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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Shhhhhh......that's how they all are and always have been.
  2. Been of this nature for a couple of generations. The literacy rate, in general, has been consistently one of the highest rate in Asia for several decades.
  3. Tokyo's Imperial Hotel. Modest lifestyle. Indeed.
  4. New Sukhothai?
  5. For a real treat, one might have a go a real local Thai bars and whatnot.
  6. One could imagine the rhymes and reason why some particular individuals will have little to to do with the Farang community [and creepy/negative associations]. All stereotypes, which apply of course, withstanding.
  7. ......all of which will continue, as they have for generations against brethren regimes. Appears to be a perpetual state of emergency........for the ruling elite.
  8. And little concern of an overall curriculum and protocol that continues to promote a patronage system as well as a vacancy of instilling and encouraging independent and critical thought.......especially at the mid-to-higher levels. It's schooling and education - not rigid and subliminal militarism.
  9. All true. ....and none of this ridiculousness will change unless the teachers and parents stand their dissenting ground as a greater collective.
  10. Don't know which is more toxic and self-serving, the consistent promotion and attention seeking Thaksin, and his handlers/followers, or the fanciful and deluded misdirection of the current regime and their extensions. In a round about and calculated manner, they both deserve one another. Nothing short of a three-ring circus.
  11. 20 year corruption campaign? Plans to be around awhile then....huh.
  12. We are sentient cultish beings.
  13. Yes, of course. Allegedly....... ????????
  14. My experience as well. I might go out on a limb to suggest that this practice is largely an upcountry thing.....with less political conscious of wearing or not associated.
  15. Some circles have suggested that a healthy percentage of the world's population has been alien infused for quite some time now.
  16. Part and parcel of the face loss and image promoting rhetoric that persist within the Thai political machine. Better bet that none of the said discipline cases were sacked, but instead "relocated".
  17. Indeed. Selected medical sciences could be suspect as well.
  18. That sounds about right. Cheers! ????
  19. Old school -
  20. Think we're about due for the next sleight-of-hand coup and the change that they'll bestow upon us.
  21. Why not develop projects that are beneficial to the commons and society at large, instead of these grandiose schemes that we all know will just kickback underhanded profits to the elite in one form or another. Things of this nature are obviously of an image creating ideal, less substantive to the masses and the truer economy. Oh well.....'tis the criminal and oligarchical nature of all current/historic government and corporate systems the world over.
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