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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Oh dear. Something else for them to promote invented paranoia and suppression. Welcome to the Ganja Era.
  2. The traditional skill and knowledge of blacksmithing is making a valiant comeback...... Stay tuned.
  3. Just the usual cycling phase to keep us distracted - as that's the way we like it. Same as it ever was.
  4. Like all the other pc/woke/social fashions, tends to be pushy with an intentional ott agenda.....and without substance.
  5. Yes, in essence, breeding; rebreeding; crossbreeding; hybriding or even grafting has been evident for ages.....yet, clearly nothing as compared to our contemporary times have been more destructive where these "developed" activities insist on stripping base nutritional values and introducing artificial agents/substances of every description - all in the name of grotesque corporate/government profits and control.
  6. Which could easily be said [and applies] to all historical and present imperial powers. China is a babe in the woods compared to the others. Yet, the reality of things doesn't factor in by way of the blind......and their special cultures.
  7. Surely understood that an agreed upon early parole is in the works, yet never suggested by the naive crack journalist as to how things really work here within particular circles. Nor explained as to where they might be spending their prison [especially the top dog] time and what special living conditions will be offered.
  8. In the long run, such actions can only be beneficial for Thailand and the region. The fewer the greater advantage to the society.
  9. Or even the most engaging and backward ideals that all ethical standards and common sense [whatever the **** that is] require a deep Eurocentric definition of the usual superlative manner. Don't know which is more daffy and immoral - the fanciful practice or the promotion thereof. Most, within these indoctrinated circles, won't get it whatsoever.
  10. More astounding is who buys into it.......when falsely repeated over and again.
  11. Indeed. You know how that is.........never ever question or challenge the authoritarian figures even when it's commonly understood that they continuously come across as more than a bit daft and hypocritical. ???? Shame on you. ???? Back to the subject matter at hand: Rumour has it that the TP scheme will be scraped by July.......so all those whingers and moaners will have to find another direction to feed their passions. It's all good!!!!!
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