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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. A very clever and manipulating ploy......for those of us wiser types that recognize what it is, as opposed to other types [you] who are easily taken in.
  2. ....and if repeated often and loud enough it'll all become true.
  3. Don't we have to get along firstly and act as a civilised world collective before we can even consider tackling the real or imaginary climate change issues. We continue exist in this great fallacy about ourselves.....what we are and what we aren't. Not to worry, nature has a plan for us anyway. A better bet that she considers us not that worthy nor special.
  4. The most wonderful and complex paradox about Thai politics/politicians is that you don't require popular support to succeed deeply. Always other things at play. ????
  5. Ahhh......election season. Ain't this fun? And in the end, it will all appear as a dream.
  6. Doesn't matter the class or financial status, you'll find that an overwhelming percentage of resident expats [everywhere] are of the miserable sod varieties. Keen observations from decades of experience and exposure.
  7. It's all about repetitive marketing and clicks/views. Never mind those who extend reasonable challenges and questioning.
  8. Wow! That must've been quite the extensive and personal research to have been throughout every single township and village in every Amphoe and Province to come to this astounding conclusion....????????
  9. Yeah....I've heard/read these things that he's worth quite a bundle. His personal and asset [and investments] wealth is significant into the hundreds of millions, yet is pleading poverty during the court hearings.
  10. Is it true that Mr. Jones' actually worth in the neighborhood of US$55-60 million....??
  11. ...in which we've all experience at some points or another. In many instances, this brief state of emotional character can be rather beneficial. Much quieter. ????
  12. Yeah....you'll remember when that came about some time back - during the peak of the COVID era where unnecessary lockdowns and unemployment was rampant.....the ever so enlightened authorities engaged in an act by way of processing migrant works from Laos, Cambodia and Burma [all free and legal like]. The outrage was heard from all class circles.
  13. Might this ban include the very lucrative arms and weapons dealers [govt/private] that has increased worldwide ten fold in the last generation......? Or the massive build up of the general military industrial complex among the selected and highly civilised cultures? Within the framework of any of the discussions, I believe the bigger picture is obviously being missed - which shouldn't surprise.
  14. All of which is quite moot, as this cleverly orchestrated sideshow has little to do with anything. The usual theatre that many attach themselves to.
  15. Yep. Part and parcel of the rhetorical show. Next.....
  16. Some might suggest that there's another coup in order.....sooner than later. Kinda taken aback as to how too many still don't know how things work here.
  17. Pocketed - such as the practice by most unscrupulous NGOs [???]
  18. Taking advice and suggestions from American law enforcement practices? Oh dear.
  19. All brought on by the highly civilised Farang. Thanks for everything.
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