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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Hypothetically, might the systems be any different under anyone else? Ask yourself honestly.
  2. And they're heartier in times of extreme dry periods and wet. Great thing about jackfruit is that the local market hasn't been exaggerated or over worked. A better bang for your Baht.
  3. Civilised world. Whatever that is.
  4. Yet, they do put on quite a show, don't they? Might even be better theatre than all of his dictatorial predecessors, all of which played the same role. Remember - they all have a common link.
  5. .....and remember what P. T. Barnum quipped. Seems to be terribly commonplace within these circles.
  6. The judicial system make up their own laws and interprets such for their own convenience and the interests of the ruling elite.....as it has historically played out and where the "set in stone" Constitution has been easily modified and forged dozens of times over the last few generations. The stayed term, Constitutional Monarchy, appears to contradict itself by the nature of sound political systems.
  7. Yeah. The obvious reasons as to the continued extensions. What's more baffling is that most here, within this venue, aren't able to recognized the whys and wherefores - and can't see through the charade that the media certainly doesn't question or even touch upon challenging.
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