happened when the RTP gave the case file to the prosecutors for the first time? They gave it back and said now now boys go and get some more evidence.

    What happened when the RTP gave the case file to the prosecutors for the second time? They returned it again saying we need even more!

    What happened when the RTP submitted the file again! Nope still not good enough, go get some evidence.

    Only on the 4th occasion did the prosecutors accept the case to take the B2 to court.

    So one would presume to get all this extra evidence needed then it was not just to the local Tesco's with the shopping trolley but they actually needed to carry on investigating.

    Says something when the prosecutor has the DNA evidence submitted by the RTP and says thats not enough.

    To add to that, on the preliminary hearing at court back in Dec the defense put in for bail, the prosecutors did not oppose the application! It was the judge who decided they were a flight risk.

    Anyway looks like all the padded evidence they put in the reports was crap judging by the case so far.

    Although it is true according to Media Reports that the Prosecution asked the RTP to take back this "Case File" at least a couple of times I know of, it then quickly turns to "Your Opinion" as to why they did. You claim he was looking for more evidence where I tend to differ than you on that.

    The reasons being that at this point of the investigation it was already known by the Media what they had for evidence (i.e DNA Sperm and Cigarette Sample Match, Davids Mobile Phone, Witnesses, Confession etc.). So quite frankly, they didn't need anymore evidence then that for a conviction at that time.

    What I believed happened their is that perhaps the Prosecution wanted to make sure they had all their ducks in order. That all the i's were dotted and the t's crossed on what had turned into an international case. I am sure they did not want some evidence thrown out of court based only on some "technicality". For example not having the "Chain of Custody" over DNA Samples, even if this required re-testing, and why I think it is not very plausible that they don't.

    The "Case File" as you called it was 850 pages long. It is not unreasonable to think that not everything was perfect and no errors where found in it the first draft. Most Engineering Schematic Diagrams are Revised several times. The Case File was for the Prosecution and not the Court. The Prosecution has the right to show what he wants. He does not have to show everything he has. So he may have wanted the RTP to zoom in on one subject, and forget about another. We don't know, and may never know this, as the Prosecution is under obligation not to tell us when there is an ongoing trail, like right now.

    Remember one very important factor here. Nobody to my knowledge has said they do not have the "Chain of Custody" concerning the DNA Tests. All that was said is that the Defense doesn't have that yet. Just like they never had the Hoe, which has been reported that they do now. But time will tell.

    PMSL.....cheesy.gif ....."That all the i's were dotted and the t's crossed on what had turned into an international case"

    LOL.......... They couldn't even check the cameras.

    They couldn't even print the crime scene pictures for the International case you speak about.

    And On and On and On and On..

    Honestly you do make me laugh M8....

    Ayeeeee lets see how many times you comment on this after the trial ends.

  8. Your argument that there must be a cover up because the police have not continued investigating after the suspects have been arrested and indicted it's probably one of the most absurd and illogical things said regarding this case, and that's saying a lot.

    No police anywhere in the world will continue to look for culprits after they hand those they have uncovered to the judicial system, if they would have done that you'd be jumping up and down claiming that proves there's the men on trial are innocent.

    You want your cake and eat it too, and can't figure out what the problem is with that.

    AleG, if you think the investigation should terminate once scapegoats suspects are put in prison with not bail, then we don't agree. I think the investigation should be on-going. In countries like the US, France and UK, where investigative sciences are miles ahead of Thailand's, investigators sometimes even dust-off crime files that are years old, in order to see whether all avenues were investigated thoroughly, and whether the right people are incarcerated. Granted, it couldn't happen in Thailand, but there's hope that Thai investigators will learn how to do their jobs in at least a semi-professional capacity - .....in the future perhaps?

    Show one instance, any at all, where police, after handing over who they think are the only culprits of a crime, continue to investigate looking for, not just other accomplices, but alternative culprits while a trial is underway and no verdict has been reached.

    I don't expect you to provide any example, or recognize, in view of that, that your argument is absurd.

    You should go down the Pub and chill until the trial commences as there will be things that are disclosed that knock your thinking into the gutter.

    Andy and the rest of the defence has to keep a lid on it until the trial commences.

    At that point all will be revealed. Some of you will be wiping egg of your faces other will be saying see .... see I said that was the case.... Sit tight Ali G and enjoy the ride.

