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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Six opposition parties? Actually, I believe there is only one that might be perceived as opposition - and some aren't really too sure about where they stand one way or the other. I do wish the gutless, and obviously hypnotized, media would stop suggesting that there are opposition positions within this vast political oligarchy that pretend to pass off as non-partisan.
  2. What's the great interest in seeking out Farang among selected regions? Nothing special of this odd species.
  3. ควายหนาแน่น.... ????
  4. It all has little to do with anything......just another cycle of distraction that most will buy into eventually.
  5. The term Fascist might be harsh. Let's refer to them Oligarchs, as that's what they truly represent.
  6. Seems to be the commonplace trait among those that have lived here longer than a few months. Still Haven't A Clue club.
  7. Hmmmm... Same as it ever was.
  8. But never ever question or challenge the financial mafias, as they're always right and upstanding denizens. ????
  9. Indeed. Can never have enough military infrastructure for the next general domestic uprising......and the one after that, etc.
  10. Uh-huh. Nothing up their sleeves.
  11. So true. One just has to have a firm grasp of how things are done here and the mechanics of how it's been done forever. Remember who's pulling the strings and has final say so in most every circumstance. Regarding the cycle of surface change - by coup, by fair/fraudulent election, by other manipulated means, etc - all remains the same. The staging theatre remains steadfast, though the players might appear different here and there. The revered and traditional underworld has the last word. The next one, in a form or another, will be hand picked as well. Remembering Prayut's background and where he comes from. Same same. Yeah......perhaps we'll have a respite "civilian" government for show [also highly controlled] that is short lived and replaced by the ever popular coup-of-the-month club. The highly manipulated cycles continue on..... Trimming branches here and there does little.
  12. It appears to be the common mindset among authority types......for generations. Can understand how this thought process could develop among particular officialdom circles and associated - almost written in their cultural DNA, repeated often and loud enough. But such a statement deriving from an educated person of science and medicine is quite confounding. Should be known that the common xenophobic sense that is part and parcel of particular circles of authority is certainly not reflective of everyday Thai society at large.
  13. He'll require permission before he might act on such a proposal. Those who really know how things work here will understand.
  14. Of this what if scenario regarding how Thaksin and his gang would've handled the whole COVID mess..........just an educated guess, probably not much different.
  15. Nothing like a naive newbie to suggest what is what....
  16. The noose has always been tight. It just receives more surface attention of late......largely because it sells copy - especially in and around Bangkok, where most of this kind of activity in centered. Usually easily handled by the authorities, as all is concentrated within the particular spaces. Have to wonder how they might get on regarding real/true peasant rebellions throughout the countryside that might or might not engage itself. Remembering the good old days when the most influential resistance derived from upcountry. There has always been political public assembly restrictions and related mandates on the books. No revelations here. The authorities are just a little more brazen about such matters today.......twisting and manipulating the rhetoric.
  17. Sure, as that's the way it's been for ages.
  18. Both [love and marriage], which have little to do with each other.
  19. Yep.....as it's always been. It's not terribly complicated to figure out - the historic reality. Yet, some will go on [believing they're knowledgeable] ignoring the reality and spur on the usual surface whimsy and non sequiturs.
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