Yet, the military has obliviously always been in power - even on the occasion of the odd civilian governments throughout the decades, all of which have been steeped in underhand and self-preserving corruption themselves.
Studious observers will also understand the perpetuating presence of a military/former military majority within both houses parliament and minister cabinets for ages.....regardless of said government. Less, the subliminal militarism doctrine that exists amongst such "public" sectors as policing, education, government employees, etc.
If one is truly curious, and aren't familiar with why these things are the way they are, one could ask themselves why is Thai societal/official infrastructure so bent on the traditional militarism association? What does it represent and protect? Why does it exist?
Has little do do with an individual military guy or the usual corrupted politician that have been instilled into the societal landscape forever. Yet, will debate and discuss such surface and non sequitur entities that have little to do with anything - not grasping how the machine really works.