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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Anyone suspicious as of yet? Challenging, questioning or critical thought regarding the established and repeated narrative falls on deaf ears.
  2. Are you inquiring rhetorically? Understanding the base reasons behind the numerous [and omnipresent] coups and a little knowledge of contemporary Thai history might aid. Consider who or what circle benefits from protective coups and a strong and loyal military presence.
  3. And quite appropriate, the words above. Shouldn't surprise anyone that these things could not be figured out or resolved in a reasonable manner. Thai. Sad to say.
  4. Yes.....life. Something that our kind is always looking to dissolve or dismantle in some superior oriented manner.
  5. So......what's the true difference between an authentic bank note and and the bogus variety? One thing all bank notes have in common is that there is nothing to substantiate or back up their fake worth and value. Isn't modern wealth one giant scam anyway?
  6. Nonetheless, good to know that Tim's on the case.....covering the most challenging gossip.
  7. Or....died from something else and just happen to have acquired COVID/tested positive. Much more common scenario of the last 3 years when looking looking at the official numbers.
  8. Well then.......time for the proverbial revolution, ain't it? ???? Dispose 'em all.
  9. English collections within library structures a far a few between. Chulalongkorn University and Chiang Mai University Libraries probably offer the best selection of English inventory and a wide variety of current periodicals. Outside of the library thing, you might be interested to know that Bangkok and Chiang Mai have numerous exclusive English bookshops of all flavours - ranging from well known to holes-in-the-wall, where one can find new and used reading material as well as the odd periodicals/journals.
  10. Indeed. A point of logic that some might not get.
  11. The everyday workplace stereotype does appear to be contradicting itself.......outside of those that independently work for themselves [excluding farmers] and are reasonably comfortable bringing in a daily profit, I'm witnessing working skilled tradesmen [employees] that can pull down B700 - B1,000 per day on any given day. As much of the discussions and angst regarding day wages, minimum wage and whatnot is almost always subliminally directed toward lower skilled labour as well as farm labour [always], might be noted that this segment of the working class requires much more of attention when we speak of living and fair wages.
  12. It seems that the power elite and the abiding media have a long history of making extreme and exaggerated cases regarding mostly trivial activities, all the while ignoring or covering up their own corrupted treachery - As has been the accepted cycle and practice forever. Same as it ever was.
  13. ....or any other countryside locale/community.
  14. Oh dear. Something that P.T. Barnum once quipped holds true.
  15. Yet there's nothing that grates against any such democratic order than to be forced into doing business with the government mafia oligarchy en lieu of a open and free market.
  16. But...you didn't really expect this from him or his circle, did ya? Could suggest the same towards any sitting Thai [or any worldwide for that matter] governments for ages. It's what they do. Their basic function and purpose.
  17. The usual nonsense born of Farang's world.
  18. I might remind the good patrons of this forum that within the airline industry the long time jargon will be defined as: Non-Stop. Just what it implies.....no stops. Direct. One or two stops [transfers] before one's final destination.
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