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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Our deluded spirituality, culture and civilisation are far more superior and developed than yours... nanny - nanny - nanny. So there.
  2. That might qualify as normal. Defined as: the same old s**t.
  3. ....and what of any nasty influenza strains that make their run annually throughout the world - causing a similar percentage of deaths and whatnot.
  4. Of course. Nor should it be seen in a conscious political context and the silly debates that ensue. Asian societies [in particular] have been voluntarily donning masks, as a matter of daily course, for decades - yet never heard/read the comparative discussions as to why they do or don't...... Why is any of this an issue of such consequence? Be it of a mandated Covid association, lifting of restrictions or whatever the reasoning. It still appears that too many of those particular special cultures need to get over themselves as they pursue such heated and trivial comparative matters.
  5. Generation[s] Haven't A clue..... From the Xers onward.
  6. Much closer to the reality than not.
  7. The secret missing years of your Jesus. Roaming and absorbing South Asia. Might have been a greater influence. Check it out.
  8. These examples could easily reflect the empire driven zealousness that they push on the world.
  9. Perhaps was never that evolved, special or exceptional as it's been promoted to be or as they see themselves. So....the inclination comes naturally without much notice - lesser from the locals, whom have been systematically dumbed down for generations.
  10. ......and chances are one suffers little or nothing. The obvious numbers and percentage might tell you this.
  11. Ban these types from boarding. Issue resolved. * ever notice that these "hefty" specimens have a Euro-ancestry and lifestyle? A hint that you might not pick up on.
  12. Awaiting nature's selected extermination era. Right around the corner. Something to look forward to.
  13. A lame piece of legislation does little or nothing to resolve these pressing issues. To be expected from this body of <deleted>.
  14. Damn! Guess we'll have to be finding something else to moan and whinge on about.
  15. A fact that most among this esteemed venue seem to miss - completely. They're under the impression that all is controlled/influenced by surface political puppet schemes and the hopes for change someday.???? As if any of this tradition might come to screeching halt next week, five years from now or even a generation..... 5555555555555 - ????????
  16. ......and they appear to be quite pleased with themselves. Why?
  17. That old saying about Farang seems to run true. Farang Khee Nok.
  18. As it should've been some two-and-a-half years ago......the world over. Oh well.
  19. Profiting and extending a deluded empire. And the dumbing down continues on.
  20. Hmmm... You'll be begging my pardon for misunderstanding or lack of knowledge. As such applies to the U.S. systems, I was always under the impression that legislative-bound "laws" [especially of the Constitutional variety] can only be introduced, changed or rescinded by the respective legislative body or indirectly the voting population. The judicial branch merely rules upon or resolves legal disputation.....yet, in practice, seems to be commonplace to revoke or repeal writs created and voted upon by the legislative bodies [the people's representatives]. Any judgement, ruling or legal opinion doesn't reverse the course of the law. It's just interpreted........correct?? If any judicial rulings [or executive rulings] can overturn legislative laws, why bother with a legislative branch? For you American systematic and constitutional scholars - please educate me.
  21. It's all about particular attention gathering.....and little else.
  22. The world? Defined as....??
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