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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. All this should be considered when applied to only the Thais practice such things.
  2. Hmmmm..... They can even foresee when they're gonna screw us over for their particular benefit. As if it's all on a schedule.
  3. We could surely use another couple of dams upriver.
  4. .....and how might this supposed three trillion distributed? ????
  5. Little or nothing to do with an defensive stand. All about aggressive offensive themes. Nutters draw their own company.
  6. On the contrary - every Thai that I know or familiar with have always [instinctively] dismissed or challenge this rather common activity of authoritarian bribe convenience. The larger percentage don't put up with this BS nor play the game. Guess it all narrows down to greater circle that one keeps.......long time exposure, experience and perspectives might be a better guide than to delved into the expected societal stereotypes, pretending to know the cultural character [therefore, casting the whole lot] with limited experience and real life everyday interactions.
  7. More military weaponry. Need to keep all those possible rebellious and revolutionary movements in check.
  8. Remember the good old civilised days before the advent of anything IT and smartphones....
  9. Or Thai monks.....who travel free or nominal cost.
  10. For what it's worth, I'm on my fifth life here. So.....any such lucid perspectives might be rather moot. And you'll never get it.
  11. Predictably shoddy and suspicious poll, as the OP has found it necessary to omit the growing loveliness and quality of Thai-made craft/micro brews. Pedantically, today Beer Lao could be classified as a Thai beer [even though it really isn't], as most of the Beer Lao sold in Thailand is bottled here.....not being the case up to 5-6 years ago. Mai phen rai.
  12. Of course. Private sector. ???? A private sector that is highly controlled, regulated and operated by government bodies.
  13. Imagine the world if everyone comprehended this statement - especially from Occidental circles, whom obviously are the most deluded as to their instinctive manner of all things corrupt.
  14. To be expected, such stories are deluded city slicker centric [BKK in particular] which has little to do with the real market values/worth of property and housing within most of the country.
  15. Yes, of course. The mask thing. Out of a curious "what if" speculation scenario - wonder how they might react to a mass silent refusal movement by locals as well as visitors.........most of which are weary of the indecisiveness and fabricated paranoia brought on by the beloved authority figures, who seem to be hanging on to the established narratives or whatever. The time is now to get over ourselves. These statements could easily apply everywhere, the world over.
  16. They must be offering fire sale prices these days, as I don't know of anyone that flies Thai Airways [international routes] largely because of their ridiculous high cost that matches their diminishing in-flight and dodgy general customer service.
  17. Yep. Absolutely nothing to be worshiped and the promotions thereof.
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