    There has been some hints in the papers at what may or may not be true. Lets say there was traces of a shot for example and the DNA doesn't match. The case collapses doesn't it. What can you appeal about that?

  9. Wonder what the posters on here think about what should happen next. It's clear that if the trial continues as is and if the B2 are found guilty despite what's been forthcoming or not in the trial that there will be a appeal. Even the Judge indicated as such last week on listening to the prosecution witnesses. Should be thrown out now, should it proceed till the end of the prosecution and then be called a mistrial or just left to take its course and be open to appeal and ridicule. I'm sure there will be conversations taking place at a high level in the establishment in Thailand as to damage imitation but not sure what there angle will be . Which ever side of the fence you sit on you would have to agree that nothing shown in court by the prosecution up to now has indicated any possible guilt by the B2 but I am not saying for one minute that they might not be guilty or involved in some way. I have my own opinion on the matter and happy to offer it but that's all it is from looking at it objectively from a distance. However as stated with all the failed procedures by the investigating police it's clear this is only going way. I suppose it is possible that if there found not guilty the police would not appeal but it absolutely sure that if found guilty the defense will. This perfect case is clear not to be so and with everything else going on against Thailand at the moment they really could do without this additional embarrassment . Just putting this out there to see what more knowledgable people then me think ?

    Clearly, it's too early to say, but the judge gave an indication that the case won't be resolved at this court. Whether a change of mind occurs, will depend on next month's evidence, IMO.

    I'm not putting my house on the line, but what western opinion might be in relation to ineptitude, misdirection et al, the Thais will carry on in their own way, however ridiculous it might appear to non-Thais. And that's not to bash them, it's how it's been going on for decades.

    I do think the defence have information and the clout to counter the prosecution's case - more so since Andy Hall is seeking legal counsel from the UK. he wouldn't be doing that if the defence case was weak or was unable to refute the prosecution's.

    You wait and see.. The RTP will walk from court heads hung in shame

  10. GOLDBUGGY states:-

    Quote>You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

    To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

    I'm waiting!< End quote

    Sorry if I've kept you waiting.

    Let me suggest that you sit down, take a deep breath and I will explain, as simply as I can, what you seem to have difficulty in understanding but firstly you must ensure you thoughts are not affected in any way by any substances that are mind altering. It doesn't matter one iota if you cannot accept my qualifications and experience, that is you prerogative but at least I know where I am coming from, it is quite evident that you do not, it appears you don't know if you're Arthur or Martha. If you don't understand that, it means confused ok.

    No matter what is pointed out to you, you are not willing to learn or accept anything unless it follows you train of thought. Can't you think logically or outside the square? Have you ever heard the saying that humans never stop learning, we will learn something new everyday, it is only a fool who does not.

    I know only what I have read, heard and seen, does this not apply to yourself, or have you been observing a different case? I would say that given your question, it appears you are, or at the least you have your head stuck in the sand (No pun intended). What is your reason for continually asking childish, irrelevant and inane questions? I told you before I won't answer these because you well know that you are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Now for your lesson. But don't worry, I will provide the answers, so you won't have to wrack your brain or look foolish if you fail.

    1. The most important role when attending a crime scene is to protect the area. Why?

    A. To keep the relevant evidence uncontaminated until it can be recorded and collected.

    2. When does the protection of the scene begin and cease?

    A. From the time of arrival of the first police officer and ends when police relinquish control of it.

    3. Why is it necessary to protect the scene?

    A. because a successful prosecution can hinge on the condition of the evidence at the time it is collected.

    4. Provide the legal definition of contamination? A hint, do not refer to the dictionary definition.

    A. Contamination is the introduction of something to a scene that was not previously there.

    5. What did you see in the photographs of the crime scene at the time of Police initially attending and shortly thereafter?

    A. Civilians, not involved in the investigation walking about the scene. later many, many spectators also roaming in and about the area.

    6. Given what you have seen and learnt, would this be something introduced to the scene, which was previously not there? (multi choice answer, 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. maybe.)

    A. 1, yes.

    7. Was the clothing placed into a neat pile for photographic purposes, if this occurred what does this indicate?

    A. it would indicate that someone has moved it, thus contamination arises and that the evidence was compromised.

    8. Was the alleged murder weapon removed and then brought back to the scene?

    A. According to police, yes, therefore again contaminated and compromised.

    Hopefully this is sufficient for you to understand the situation but given your past responses, I doubt it. Now to answer you last question. I do not need a media report to adjudge that the crime scene was severely contaminated and comprised, I just have to fall back on my experience, see what has been presented by the media and use common sense, the latter unfortunately I can see is not very common.

