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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Transliteration, by way of the proverbial romanticized phonetics, has little or nothing to do with anything. Almost juvenile and backward. Created by disconnected Occidentals......[to be expected]
  2. There should be more to life than trendy motored vehicles, yes? [in theory]
  3. Corporatocracy [Fascism] and the fusion of the corporate-state has been the fashion for quite some the world over and essentially the base practice towards most everything.
  4. As long as we have traditional dinosaurs advising regarding all things, we'll never make any such headway. Time to ignore and throw out the old weary rubbish.
  5. What could truly be favourable for Thailand would be to rid itself of the extended Ammat patronage system [including military and privileged elites] and open up the political election process to a variety of all comers.
  6. There's much more financial gain from the ideals of activism and protest than the actual practice. You can imagine why many consider such all a bogus scheme.
  7. Indeed. A different variety of matrix stimulation. Clever aliens.
  8. Ignoring any given flu cycle [historically] that kills millions equally within any given flu season [whatever the f*** that is]. Though, never become overwhelmed or angst by proposed officialdom/institutional paranoia. Why is this?
  9. Just outta curiosity, what will the next generation, following Gen Zed, be labeled as? ????
  10. It's all moot, as the technology to recycle the number of different synthetics today doesn't exist - anywhere. Especially fanciful are the cultures that promote this grand illusion that we can recycle this variety of plastics and are clearly the largest producers and originators of the this criminal acts on the earth. Kharma works in the most mysterious manner. Beware.
  11. Nature is working on her own systematic cleansing extermination eras.....give it time, it'll come about. And certainly well deserved.
  12. Some just don't know when not to interfere beyond the call. I suspect that he really does......easier guess to suggest that this is a rhetorical publicity and image stunt. Part of the show.
  13. You'll be reminded that a very integral and important part of any real economy anywhere are the black/underground/alternative sectors....which might even be more valued than the surface and fabricated variety.
  14. Actually, nothing has changed at all since those days. Don't be fooled.
  15. Yet, not the one that truly controls the soldiers, tanks and guns. That privilege belongs to a more influential circle and has little to to do with unelected, appointed or duly elected PMs.
  16. Actually, it's never been the case - replacing the relative evil with the supposed goodness. Been the cycle of power hungry Ammat elitist/militarist for ages - since time immemorial. Contrary to all the warm and fuzzy hopeful idealists out there, this practice ain't gonna change anytime soon or the distant future.
  17. Yet, the American homeless are currently uncountable and societal breakdown is at a all time low. Why not start at home instead of delving into the usual propagandized fashion that most have fallen for. All too easy to exist within the illusion that they invent for you.
  18. Kind of an insult to the Bovidae families. We're more akin to the proverbial dumbed down zombie species - of the terribly special variety.
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