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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. All this is largely reflective of a broader cultural thing than the fabricated political identity and such attachments.
  2. Yet, isn't that what the ruling elite [from various degrees] have always thrive for? In the best interest and the well being of the good people? ????????
  3. Or....on the other hand, they just might integrate him into the club. Not really too much difference in their comparative scallywaggery - just a different approach.
  4. Oh dear. You [and most others] really don't know how these things, do ya? ????
  5. Illegal Beauty? What might that be....? And why are not so good authorities creating such an issue of concern? Are such moral actions engaged in the name of the well being of the people........or is it something else? Whatever become of decent and sound investigative journalism that instinctively questioned and challenged the powers that be.
  6. Mai phen rai. His attempts to come across as knowledgeable, vested and worldly naturally fall on deaf ears.
  7. Which require a complete overhaul from their Draconian presence. A general labour revolution might suffice. Or not.
  8. Yep. Unfortunately so. Just a dreamy proposal of slight possibility.
  9. Not buying it. The usual pandered ruse. They'll always control in one surface form or another. Folks are too easily fooled. Expected.
  10. Not for the people it's not. They're literally forced to create such moves of manipulated consolidation. They have no choice nor say so in the manner - The bottom line and the bigger picture ensures that the controlling elite mafias retain their usual standing. Firm ruling Plutocratic infrastructures diminish/master any such quest for a sound democratic state. The historic Thai way.
  11. Oh dear. Student loans. A borrowed cultural entity I might add. It hasn't come to that has it?
  12. In these particular situations, have to wonder whose pulling the strings acting as subliminal puppet master.
  13. What about investing and developing state/corporate projects that are truly practical for the real societal aspects?
  14. OTOP isn't what it use to be [25/30 years ago] - community and originality based. The government [at any level], in it's lust for control, has somewhat managed to convolute and commercialize the simple and creative ideals from it's beginnings.
  15. The general hordes. Such a pleasant and twist picture.
  16. One manner in which to consolidate the inordinate working class conditions might be to install fair and reasonable hourly wage infrastructures [including overtime conditions] and laws/regulations that protect the worker bees from being exploited by way of their real worth....which, in act, is what day wages are all about and the raison d'etre. I realize that this much needed civilised act would almost be considered dreamy [even fanciful] throughout the economic sectors. Yet, this major change would enact the base economy to develop far more real than what we are seeing today.
  17. Would've loved to be a fly on the wall during this exchange.
  18. Remember the Golden Rule: Always, without questioning or challenging, follow the directives and narratives of the establishment and dominant paradigm. They're your good friends and have your best interest at heart. Yep.
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