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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. I'm surprised that the not very tech savvy Thai Interweb Gestapo caught up with 'im. Would of been nice, even investigative journalism, for the not so extensive article to provide such details. Shouldn't expect anything - or follow up - from the state controlled media.
  2. The universal tried and true protocol, historically used everywhere. Repeated often and loud - all becomes real and real.
  3. Which is a sensible reflection of how folks are feeling about such ridiculous over lording. They'll pass on it..
  4. Well constructed, Mike.... Yet, you might take caution that regardless of the circles that are running the place, more than likely not going to change - from one rotating government to the next. Less the individual[s], but the traditional systematic machine that's in place requiring thorough usurped action and cleansing - from top to bottom. And from the looks of it, that ain't gonna come about anytime soon.
  5. He's gotta another week... We should be getting giddy regarding the speculative affair, waiting to see what they come up with next. Wonder what the anointed one has up his sleeve.....
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