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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The reality aspect that the media and authorities don't recognize nor ever will. Yet, this manufactured sensationalism, repeated loud and often enough, is the reality that we're supposed to be following.
  2. Lightweights. What's the world come to. Remember when men were men?
  3. Perhaps he would....or maybe not. Does seem to be the current slobbered over fashion from opposition circles. I might take suspicion just because of the overnight sensation. Pita Limjaroenrat, Rangsiman Rome or [if he's still not banned] Thanathorn Juangroongrauangkit of the Move Foraward Party are all quite viable candidates. A couple of veteran leaders of the [Isaan] Commoners Party should be thrown in the mix as well. Don't receive the press, which is the downside. A number of well established and popular political/social activists could easily fit into the pot - but highly unlikely to succeed, as they're considered to be much to progressive, enlightened and radical for the system [still controlled by Ammat and traditional circles]. The reality - come May of next year, nothing will change. The traditional Boys Club of Dinosaurs will find a way......by legitimate or corrupted manners.
  4. Clearly, an Occidental trait of deep seeded origins that continues to this day.
  5. Wonder what the current atmosphere of the foreign community regarding the state of interim PM affairs. At least Lung Tu had an ever so slight inking of sophistication and worldliness to the title. As the weeks go by, becoming increasing apparent that this circus is beyond embarrassing.
  6. Foresee a great usurping change coming soon. It won't be pretty and it will disguised accompanied by the usual Thai flair.
  7. Never had decent political way to lose. Oligarchical families have been managing the place for ages.
  8. We're fortunate to have old Tim's daily trimmings.???? So wise and knowledgeable. ????
  9. Yep. Guarantee that such events extend little benefit to the working classes.
  10. The lovely and extended art of waxing and enigmatic Thai rhetoric. Twisted magic in it's own right.
  11. Good to see that the enlightened Thai authorities are up to speed......about 8 months - 1 year behind most everyone else. ????
  12. Lazy c**ts. Whatever happen to the simplistic ideals of collecting one's own food. The growing dependency on everything by way of mobile gadgetry is a bit wearisome.
  13. If only most understood what real sustainability might be..... The illusion of it all.
  14. The masses have become much to easy to manipulate and hoodwink. COVID, and associated, might be a definitive example.
  15. Just can't stay away from the ever present and manufactured conscious of anything Shinawatra. More tabloid gossip than news worthy. They ain't coming back and their seemingly outside manipulations will have little to do with any influence on the future Thai political charade - that is, unless they manipulate a favoured coup for their groups. Weirder things have happened..... Nonetheless, let's get over 'em.........and move on to more viable alternatives.
  16. One might think that these corrupted and underhanded choices are the only ones available [which is the reality] to the people. By way of the establishment controlled media, you'll never hear about alternative options nor ever promoted and engaged. Wondering if this side of the press is weary of the same old regurgitated rhetoric that is expected.
  17. ......and it all has to be profitable to particular parties.
  18. Decent journalism should always be accompanied with challenging proof reading.
  19. As was the practice back in the day. Of course, that was long before it was decided to cement most everything over and fill in the age old khlongs that were part and parcel to the seasonal workings and management of a natural flood plain. Guess no one learned from the grandfathers.
  20. Should be a tip-off if one considers the world of militarism, and it's seedy mix of intervention, most important and influential throughout the political and societal realms. We forget what the military exist for. ????
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