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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. I feel another lockdown and entry protocol looming.....
  2. Uppity footballers. Why not earn your keep of your grotesque and immoral salary.
  3. Woe. The end is near........again. And again.
  4. You folks continue to be such a civilised lot.
  5. What are normal/abnormal earthquakes?
  6. The usual circle still using COVID as political manipulation.
  7. Gonna need a much bigger one to accommodate.
  8. Making things up and deluded distractions are an Anglophone specialty....... Yet most of their own kind don't have the ability to take notice of the illusion.
  9. .....and the revolution will not be televised.
  10. They conveniently omitted a particular influential clan to their distinguished list.
  11. Speculative thought and guesswork is almost always nonsense.
  12. The ever presence of a perpetual boogieman. Repeated often and loud enough.
  13. They did this once from the late '50s into the mid-'70s. That didn't work out too well.
  14. ......and banning every political party that deems to be legitimate threat.
  15. Opposition. Of course. What opposition might that be?
  16. It's an appointed position that requires being in the good graces of the particular few.
  17. Rainy season. Who woulda thought.
  18. .....and a more influential entity. Most forget whose really pulling the strings.
  19. ....or even intelligent insight and advice. ????
  20. The newbie code: innocent is as innocent does.
  21. Easier to rent them by the week without the faux commitments.
  22. Remembering in the good old days of '97/'98 when it was reaching around B47. Never any true domestic economic turndown, just as there won't be if it reaches B37/B38 in a couple months. Even better for Farang that are dependent on make believe foreign currency exchanges.
  23. Whatever become of free enterprise and open/free market without government say so mafia-like shake downs?
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