    If you still want to carry on in such an adverse manner, then feel free to do so but it will only highlight that you have no idea of what you are on about and that all you can do, instead of providing legitimate debate, is respond in a manner that shows you have little, if any knowledge of crime scene investigation or what the legal definitions of words are. it also highlights that you are unwilling to learn anything even when shown you still will not accept that someone else can be right,. I can be wrong, and have been on a number of occasions but I learn and try not to make the same mistakes again, something you should try to do.

    Oh by the way, I sat and passed the detectives' exam in 1982 and was designated the same year. Can you tell me the year you sat for the TVF detectives' exam and if you were ever designated as a fully fledged armchair detective or did you fail? I think the latter, as you posts give a clear indication of this. Now off you go and if you have learnt something today, say thank you..

    PMSL..... Well Ali G your owned... by a Pro. .. lol...

    i would call that wiping the floor with you..

    Hats of to you for enlightening poor Ali G. He needs help and understanding.

    I was going to ask if you can't read, because that post is not addressed to me; but seeing that you insist in spelling my username as Ali G I don't think I need to ask after all. rolleyes.gif

    LOL well rumour has it its your other member name...

  11. GOLDBUGGY states:-

    Quote>You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

    To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

    I'm waiting!< End quote

    Sorry if I've kept you waiting.

    Let me suggest that you sit down, take a deep breath and I will explain, as simply as I can, what you seem to have difficulty in understanding but firstly you must ensure you thoughts are not affected in any way by any substances that are mind altering. It doesn't matter one iota if you cannot accept my qualifications and experience, that is you prerogative but at least I know where I am coming from, it is quite evident that you do not, it appears you don't know if you're Arthur or Martha. If you don't understand that, it means confused ok.

    No matter what is pointed out to you, you are not willing to learn or accept anything unless it follows you train of thought. Can't you think logically or outside the square? Have you ever heard the saying that humans never stop learning, we will learn something new everyday, it is only a fool who does not.

    I know only what I have read, heard and seen, does this not apply to yourself, or have you been observing a different case? I would say that given your question, it appears you are, or at the least you have your head stuck in the sand (No pun intended). What is your reason for continually asking childish, irrelevant and inane questions? I told you before I won't answer these because you well know that you are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Now for your lesson. But don't worry, I will provide the answers, so you won't have to wrack your brain or look foolish if you fail.

    1. The most important role when attending a crime scene is to protect the area. Why?

    A. To keep the relevant evidence uncontaminated until it can be recorded and collected.

    2. When does the protection of the scene begin and cease?

    A. From the time of arrival of the first police officer and ends when police relinquish control of it.

    3. Why is it necessary to protect the scene?

    A. because a successful prosecution can hinge on the condition of the evidence at the time it is collected.

    4. Provide the legal definition of contamination? A hint, do not refer to the dictionary definition.

    A. Contamination is the introduction of something to a scene that was not previously there.

    5. What did you see in the photographs of the crime scene at the time of Police initially attending and shortly thereafter?

    A. Civilians, not involved in the investigation walking about the scene. later many, many spectators also roaming in and about the area.

    6. Given what you have seen and learnt, would this be something introduced to the scene, which was previously not there? (multi choice answer, 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. maybe.)

    A. 1, yes.

    7. Was the clothing placed into a neat pile for photographic purposes, if this occurred what does this indicate?

    A. it would indicate that someone has moved it, thus contamination arises and that the evidence was compromised.

    8. Was the alleged murder weapon removed and then brought back to the scene?

    A. According to police, yes, therefore again contaminated and compromised.

    Hopefully this is sufficient for you to understand the situation but given your past responses, I doubt it. Now to answer you last question. I do not need a media report to adjudge that the crime scene was severely contaminated and comprised, I just have to fall back on my experience, see what has been presented by the media and use common sense, the latter unfortunately I can see is not very common.

    If you still want to carry on in such an adverse manner, then feel free to do so but it will only highlight that you have no idea of what you are on about and that all you can do, instead of providing legitimate debate, is respond in a manner that shows you have little, if any knowledge of crime scene investigation or what the legal definitions of words are. it also highlights that you are unwilling to learn anything even when shown you still will not accept that someone else can be right,. I can be wrong, and have been on a number of occasions but I learn and try not to make the same mistakes again, something you should try to do.

