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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The hidden and truer matriarchal and matrilineal side will soon catch up with us.
  2. Open markets regardless of the perceived, make believe and forced upon politics.
  3. As opposed to those broader circles that profit big time from repeated and promoted official narratives. Right, wrong or indifferent......the inherent nature requires a balance.
  4. More importantly, these days, where is the LGBTQIA [and associated species] global summit. Have they been passed upon again? Shamefully unwoke.
  5. Rather innocent and naive perceptions as to how things really work.
  6. ....and much less promotion of the current fashion.
  7. Though, highly dependent on suspicious and ever-changing algorithms.
  8. Perhaps a revolution in the marketplace would be in order..... ????
  9. But....but....but coups and military/hidden oligarchical rule is tradition and almost a way of life. Almost impossible to break from strongarm customary heritage.
  10. .....and they're still not sure as to how the fashionable fad requires itself to be.
  11. Exactly. Let the marketplace [the consumer population] determine what is and what isn't....naturally. Unfortunately, we prefer and almost expect the government intrusion and say so towards most everything.
  12. ......and there are heaps of studies/researched material quite available for those whom wish to consider alcohol benign and lesser than compared to other addictive and destructive stimulants, any of which isn't Ganja. The greater societal difference is that alcohol has been somewhat, and historically, deemed ok and acceptable. Rarely, have alcohol substances universally been demonized as the highly manufactured ideals/mores put upon so called "illicit" stimulants might be engaged in.
  13. The Thais I know, and know of, despise and disrespect Farang along general principle, as they already know the base character of said Farang......[not casting broad stereotypes]
  14. Passing by way of overthinking most everything seems to be much more viable. Very disconnected Occidental.
  15. Big big business and extending the empires. Nothing more, nothing less. Same as it ever was.
  16. The majority of AseanNow participants aren't residents of Thailand. The initial inquiry or suggestion is subliminally moot, ain't it....
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