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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. ....and while we're at it, extended amnesty for all forced and voluntary exiled political/social activists and all-around general trouble makers.
  2. Be cautious, Khun Pita - the ultra secret Disappearing Act can still be engaged at any time.
  3. It'll long be forgotten in a couple of weeks. They'll dream up something else to distract the dumbed down.
  4. Sipping on my morning coffee w/ a splash of Ya Dong......and cigarette. Fresh morning breeze. Could be worse. Too many seem to overthink life. These are the civilised ones.
  5. Hard to disguise a BSer and charlatan. Some were never fooled.
  6. There will never be a free, open or democratic way as long as the quasi-hidden corrupt and criminal influential tradition is pulling the strings.
  7. Hard-wired tradition. And we still struggle to get a handle on and comprehend the real crux. Forever, the cycling rhetoric.
  8. It's profitable in some manner or another.......like it is everywhere.
  9. Pending... Whichever way the wind blows this day or the next.
  10. Not the Thailand I once knew. The strong familial, social and community extensions are dwindling into the landscape. Beginning to resemble Farang ways and practice. Whatta shame.
  11. Wonder how much of this made up B1.2 trillion trickles down?
  12. Frankly, I believe the government and the accompanying and very suspect media spend much too much of their conscious time consumed with the tourism/traveler scheme and everything associated. Just let it be.......announcements, of every sort, aren't necessary at every turn and angle. Becoming quite wearisome -
  13. Whattya call a thousand Thai politicians chained to the bottom of the ocean....?? ????
  14. Why bother. Been too late for a couple of decades. A kharma thing and deserved.
  15. A truer cognitive ability would be of great assistance in life. Appears to be in short supply....
  16. And most still believe [and rely on] that they need to secure one of the long-term O visas to reside here. Astounding.
  17. Had a couple bouts with Dengue in my day. Quite nasty, it is. And contrary to the promoted and popular schemes, there are really no such beasts as effective Dengue [or Malaria] "vaccines" or prophylaxis. These bugs are usually three steps ahead of science.....mutating defensively for survival. Though, it has been proven that one can build up an immunity for the likes of Dengue/Malaria - numerous studies and experiences are behind this.
  18. As are any of the numerous therapeutics - be they blessed by officialdom or deemed to be wacko treatments. All of which has little to do with anything. it's all about perpetuating the base ideals of COVID and associations. They're very good at what they do - knowing that the broad core of the populations are easily dumbed down. Yet.......all of this is beginning to wear thin.
  19. Mother Nature is having her comeuppance. All the while, we still don't get it.
  20. And we forgot that such activities require special permission, instigating and authority from a higher plain, and historically always been of this nature. The crux that doesn't truly seem to be understood by most.
  21. Pheu Thai is considered opposition????????? Really.
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