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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. A May 2023 general election in theory. We'll have to wait and see how such works out. Recent history might suggest that some twists will be applied in their favour.
  2. Deaths of random stranger Farang. Those things happen.
  3. Shouldn't be terribly surprising to those in the know and those who carefully study contemporary history. Long been the accepted and friendly relationship between the two power blocks. It's even been suggested that the once highly revered Thai influencer and puppet master was quite the admirer of the successive Burmese regimes and was looking for Thailand to mirror these Juntas......but with a particular Thai twist. Has it ever been a wonder why, of the last 40-50 years, that Thailand has never officially called out or been critical of the cycling Burman regimes.... Closer than peas in a pod.
  4. This is how steeped and historic oligarchies work. As such has been in place forever. Incredibly difficult to break the conditioned habit.
  5. Don't hold your breath. They'll find a way - they always do. The broad system is rigged in their favour.
  6. Using the already twisted justification of Lese Majeste would suffice. They seem to pull it out of the blue when it's convenient for 'em.
  7. Thought we already had a revered cloud seeding program that goes way back. A Thai invention, so I've been told......????
  8. Don't be looking behind the curtains, as there's nothing to see here.
  9. Hopefully, the ever dumbed down and naive individuals and populations will continue to go along for the sake of going along. It's what they do.
  10. The exception might not apply to special and privileged Thais.
  11. And the usual massive and hidden oligarchical kickbacks distributed appropriately. Same as it ever was.
  12. Been pretty much the practice, historically, the world over....
  13. So.....how's that amnesty program and the new open and free Twitter working out? ????
  14. Best to be avoided. More intelligent and wise old hands have always gone outta their way stray clear of these circles.......or any Farang circles and their associations for that matter.
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