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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. You know something's up if they're speaking [and denying] of such publicly. Forewarning. They've already tipped their hand. Oh well......something to look forward to.
  2. The multipolar shift is in full swing which doesn't bide well for the traditional Anglophone dominance.....all of which is failing subordinately fast. The Great Reset is not living up to expectations.
  3. Which seems to be the way it's been for decades upon decades - tradition. Remember why the Thai military exist. Constitutional Monarchy. Emphasis on Monarchy and associated Ammat.
  4. So....technically, he was never sworn in officially - but appointed as an illegal coup interim. That would include the highly bogus and manipulated election of last. Items of fact that we all know or should know. Apparently, all this matters not to the officialdom, elite authorities and the never challenging/questioning media. My bet would be on the highly partisan Constitutional Court to come to the conclusion that he has been a caretaker of sorts all these years, and by default granted another eight years by judicial appointment - naturally blessed by the king......which makes it all too real. And everything remains dandy [as they want it] throughout the kingdom. Don't be looking behind the curtain, as there's nothing to see - Same as it ever was.
  5. Naive Farang. That doesn't exist, does it? ???? Old Hands aren't what they used to be.... ????
  6. Oh dear. The proverbial and enhanced stereotypes. If one is seeking wisdom and intelligence - please, don't peer into the mirror. A cautionary note to most. ????
  7. What of the accepted pharmaceutical/medical circles, whom are the truer criminal element - continuing to ply their wares causing much more damage on the unsuspecting and dumbed down populations. The fabricated [and historic] ideals of so called illicit drugs don't even touch, in comparison, the ills on society that over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceuticals have had. Most have been hoodwinked as to the direction of this make believe war on drugs has been driven.
  8. Same as it ever was. Yet, the rhetoric continues from all corners in it's usual manner.
  9. This is a big one encompassing the whole region. Gonna be some nasty flooding throughout the country in the next couple of days. Prepare in the way that you might. Good luck to all.
  10. A little knowledge would be in order for the general population as well as the authorities regarding the current state. Could easily been suggested worldwide some 2-2.5 years ago. Sadly, it never evolved in this manner. Better late than never.
  11. Therefore, contradicting the base purpose of pursuing independent and self-sufficient solar energy. The controlling plutocracies will always demand their unethical share. Why do folks bother.
  12. No such beast as a good lawyer, is there? What do you call several thousand lawyers chained to the bottom of the ocean...?? ????
  13. Remembering the day [July ?] they decided to float the Baht during this fabricated and conspiratorial-ladened "crisis". Almost overnight, the Baht reaching towards 47/49.....peaking out at around 51 and change. Survival mechanisms -
  14. Actually, it would behoove your good BIL to seek out a tambon councilship/arbiter [akin to officialdom mafia] rather than a Poo Yai situation.......where such status is purely romantic symbolism with less pull locally - the base salary and side benefits are much more reasonable, as well [wink wink nudge nudge????????]
  15. Besides the usual under threat of the proverbial and expected coup, surely there are better "popular" choices than Thaksin puppetry among the so called opposition. There is, of course. Yet, you'd never know it by way of the over lorded and highly controlled establishment-based press who will continue to push the ingrained ideals that the proposed [in their eyes] opposition might be something special - yet, still subliminally associated with the traditional dinosaurs club. Manipulation and sleight-of-hand is the order of the day.
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