    Oh by the way, I sat and passed the detectives' exam in 1982 and was designated the same year. Can you tell me the year you sat for the TVF detectives' exam and if you were ever designated as a fully fledged armchair detective or did you fail? I think the latter, as you posts give a clear indication of this. Now off you go and if you have learnt something today, say thank you..

    PMSL..... Well Ali G your owned... by a Pro. .. lol...

    i would call that wiping the floor with you..

    Hats of to you for enlightening poor Ali G. He needs help and understanding.

  12. I always thought Sean's alibis sucked. At least one person says he was seen that night so I dont buy that he was asleep the whole evening and night. And the blood on the guitar he was clutching so hard, why was he holding it so visibly for the Press when he left?

    My gut says he was right there at the scene, maybe he had gone to see David v late or was in the area with some other thai's, perhaps people who took part in the brutal rape and murder. I'm sure heavy drinking and drug taking were involved too.

    So a story was concocted after the event and he knew he had to stick to it. The blood on the guitar may have been a way to protect himself from the mafia, i.e. don't F with me as i have evidence on you. Why else would he be showing it like he did?

    And he doesn't want to come back and give evidence, so he's stuck to the story ever since.

    Sean was threatened with death one time that we can be pretty sure of... He's not talking and claims he can't help but I don't buy it. Why be so angry when people contact him for a story and expose his alias?

    I agree his alibi is crap and he knows more than he will say.

    Unfortunately the Thai Polee wanted him away as soon as possible. While they had mon in the jail they whisked him of the island. It was a case of discharging the witness post haste with a don't come back.

    He is spinless anyway. Child porn conviction done a runner from Scotland.

  13. Stingray Man


    compelling and very hard to account for these wounds other than that ring

    except perhaps for the lack of obvious bruising made by the fist behind the ring . does death stop bruising coming out ?

    on the other hand , sees odd that many of the usual suspects no longer seem to see on his list of facebook friends , wonder if they have distanced then selves from him .

    Yes Chetzee, correct. Once the heart stops there is no further bruising

    I think your barking up the wrong tree about that daft ring. Really I do.. those injuries have been done with an implement not some ring on a finger that twists around etc. A hand held weapon that's is used to stab and hack. Just Look at David's Head for example. That's a hacking injury. The autopsy will reveal bone damage as it includes X-Rays.

  14. No idea what you are asking.

    3 Friends on the beach. 2 suspects / defendants and 1 Witness.

    Fairly straight forward.

    JTJ Witness to what??

    Have to wait for the witness to testify to know that, won't we?

    Only thing we seem to know for sure at this point is he is a prosecution witness in a robbery, rape and double homicide trial.

    My Take on it was he was a witness to the fact they had a drink on the beach. and then he went to his Loom... In fact that's about the sum of it. Some cctv going in a shop. Could of been u or I. Admission of being on the beach. Well lots more people went there as well.

    What we really need is Proper witnesses. Like Hannah's friends and David's friends. They knew what went in the preceding hours. They will have had a good idea who Hannah was meeting as she left her phone with one of the girls.... Sorry lady's as they are over 18.

    Then there's shirt number 9 and the couple walking a few seconds near to the running man.

    Then the patrons of the AC bar who witnessed an argument it is said.

    The CCTV from the AC.

    Witnesses in Bangkok who spent the weekend with NS.

    Witnesses from the telephone company to detail the movements of NS mobi over those few days. Just to clear up some doubts.

    Witnesses who had a place at the interrogation. Of course we need them to take a lie detector. In fact we should let the entire lot of them take it inc the B2. That would be something to see hey.. The whole bl00dy lot of them, lets see who is telling porky pies.

  15. Thailandchilli

    I asked a simple question about Nomsod, and then queried if the other two had been identified, were possible witnesses or even interviewed. You have a problem with that do you? And so sorry that I didn't seek your permission to post more, I'll remember in future. But just for you benefit, you posted you opinion, and I have no problem with that. Why is your reply so ingracious? I thought I was being civil but it appears that you do not have the ability to read between the lines because I actually thanked you. It appears that no matter what or who, you seem to have the need to find something to have a go at as it seems that nothing pleases you.

