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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Not by a long shot. Still a number of revolutionary scenarios to come....... Keep in mind, the Ammat circles are becoming quite aged and weary.
  2. ......and don't be peeking behind the curtains. Nothing to see here - move along now. ????
  3. Well.....it is August. Second wave. Almost expected.
  4. The captain and Nok Air's general protocol and practices in these types of situations. Shouldn't surprise that they weren't trained for these assorted emergency circumstances if or when they arise. Guess we'll be boycotting Nok Air from here on in.
  5. So....why are some stimulants deemed illicit and many others aren't? ????
  6. The universal mechanics of political machines the world over.
  7. Imaginary online folks are the best and easiest company. No messy clean ups involved.
  8. Nah. Nothing will change, regardless of situations. It's coded in their cultural DNA. Disconnected is what the U.S. does.
  9. How is it that all the world's ills are conveniently [and fancifully] placed upon the ever popular and invented boogiemen.....all the while, the truer and reflective evil cannot be recognized? Best be aware that a growing [very real] and influential alliance is being formed as we speak to counter the weakened hegemony of the old providence. Stay tuned.
  10. Only political parties and affiliations that are seeped in tradition need apply. Anything that doesn't rigidly follow the exclusive Boys Club design and decorum are most certainly dismissed and dissolved. Democracy Thai.
  11. We might recall as to how many of the majority MPs were hand chosen and appointed by way of the corrupted sleight-of-hand ruling party/elite. They always seem to find a way......with all the confusion that is associated with coups, constitutional changes, questionable judicial decisions, banned political parties and underhanded reconfiguring of the processes in general. Just another day at the office for the ruling oligarch.
  12. These aspects, regarding their general character, have long been ingrained. This rooted manner towards authoritarianism and taking themselves much much too seriously isn't worthy.
  13. Indeed. Transmitted by direct contact with individual - skin, exposed to bodily fluids, sexual contact, etc. Think Ebola or HIV/AIDS - similar transmission mechanics. Doesn't spread if one distances themselves from infected or suspected infected. I'm sure it's reasonable to suggest that many lesser knowledgeable types might insist that it's airborne transmitting. Wow.
  14. Alternative paradigms of a twisted cognitive dissonance design. Very commonplace . One needn't look too far to witness these displays.
  15. Shhhh... We don't wanna bring any such reality scenarios to the table. Best that ya go along with the dominant narrative, as we have another manufactured scare mongering tactic at hand with the delightful possibilities of population control and ill-gotten profits at the line.
  16. Yeah. The bigger picture cannot be recognized.
  17. Exactly. When your naturally unaware of it. Quite gloomy.
  18. Charlatan circles. Many are too easy.
  19. The U.S. society might benefit if the allowance freed up the election process to include a diverse number of candidates openly [at any elective level] as a truer democratic process would reveal. It's obvious that the numbed and conditioned population takes little heed as to what what could be real and the highly controlled/restricted oligarchical process that presents itself. Perfectly accepted as well.
  20. Distractions. What it's all about.
  21. Remember how they got to where they are and the cycling mechanics which has been in order for quite some time. To this day, appears to be just a handful that recognize how things truly work. The tradition.
  22. What might be more disturbing is this institutional obsession with arrivals/tourist and all that's associated........by way of govt, media, assorted pundits and everyday observers - who all seem to be burdened with the same fabricated mantra. Let it go.
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