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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The most destructive for one's existence. Dependency on everything IT.
  2. Yep. To be expected. Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. Some of us wiser folks will be awaiting the next [insider] coup. Shakes things up a little bit, though the theatre remains the same.
  3. .....and this is usually the practice locally. These ridiculous restrictions are ignored. Even when the government and abiding media are terribly conscious in the promotion and references to these occasional bans, it's almost always the unknowledgeable that take it literally and the proverbial debate and critique ensue. It's the magical and twisted Thai rhetoric that throws 'em off kilter......which is almost always the case regarding most everything.
  4. A number of provinces up north here, over the years, have been systematically doing just that. Attempting to redirect overflowing seasonal water with newly created khlongs and huge holding ponds....to be used later for general aggie purposes and whatnot. Yet, it's still a challenge for some provinces that have a diversity of elevations. Flooding has always existed here and always will.....by the very nature of the heavy seasonal rains, combined with the natural composition of the loamy clay soil. Nonetheless, a very wet and saturating September running into October.
  5. Applies to the amusing and off-handed vernacular labeling of government, police, local officialdom, etc. as well. At least they understand the truer nature and definition of the criminally organised.
  6. Yet, the same deluded crowd seems to completely miss [and dismiss] the terror and dominate miscreant on the world's stage. USA.
  7. Oh dear. Another one that is plainly unable to understand the obvious - for generations.
  8. Academic positions of critique and challenge almost always fall soft. We know what happens to prominent and voiciferous scholars question the ruling plutocracy.
  9. The court is purely symbolic. Almost noted novel. The puppet master at work, per usual.
  10. Yep. Just like that. Ain't Thai political magic enigmatic.
  11. This article, like many found pursuing these historic themes, is quite innocent by it's very core. Journalism, and it's wretched circle, isn't what it used to be.
  12. Appears to be a 50-50 thing, as you might surprisingly find throughout a good portion of the world.
  13. The only reason why the military exist. Protection of the ruling classes.
  14. If the real truth were to be known, the decision to restore Prayut's place didn't come from the Constitutional Court, but from somewhere higher and influential - behind the curtains. .....and too many still don't want to understand how the mechanisms work here.
  15. That's always been steadfast......regardless of standing government.
  16. A small percentage might be exaggerated, yet diplomatic of ya. The only percentage that are on board are the traditional circles of The Club.
  17. Uh-huh. Sure it is. If they can get away with this s**t with a straight face, one really doesn't expect elections to come about. Back to square one for the ruling elite. The manipulation, rhetoric and sleight-of-hand is what they do well. Same as it ever was.
  18. Perhaps. It matters not except that they retain the hold on everything. Rhetorical means to an end. .....and all the surface punditry and critical commentary will continue on from those usual circles chasing themselves around and around. Yet, the grand tree is still rooted.
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