    My Personal View on N/S and Co is don't waste your brain space anymore with him. There's more chance of ISIS turning into Buddhist Monks than any of us getting a more positive and open answer to the concerns any of us have due to the initial disclosure by Panya. The Disclosure he had evidence that it was them.

    You can beat yourself up on here and it doesn't get you any further in fact it only enhances the helplessness that some people may feel.

    In the first few months I ran up and down to Norwich and Yarmouth getting info for Reprieve and Co. Tracing witnesses home address's etc as police wouldn't disclose them. Wrote and called the MP's and the clergyman who conducted the service in an effort to get the statements reconsidered on humanitarian grounds. Stonewalled by the lot of them. In fact The F'kin MP said he would return any documents I sent to him.

    Nobody wants to upset the family. Which on one hand I can understand but on the other 2 family's are possibly going to lose their sons who may be innocent.

    All anyone of us wants is to know that in this case the correct people are found guilty. If its the B2 then so be I have no concern for them if they are guilty. However they are being carried along by a tidal wave of emotion from the Thai Gov and Police that says No Thai Would Commit Such a Crime.

    We all know that's B/S and as much as we know that we also know that N/S if guilty would never be tried in a court of law. However Karma has a funny way of catching up with people some day some way.

    The Uk End has built up a good case and you will all be pleased with their defence going forward when its their turn. They have some good brains and experts in their fields who have poured over this case. They have the Autopsy results. They have a defence and with the Thai Forensics on board as well hopefully we will see another side to this story that Tinkles on some of the peoples suppositions posted in this forum.

    That's my take on this case. I am off to the Beach..Spains Baking at the Moment and I cant stand the heat need a dip in something cold....

  16. The only way for justice, in this lifetime, is for a vigilante group to see that the liars and those covering up are taken care of. Perhaps donations can start on a facebook page?

    Even if this was posted 'tongue in cheek', encouraging vigilantism is more than stupid.

    Agree brewsterbudgen. I doubt it's tongue in cheek, sadly. The bravado shown from behind the keyboard is as astonishing as their ignorance. Mildly entertaining though it is...

    In case you are not a troll - What bravado? What are you going on about? Do you know flaming is against forum rules?

    If you think justice will be served like it is in your country then you are the naive newbie and the ignorant one.

    The ironic thing is that YOU would probably never say such a thing face to face.

    whilst you maybe well intentioned what you are suggesting is already an offence in the UK inciting etc is a criminal act and far worse than flaming.

    And you know what they say.

    "Only empty cans Rattle"

  17. What about checking CCTV to see how Nomsod arrived on the island in the first place. Anything that proves he was there hurts his families credibility.

    Are you mad???

    That island was cleaned top to bottom. All cctv that was Incriminating dissapeared. All facebook accounts of locals cleared out pictures of NS. The word went out not to comment on the case. It was as close to surgi al wipe.down as they could muster.

    There was a guy Chris who is a British guy works at a dive school who posted he had a beer with Sean McAnna thta night but that dissapeared.

  18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11138636/Koh-Tao-murders-Thai-police-make-suspects-reconstruct-murder-of-British-tourists-David-Miller-and-Hannah-Witheridge.html

    Col Kissana Phathanacharoen, a commander involved in the investigation, defended the crime scene reconstruction as an opportunity "to get a sense of what happened" to supplement the DNA tests and gathering forensic and CCTV evidence.

    "We have also received useful information from the locals," he said.

    But with hundreds of onlookers the scene did little to shore up confidence in Thai police methods. Indeed the suspects appeared to be taking stage directions from the police on how to carry out the re-enactment.

    One police chief said the quick resolution of the case would result in a speedy recovery of tourism numbers on the island. Jaktip Chaijinda, the deputy head of national police, said:

    "Today the case should be finished because we want to clear this case up as soon as possible so that our tourism industry can bounce back."


    Last week, police said the Burmese men had admitted to killing the tourists and DNA found on Witheridge matched samples taken from the suspect - but the arrests by the police have since been thrown in to doubt.

    And today, the family of 23-year-old Hannah Witheridge, from Great Yarmouth, also hinted at their concerns over the investigation.

    In a statement released ahead of her funeral tomorrow, the family said: 'The past three weeks have been unimaginably difficult and there are no words that can adequately describe the heartache and despair that our family is experiencing.

    'As we continue with our plans for our beautiful Hannah’s "party", our thoughts are with David Miller’s family who are suffering the same indescribable agony.

