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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. A bit of a lark of whimsical nonsense. Most take purchases from real local/community markets.....in which prices rarely fluctuate and supplies are never short. Beyond that, a healthy percentage grow their own.
  2. Crime Reporters Association of Thailand. Seemed to have miss the boat some time ago. Should read: Romancing and Championing Policing Systems Association of Thailand.
  3. Uh-huh. Wonder if anyone will get the twisted gist of this comment? I'm guessing not.
  4. At this rate, we'll have to be building more jails/prisons at every level - all of which seems to be the [only] growing industry in much of the dumbed down civilised world - and quite accepted by the unaware and distant populations. You know how that is......can never have enough prisons and incarcerated, instead of getting to the societal root and repairing such particular issues.
  5. Indeed. But....consider the source - it's become quite the trendy fashion among these particular Western circles.
  6. Rather typical of old Thakky speaking lofty and taking the faux populist high ground while in exile. Not one intelligent person would buy in to such proposals and bs that he's promoting. Just have to understand his real political underhanded history to realize that his statements and critiques are largely nonsense and hypocritical.
  7. Old Boys Club tradition with benefits. Their rules and laws to be interpreted as they see fit.
  8. I can imagine that these figures wouldn't be so rosy if they were to examine the real everyday [local] working economies.
  9. All this has been discussed throughout rational circles for quite some time but to no avail regarding the ruling plutocracy. I believe a countrywide general strike is surely in order - for a month or two. Perhaps, that'll get their attention.
  10. .....and downgraded it's 2023 projections to one hundred gazillion or close to that.
  11. Well.......what if he doesn't comply? A sort of coup in the making? We should be expecting one anyway just to keep in practice. October is just around the corner.
  12. Who is actually tabulating these random numbers that they throw around occasionally....? It's been a very angst and weary subject matter among particular circles for some time now. Let it go. There are far more valuable items in life to concern ourselves with.
  13. Yet, mass gatherings and continued street protests do little, if at all, to change anything - never have. If the good people really want change and continued rebellions to resist.......they have to unify, as a broad population collective, to stop participating in the systems that repress. As in: living one's protest/be the change one wants to see - for sure, these types of activities will be a struggle and painful - but in the long run the results can be bountiful.
  14. Indeed it is a La Nina cycle presently - effecting weather patterns more directly than an El Nino period, especially the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Coupled with the never witnessed and fast receding glaciers and ice caps of late.....causing permanent damage to the Atlantic's salty gulf stream and future climate conditions. Notice the unexplainable extremes throughout the world - record setting flooding in some parts of the world and long stretches of heated drought in others. The end is near.
  15. But that's what the American political/cultural system does very well. Continuing to interfere, nefariously, with the world's affairs in a wide variety of manners - for ages. All the while, heavily neglecting their own.
  16. So true. Yet, the same old corrupted cycles continue on. No actions to resolve such shenanigans is ever followed through. No movement of revolution or change. Just moot talk.
  17. Indeed worldwide. Sad to say it's not recognized as such throughout particular circles.
  18. Goes without saying. Isn't this the way it's been operating forever - regardless of the government in place and their respective status. Trickles down from the big boys club to provincial, amphoe and local levels. Tradition.
  19. Government doing what it does best - protecting the ruling status quo.
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