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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Uh-huh.... They always find a way, don't they? As the twisted interpretation of the beloved, and ever changing to fit their agenda, constitution is usually mangled to benefit the ruling elite. Been ongoing for decades.
  2. Intended whataboutisms and misdirection doesn't make for a strong debate style/content.
  3. Yet, few appear to know what the reality might be. So, it's all moot regarding the highly angst self-righteous face covering monitors.
  4. One endless and monotonous cycle after another of hospitalizing the greater percentage that don't need to be......and creating numbers out of the blue.
  5. Guess I should've embedded the proverbial twisted sarcasm emoji, as you were slumbering in your serious and deaf perceptions. Expected.
  6. The influential ones? The real controllers. Remember the real reason why the military exist.
  7. Evidently she's not on the government employee perpetual loan program...
  8. Yes....historically. Now ya got it. [was this a rhetorical inquiry?]
  9. Why do they bother with these rhetorical notions.....
  10. Rather commonplace the world, actually. Especially engaged and used throughout the so call free and open democracies.
  11. What are Alt Left/Alt Right...? Trendy fashions? Just curious.
  12. .....and then there's the decades long IOUs from the IMF and World Bank.
  13. It's all about the youth and the goodness of the commons. Of course it is.
  14. Might want to research the rhymes and reasons for tattooing, historically. Much of it has little to do with contemporary fashion and the stigmas thereof.
  15. Or....the old suspicious adage of: those who speak the loudest or terribly attentive to these things.
  16. In fact, that's the only character that exist. Bit of an exclusive club.
  17. As this has been the continuing norm of authorities the world over. Dreaming up and speculating greatly of numbers and stats to harbour their agendas. Repeated loud and often enough.
  18. Yeah, we know. You like to look at naked boys.
  19. Not all university circles fit into the promoted stereotypical class. One will find that the vast majority of activists, protesters, those calling for change and whatnot are long past the university days.......though the current is strongly typecast as if they might be the majority.
  20. Looks good on the diplomatic resume. Cashing these types of goodwill instances for future doings.
  21. Indeed. Odd that many are offended by it.
  22. Might as well drain all of the khlongs throughout the country.????
  23. Sure. Bound to bounce back in time. Meanwhile, we'll have all the whingers and anxious pundits to amuse us.
  24. Clever fella...... He's the man. Planning for a soon to be retirement.
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