    'As a family we hope that the right people are found and brought to justice.'

    Thailand's top forensic expert added her voice to the criticism today, accusing police of failing to involve a forensic pathologist in the initial investigation.

    'A case of two murdered people certainly needs a forensic physician,' Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan, head of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science, was quoted as saying by the Bangkok Post.

    Aung Myo Thant, who has been described as a lawyer with connections to the Burmese embassy in Bangkok, met the accused men on Monday and, in interviews with Thai and Burmese media, said they claimed to have been beaten and threatened with electrocution in order to confess.

    The pair have been in police custody since October 1 and confessed shortly after that.

    The lawyer was quoted in the Bangkok Post as saying: 'They told me that they were on the beach that night drinking and singing songs.

    'They said they didn't do it, that the Thai police beat them until they confessed to something they didn't do.

    'They're pleading with the Myanmar government to look into the case and find out the truth.

    'They were a really pitiful sight. Their bodies had all sorts of bruises.'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2786777/Family-murdered-backpacker-Hannah-Witheridge-plead-right-people-face-justice-murder-case-against-two-migrants-chaos.html#ixzz3h8dqzVUy

  19. You know what I am saying.

    Your excuse for the Safe House and Your claim they would have been attacked. The lack of any response from the locals only goes to reinforce the belief they know otherwise about the 2 tragic deaths of David and Hannah.

    I genuinely don't have a 100% opinion as to if they had zero input to any of the events that day but at each and every turn the case against the B2 being the only people who involved seems to fall away.

    No that was not my excuse for the safe house. I have no idea why they used a safe house and provided two possible scenarios making clear I didnlt know the answer to the question posed by YOU to me. That was one with the other being they wanted to have a place where they could use less than legal means to get the truth out of people they believed were responsible for the murders and rape. Below is a recap?

    Q: Just wondering as we had Ali'G JD GB and JTJ around at the moment and between them I am sure we can get a definitive answer whistling.gif


    My Reply: Lots of people mad at those responsible for this crime. Not unheard of for locals to swarm a police station when word gets out they have those responsible (why they had them in bullet proof vests and helmets while they reenacted the murders) but then again could have just been a private place where they wanted to possibly use some unconventional methods to get the truth out what they saw as two murdering rapists (animals). Bottom line, doesn't really mean anything to me except the confession "to police" should not hold weight but then again shouldn't in my opinion if they retracted it for any reason. Even if it was recorded, we clearly see a pattern on this thread of not believing video if it goes against what people want to believe. So if they retracted so be it, throw out the confession they gave to the police and let the other evidence including the DNA be used against them.

    You ask me a question assuming I will answer in a way that you can drive home a point (that is not based on fact in the least bit) but I don;t respond they way you think but you go on to pretend I did so you can make some point that really isn;t a point but nonsense trying to show the reason the suspects weren;t attack is because they are believed to be innocent. Do you realize how far fetched and baseless this point is? The crowds turning on suspects does happen but it is not normal or common and they police prepared for this to discourage anybody from acting out by having a HUGE presence there and outfitting the two with some bit of protection. Your logic is like saying somebody who doesn;t rob a 711 means they don;t need money.

    Are you not seeing this same pattern thourghout this thread when it comes to people's theories? The pattern is really the stuff is made up and based on no credible or plausible facts and all about emotion and proving right despite how illogical the theory is. Sticking with it is just as important despite overwhelming evidence and unrealistic demands to be shown the theory is wrong .... just like going on with the kid in Bangkok who is not on trial but it is expected he should provide he is innocent despite video camera evidence and phone records and being at university in Bangkok or the fact he volunteered to provide DNA after cops never asked because they confirmed he was in Bangkok.


    If you had it your way you would just agree with the police and had the needle into the B2 already. Job Done. You wouldn't look or listen or reason anything would you.

    I don't care who they sentence to death the B2 or whoever as long as its the correct people. In fact I would do the job for them. I would go one further and take out a couple of generations of the same family just to make a point if this is what you do then this is what is going to happen to you and your loved ones.

    Everything people do has a reason. As everything they don't do they don't do for a reason. Like interviews or checking evidence. When u boil the whole subject down it falls woefully short so far however lets wait and see what comes out going forward as I think we are going to get some revelations. And don't dispute that as u will look a fool if they do and u will have to eat your words.

    Just watch and wait

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